Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  What is the purpose of the conversation?

        (A) To resolve some complaints

        (B) To compare cable services

        (C) To evaluate a product

        (D) To install some equipment

33.  What department does the man work in?

        (A) Accounting

        (B) Customer Service

        (C) Information Technology

        (D) Marketing

34.  What does the man suggest?

        (A) Updating a Web site

        (B) Recording a message

        (C) Sending a pamphlet

        (D) Hiring more staff

35.  What complaint does the man have about the breakfast service?

        (A) The operating hours are too short.

        (B) The food is not good.

        (C) The dining area is crowded.

        (D) The price is too high.

36.  What does the woman suggest the man do?

        (A) Come to the breakfast earlier

        (B) Eat at a different location

        (C) Order a meal from room service

        (D) Wait until lunchtime to eat

37.  Why does the man reject the woman’s suggestion?

        (A) He does not want to spend extra money.

        (B) He does not want to wake up earlier.

        (C) He does not want to eat alone.

        (D) He does not want to leave the hotel.

38.  What type of event is being discussed?

        (A) A theatrical play

        (B) A sports game

        (C) A music festival

        (D) A movie premiere

39.  What do the men decide to do?

        (A) Check a schedule

        (B) Leave the office early

        (C) Use public transportation

        (D) Upgrade some tickets

40.  What will the woman most likely do next?

        (A) Make a phone call

        (B) Send an e-mail

        (C) Print some documents

        (D) Make a reservation

41.  What are the speakers discussing?

        (A) A news article

        (B) A vacation plan

        (C) An upcoming performance

        (D) A new product

42.  What does the man say he will do this afternoon?

        (A) Finish an assignment

        (B) Visit a location

        (C) Contact a client

        (D) Watch a video

43.  What does the woman suggest?

        (A) Attracting more investors

        (B) Confirming a reservation

        (C) Decreasing a price

        (D) Adding to a schedule

44.  What feature does the woman mention about the Point Hotel?

        (A) The low price

        (B) The well-reviewed restaurants

        (C) The beautiful scenery

        (D) The friendly customer service

45.  What does the man say he has done?

        (A) He made a special request.

        (B) He arranged a pick-up service.

        (C) He booked a flight.

        (D) He spoke with some colleagues.

46.  What does the woman invite the man to do?

        (A) Attend a sporting event

        (B) Go sightseeing

        (C) Share a cab

        (D) Swim in the ocean

47.  What type of business do the speakers work for?

        (A) A marketing firm

        (B) A construction company

        (C) A real estate agency

        (D) A publishing company

48.  What did Natalie Romanov suggest?

        (A) Joining a class

        (B) Signing up for another seminar

        (C) Holding a training session

        (D) Reading a book

49.  What does the woman say she will do?

        (A) Reschedule an appointment

        (B) Make a purchase

        (C) Contact a colleague

        (D) Copy a document

50.  What does the woman ask the man to do?

        (A) Set up some equipment

        (B) Review some data

        (C) Contact the clients

        (D) Reserve a meeting space

51.  What does the woman plan to do today?

        (A) Visit the head office

        (B) Prepare a room

        (C) Conduct interviews

        (D) Lead a training class

52.  Why does the woman say, “I just joined the firm”?

        (A) To show concern about too much responsibility

        (B) To express gratitude for a career opportunity

        (C) To ask the man for his advice on a decision

        (D) To explain why she is unable to assist the man

53. Why did the men travel to Miami?

        (A) To open a new store

        (B) To inspect a factory

        (C) To attend a conference

        (D) To acquire new business

54.  What problem does Thomas say he had?

        (A) He was late to a meeting.

        (B) He forgot some information.

        (C) He lost an important document.

        (D) He didn’t keep any receipts.

55.  According to the woman, what will be included in a handbook?

        (A) Product listings

        (B) Survey data

        (C) Employee information

        (D) Store locations

56. What are the speakers planning to do in November?

        (A) Play a concert

        (B) Record an album

        (C) Begin a lease

        (D) Purchase some instruments

57.  What does the man mean when he says, “I think there are some apartments next door”?

        (A) A room will be noisy.

        (B) He wants to rent a room.

        (C) Another location is preferable.

        (D) Several stores are nearby.

58.  What does the woman say she will do?

        (A) Move some equipment

        (B) Hire a professional

        (C) Sign a document

        (D) Speak with a contractor

59.  Where does the conversation most likely take place?

        (A) At an interview

        (B) At a university

        (C) At a trade exhibition

        (D) At a factory

60.  What does the woman’s company sell?

        (A) Navigation equipment

        (B) Home appliances

        (C) Heavy machinery

        (D) Engine parts

61.  How does the woman prefer to be contacted?

        (A) By social media

        (B) By fax

        (C) By e-mail

        (D) By telephone

Don’t miss the event of the year!

Saturday, July 18, 6:00 P.M.

RSVP to Kayla Briggs: 555-0987

Menu Choices

  1 – Shrimp alfredo pasta

  2 – Grilled fish and vegetables

  3 – Lemon roasted chicken

  3 – Three bean casserole

62.  What kind of event is being held?

        (A) An awards ceremony

        (B) A charity dinner

        (C) A grand opening

        (D) A sales promotion

63.  Look at the graphic. Which meal will the man have?

        (A) Choice 1

        (B) Choice 2

        (C) Choice 3

        (D) Choice 4

64.  What does the woman encourage the man to do?

        (A) Drive to the event

        (B) Invite a friend

        (C) Make a donation

        (D) Sign a guest list

Altoona Fitness Center

Towel rental (per item)

Membership card replacement

Equipment deposit (per day)

Class registration (per week)





65.  What does the woman say will happen soon?

        (A) A facility will close.

        (B) Some equipment will be repaired.

        (C) A class will start.

        (D) A special offer will end.

66.  Look at the graphic. How much will the man have to pay?

        (A) $1.50

        (B) $5.00

        (C) $10.00

        (D) $25.00

67.  What will the man most likely do next?

        (A) Complete a document

        (B) Make a reservation

        (C) Purchase an item

        (D) Leave a card

68.  Look at the graphic. Which sign did the man refer to?

        (A) Sign 1

        (B) Sign 2

        (C) Sign 3

        (D) Sign 4

69.  Why is the man at the city hall?

        (A) To pay a fine

        (B) To meet an official

        (C) To tour a building

        (D) To apply for a permit

70.  What does the woman give to the man?

        (A) A pamphlet

        (B) A ticket

        (C) A city map

        (D) A schedule

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  According to the speaker, what is being delayed?

        (A) A grand opening

        (B) A move-in date

        (C) A delivery time

        (D) A job contract

72.  Why does the speaker apologize?

        (A) Some repairs were not done.

        (B) An employee missed a meeting.

        (C) A payment is higher than expected.

        (D) Some information was incorrect.

73.  What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

        (A) Sign a form

        (B) Open an account

        (C) Purchase some furniture

        (D) Recruit some helpers

74.  What is the speaker helping to organize?

        (A) A fundraiser

        (B) A company trip

        (C) A merger

        (D) A retirement dinner

75.  What does the speaker say she will do later today?

        (A) Make a reservation

        (B) Submit a report

        (C) Prepare a presentation

        (D) Promote an employee

76.  What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

        (A) Forward an e-mail

        (B) Visit a Web site

        (C) Attend a workshop

        (D) Gather some information

77.  Who is visiting the agency this weekend?

        (A) An executive

        (B) A celebrity

        (C) A designer

        (D) A writer

78.  What did the speaker send to the listener?

        (A) The address of a café

        (B) A flight itinerary

        (C) Tickets to an event

        (D) Promotional items

79.  Why does the speaker say, “you have my cell phone number”?

        (A) To request frequent updates

        (B) To confirm contact information

        (C) To change a meeting time

        (D) To offer additional help

80.  Where is the announcement being made?

        (A) In a TV studio

        (B) In a movie theater

        (C) In a sports stadium

        (D) In a department store

81.  What problem does the speaker mention?

        (A) A product is sold out.

        (B) An event has been delayed.

        (C) A price will increase.

        (D) The weather will be bad.

82.  According to the speaker, why should the listeners talk with a staff member?

        (A) To request a refund

        (B) To report a missing item

        (C) To sign up for a membership

        (D) To purchase a ticket

83.  Who is the speaker talking to?

        (A) Construction workers

        (B) New tenants

        (C) Security guards

        (D) Prospective clients

84.  What does the speaker imply when she says, “The elevators are equipped with scanners”?

        (A) Listeners can only use the stairs.

        (B) Listeners will need to use their cards.

        (C) Some renovations are finished.

        (D) The elevator has the newest technology.

85.  What does the speaker say has recently changed?

        (A) A transportation route

        (B) A floor layout

        (C) A store location

        (D) An employee handbook

86.  Where does the speaker most likely work?

        (A) At a department store

        (B) At a factory

        (C) At a library

        (D) At a post office

87.  What problem does the speaker report?

        (A) A large order is due.

        (B) A manager is absent.

        (C) A delivery is missing.

        (D) Some equipment has malfunctioned.

88.  What will the speaker allow the listener to do?

        (A) Receive a promotion

        (B) Take a longer break

        (C) Claim overtime pay

        (D) Change a schedule

89.  What does the speaker remind the listeners to do by Wednesday?

        (A) Attend a training class

        (B) Sign up for a trip

        (C) Submit measurements

        (D) Purchase equipment

90.  What good news does the speaker mention?

        (A) The restaurant received a positive review.

        (B) A menu has been modified.

        (C) New employees have been recruited.

        (D) Many reservations have been made.

91.  Why does the speaker say, “our system is currently being updated”?

        (A) To request assistance

        (B) To explain a delay

        (C) To praise a colleague’s work

        (D) To suggest some improvements

92.  What does the speaker thank the listeners for?

        (A) Working overtime

        (B) Postponing a vacation

        (C) Participating in a survey

        (D) Attending a seminar

93.  In which division do the listeners most likely work?

        (A) Marketing

        (B) Accounting

        (C) Sales

        (D) Development

94.  What does the speaker say she will provide?

        (A) Bonus pay

        (B) Holiday time

        (C) Dinner

        (D) Accommodations

95.  Which department is the speaker calling?

        (A) Marketing

        (B) Administration

        (C) Human Resources

        (D) Public Relations

96.  Look at the graphic. What information does the speaker say is incorrect?

        (A) 11278

        (B) 01/26

        (C) 07/25

        (D) 89

97.  What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

        (A) Issue a new card

        (B) Return a call

        (C) Arrange a meeting

        (D) Provide instructions

Wire World Floor Directory

Fourth Floor: Cameras

Third Floor: Computers

Second Floor: Televisions & Monitors

First Floor: Game Consoles & Mobile Phones

98.  Why is the sale being held?

        (A) To celebrate a holiday

        (B) To prepare for a store closing

        (C) To promote a new product

        (D) To thank long-term employees

99.  Look at the graphic. Which floor is the sale on?

        (A) The first floor

        (B) The second floor

        (C) The third floor

        (D) The fourth floor

100. According to the speaker, what is available on a Web site?

        (A) An additional sale

        (B) A product review

        (C) A promotional video

        (D) A membership application

Answer Key

Answer Key

1 (B)   2 (A)   3 (A)   4 (B)   5 (B)

6 (A)

7 (B)   8 (B)   9 (C)   10 (A)

11 (A)   12 (B)   13 (C)   14 (C)

15 (A)   16 (C)   17 (A)   18 (A)

19 (C)   20 (A)   21 (C)   22 (C)

23 (C)   24 (A)   25 (C)   26 (A)

27 (B)   28 (B)   29 (A)   30 (B)

31 (C)

32 (A)   33 (B)   34 (B)   35 (B)

36 (B)   37 (A)   38 (B)   39 (C)

40 (B)   41 (C)   42 (A)   43 (D)

44 (C)   45 (D)   46 (B)   47 (C)

48 (D)   49 (B)   50 (B)   51 (B)

52 (A)   53 (D)   54 (B)   55 (D)

56 (B)   57 (A)   58 (D)   59 (C)

60 (A)   61 (C)   62 (B)   63 (C)

64 (A)   65 (C)   66 (A)   67 (D)

68 (B)   69 (C)   70 (A)

71 (B)   72 (A)   73 (A)   74 (B)

75 (C)   76 (B)   77 (C)   78 (A)

79 (D)   80 (C)   81 (D)   82 (D)

83 (B)   84 (B)   85 (A)   86 (B)

87 (A)   88 (C)   89 (C)   90 (D)

91 (B)   92 (A)   93 (B)   94 (C)

95 (B)   96 (D)   97 (B)   98 (A)

99 (C)   100 (D)