Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  Where does the conversation most likely take place?

        (A) In a flower shop

        (B) In a factory

        (C) In a car rental agency

        (D) In an auto shop

33.  What is the problem?

        (A) The woman ran out of fuel.

        (B) The woman crashed her car.

        (C) A vehicle won’t start.

        (D) A car has a flat tire.

34.  What does the man say he will do next?

        (A) Retrieve some tools

        (B) Give the woman a ride

        (C) Check the wire connections

        (D) Deliver some merchandise

35.  In which department do the speakers work?

        (A) Advertising

        (B) Sales

        (C) Accounting

        (D) Human Resources

36.  What does the man suggest that the women do?

        (A) Arrange a workspace

        (B) Print a document

        (C) Make a reservation

        (D) Begin some training

37.  What does Priyanka Kapoor ask for?

        (A) Some work samples

        (B) A menu

        (C) An e-mail address

        (D) Some office supplies

38.  Why was the restaurant recommended to the man?

        (A) It is running a special promotion.

        (B) It has good vegetarian options.

        (C) It has hired a new head chef.

        (D) It has a wide range of desserts.

39.  What does the woman say is happening next month?

        (A) The restaurant is adding a new pasta dish.

        (B) Entrée prices will go up.

        (C) A home delivery service will begin.

        (D) A food supplier is changing.

40.  What will the woman most likely do next?

        (A) Check an item’s ingredients

        (B) Bring out a food sample

        (C) Print out a receipt

        (D) Give the man some change

41.  Why is the man calling the woman?

        (A) To book a taxi

        (B) To request a refund

        (C) To confirm an order

        (D) To complain about a service

42.  What does the woman suggest?

        (A) Paying online

        (B) Applying for an account

        (C) Making a donation

        (D) Subscribing to a magazine

43.  What does the woman offer to do?

        (A) Send the man a free gift

        (B) Deliver an item in person

        (C) Reduce the price of some merchandise

        (D) Ask her boss to call the man

44.  What is the main topic of the conversation?

        (A) A skills workshop

        (B) A fundraising event

        (C) A recruitment fair

        (D) A seasonal sale

45.  What does Desmond mention about Rickard Avenue?

        (A) It is known for heavy traffic.

        (B) It is currently inaccessible.

        (C) It is located far away from a venue.

        (D) It has many parking spaces.

46.  What does the woman suggest?

        (A) Having a meal together

        (B) Using public transportation

        (C) Following alternate directions

        (D) Renting some equipment

47.  According to the man, what was the company unable to do?

        (A) Provide a refund

        (B) Upload a document

        (C) Process a payment

        (D) Host a conference

48.  What does the man offer to do for the woman?

        (A) Arrange transportation

        (B) Make a reservation

        (C) Carry some luggage

        (D) Clean a room

49.  Why does the woman need to leave soon?

        (A) Traffic will be bad.

        (B) A store is closing.

        (C) A meeting will start.

        (D) Some visitors have arrived.

50.  What is the woman doing on Wednesday?

        (A) Starting a new job

        (B) Hosting a fundraiser

        (C) Attending a conference

        (D) Appearing on a news show

51.  Why does the woman say, “You are the event organizer, after all”?

        (A) To explain a promotion

        (B) To criticize an error

        (C) To assign a responsibility

        (D) To justify a request

52.  What does the man need to do on Wednesday?

        (A) Visit some contributors

        (B) Pick up an order

        (C) Make a bank deposit

        (D) Finish a design

53. What does the woman mention about the posters?

        (A) They will be displayed the following week.

        (B) They will be sent to international offices.

        (C) They will be printed solely in black and white.

        (D) They will be distributed to clients.

54.  What problem does the man report?

        (A) There is incorrect information on the poster.

        (B) He has to leave the office early.

        (C) Delivery prices have risen recently.

        (D) Some ink will take too long to dry.

55.  What does the woman recommend doing?

        (A) E-mailing a document to each branch

        (B) Posting information on a message board

        (C) Using a professional service

        (D) Purchasing a new office appliance

56. Where most likely are the speakers?

        (A) At a clinic

        (B) At a sporting event

        (C) At a pharmacy

        (D) At a spa

57.  What does the man mean when he says, “I’ve never used it before”?

        (A) He is surprised by some results.

        (B) He is upset about making a mistake.

        (C) He would prefer to try a different product.

        (D) He is hoping to receive some information.

58.  Where will the speakers most likely go next?

        (A) To a drive-thru service

        (B) To a nearby park

        (C) To a photo printer

        (D) To a phone store

59.  What about the woman impressed the man?

        (A) Her writing style

        (B) Her interview performance

        (C) Her letters of reference

        (D) Her educational experience

60.  Why does the woman say she is interested in the job?

        (A) She would like to have more flexible hours.

        (B) She wants to cover more serious topics.

        (C) Her current employer is going out of business.

        (D) She wants a much higher pay rate.

61.  According to the man, what does the job require?

        (A) A deep knowledge about fashion

        (B) Familiarity with international cuisine

        (C) A willingness to travel abroad

        (D) Experience in managing others

Zane’s Office Supplies 

Membership Coupon 

Spend $25 -> 5% off

Spend $50 -> 10% off

Spend $75 -> 15% off

Spend $100 -> 20% off 

Enter discount code AQ4233
at checkout

62.  What is the woman trying to buy?

        (A) Keyboards

        (B) Ink

        (C) Staples

        (D) Paper

63.  Look at the graphic. Which discount should the woman receive?

        (A) 5% off

        (B) 10% off

        (C) 15% off

        (D) 20% off

64.  What does the man offer to do?

        (A) Update a catalogue

        (B) Arrange a delivery

        (C) Provide additional savings

        (D) Check with a coworker

65.  What project will the speakers be working on?

        (A) Creating some advertisements

        (B) Relocating an office

        (C) Planning a business trip

        (D) Opening a restaurant

66.  Look at the graphic. Which date will the woman attend the festival?

        (A) April 17

        (B) April 18

        (C) April 19

        (D) April 20

67.  Who is Charles Kinney?

        (A) A designer

        (B) A professor

        (C) A writer

        (D) A business owner

Corsair Airways Flight CA 56, July 25 Toronto to London, One-way Ticket

Standard Economy


Premium Economy


Business Traveler


Business Plus


68.  Where is the conversation most likely taking place?

        (A) At an airport

        (B) In a hotel

        (C) In a travel agency

        (D) On an airplane

69.  Look at the graphic. What type of ticket does the woman purchase?

        (A) Standard Economy

        (B) Premium Economy

        (C) Business Traveler

        (D) Business Plus

70.  What special request does the woman make?

        (A) She would prefer to take a later flight.

        (B) She would like a specific meal.

        (C) She requires transportation to a hotel.

        (D) She wants a room with a nice view.

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  What will listeners most likely do when they finish writing?

        (A) Gather together for a meal

        (B) Present their papers to the class

        (C) Listen to a speech

        (D) Watch a short film

72.  What does the speaker remind listeners about?

        (A) The deadline for a payment

        (B) A common negotiating error

        (C) An upcoming assignment

        (D) The cancellation of a class

73.  What does the speaker say can be found on a Web site?

        (A) Next month’s schedule

        (B) A speaker’s profile

        (C) A list of workshop fees

        (D) Potential topic ideas

74.  What kind of event is being discussed?

        (A) A staff training workshop

        (B) A recruitment fair

        (C) A product launch

        (D) An annual office party

75.  According to the speaker, what can listeners do by e-mail?

        (A) Request an information package

        (B) Reserve a ticket for the event

        (C) Sign up to be a volunteer

        (D) Inquire about job opportunities

76.  Why should listeners arrive early on Monday?

        (A) To register for a company event

        (B) To attend a product demonstration

        (C) To meet with the personnel manager

        (D) To help clean up the offices

77.  What is the speaker mainly discussing?

        (A) A food fair

        (B) A catering company

        (C) A grand opening

        (D) A recipe book

78.  What does the speaker mean when she says, “I’ve had better”?

        (A) She was disappointed with a meal.

        (B) She thinks a price was too high.

        (C) She is pleased about some improvements.

        (D) She plans to return to a business.

79.  What will the speaker talk about next?

        (A) Business locations

        (B) Upcoming events

        (C) Menu options

        (D) Cooking tips

80.  Who most likely is the message for?

        (A) A government official

        (B) A marketing executive

        (C) A corporate accountant

        (D) A potential client

81.  Why is the speaker calling?

        (A) To delay a scheduled delivery

        (B) To update his contact information

        (C) To alter an agreement

        (D) To request a refund

82.  What does the speaker say he will do tomorrow?

        (A) Specify a deadline

        (B) Submit his resignation

        (C) Process an order

        (D) Sign a contract

83.  Where is the talk taking place?

        (A) In a factory

        (B) In a restaurant

        (C) In a supermarket

        (D) In a hospital

84.  Why does the speaker say, “It’s his first day”?

        (A) To suggest holding a celebration

        (B) To excuse a coworker’s mistake

        (C) To ask the listeners for some feedback

        (D) To remind the listeners to be helpful

85.  According to the speaker, what will happen on Tuesday?

        (A) Additional workers will be hired.

        (B) A training workshop will be held.

        (C) Performance reviews will be carried out.

        (D) Employees will gather for a meal.

86.  Who most likely is the speaker?

        (A) A head chef

        (B) A supermarket manager

        (C) A farmer

        (D) A food critic

87.  What problem does the speaker mention?

        (A) A shipment of supplies has arrived late.

        (B) Customers are not getting their orders quickly.

        (C) Operating hours have to be decreased.

        (D) Public Health Standards have not been met.

88.  What are the station leaders expected to do?

        (A) Work an extra hour each evening

        (B) Talk about a pay cut with the employer

        (C) Teach workers a new safety procedure

        (D) Notify workers of their new schedule

89.  What has the speaker recently done?

        (A) Remodeled a house

        (B) Published a book

        (C) Attended a concert

        (D) Moved to a new city

90.  What does the speaker want to discuss?

        (A) Researching local building regulations

        (B) Negotiating a lower price for real estate

        (C) Applying for construction permits

        (D) Improving the appearance of properties

91.  What does the speaker encourage listeners to do?

        (A) Join a mailing list

        (B) Tour a facility

        (C) Order a novel

        (D) Visit a Web site

92.  Why is the speaker calling?

        (A) To recommend some tourist destinations

        (B) To extend an invitation to an event

        (C) To confirm arrangements for a trip

        (D) To discuss accommodation options

93.  What will the speaker do on Friday?

        (A) Demonstrate a product

        (B) Speak at a conference

        (C) Join a city tour

        (D) Travel to the airport

94.  What does the speaker mean when she says, “our flight is at 12”?

        (A) An itinerary has been changed.

        (B) The listener’s preferred flight was unavailable.

        (C) There will be no time for sightseeing.

        (D) A meeting might need to be canceled.

Cabin Name


Maple Cabin

3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms

Sunrise Cabin

4 bedrooms/2 bathrooms

Creek Cabin

5 bedrooms/3 bathrooms

Rocky Cabin

6 bedrooms/3 bathrooms

95.  Who most likely is the speaker?

        (A) A tour guide

        (B) A travel agent

        (C) A park employee

        (D) A climbing instructor

96.  Look at the graphic. Which cabin has been reserved for the listener?

        (A) Maple Cabin

        (B) Sunrise Cabin

        (C) Creek Cabin

        (D) Rocky Cabin

97.  What should the listener do on Saturday?

        (A) Fill out a form

        (B) Make a payment

        (C) Rent equipment

        (D) Present a form of ID

Grill Cleaning Process

Step 1

Remove food scraps
from grill using scraper

Step 2

Turn off grill and allow to cool
for at least 5 minutes

Step 3

Apply anti-grease solution
and scrub grill surface

Step 4

Clean grill surface using cloths
and soapy water

98.  What is the purpose of the talk?

        (A) To introduce new kitchen equipment

        (B) To discuss customer complaints

        (C) To welcome new employees

        (D) To review safety guidelines

99.  Look at the graphic. Which step does the speaker want to change?

        (A) Step 1

        (B) Step 2

        (C) Step 3

        (D) Step 4

100. What will probably happen next?

        (A) Some equipment will be repaired.

        (B) A restaurant will open for business.

        (C) A demonstration will be given.

        (D) Some floors will be mopped.

Answer Key

Answer Key

1 (B)   2 (B)   3 (D)   4 (B)  

5 (B)   6 (A)

7 (C)   8 (B)   9 (C)   10 (A)  

11 (C)   12 (A)   13 (B)   14 (A)  

15 (B)   16 (A)   17 (C)   18 (B)  

19 (B)   20 (C)   21 (C)   22 (A)  

23 (C)   24 (B)   25 (B)   26 (B)  

27 (C)   28 (C)   29 (A)   30 (C)  

31 (B)  

32 (A)   33 (C)   34 (C)   35 (B)  

36 (D)   37 (A)   38 (B)   39 (D)  

40 (A)   41 (C)   42 (B)   43 (D)  

44 (B)   45 (D)   46 (A)   47 (C)  

48 (B)   49 (A)   50 (D)   51 (D)  

52 (A)   53 (A)   54 (D)   55 (C)  

56 (C)   57 (D)   58 (C)   59 (A)  

60 (B)   61 (C)   62 (D)   63 (C)  

64 (D)   65 (A)   66 (A)   67 (C)  

68 (C)   69 (D)   70 (B)  

71 (C)   72 (C)   73 (D)   74 (B)  

75 (C)   76 (D)   77 (C)   78 (A)  

79 (D)   80 (B)   81 (C)   82 (A)  

83 (D)   84 (D)   85 (D)   86 (A)  

87 (B)   88 (D)   89 (B)   90 (D)  

91 (A)   92 (C)   93 (B)   94 (C)  

95 (C)   96 (C)   97 (B)   98 (D)  

99 (B)   100 (C)