Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  Where does the man work?

        (A) At a restaurant

        (B) At a cleaning service

        (C) At a hotel

        (D) At a travel agency

33.  What does the man recommend doing?

        (A) Making a payment by credit card

        (B) Calling another phone number

        (C) Paying a service fee in advance

        (D) Eating at a nearby restaurant

34.  What can the woman get at the front desk?

        (A) A coupon

        (B) A local map

        (C) A delivery menu

        (D) A restaurant guide

35.  Where is the conversation taking place?

        (A) At a call center

        (B) At a clinic

        (C) At a pharmacy

        (D) At a dry cleaner’s

36.  What problem does the woman mention?

        (A) An item has not been prepared.

        (B) An order form was not received.

        (C) An employee arrived at work late.

        (D) An error was found in a document.

37.  What does the man plan to do?

        (A) Call his doctor

        (B) Return at a later time

        (C) Use a delivery service

        (D) Cancel an order

38.  What is the conversation mainly about?

        (A) A dissatisfied customer

        (B) An office rental

        (C) A work schedule

        (D) A test drive

39.  Why did Dan not answer his phone?

        (A) The battery was dead.

        (B) He was taking another call.

        (C) He didn’t hear it ring.

        (D) His phone was at home.

40.  What does the woman plan to do next?

        (A) Call Dan again

        (B) Take a break

        (C) Get some car keys

        (D) Talk to the manager

41.  What topic did the woman write about?

        (A) The best winter activities

        (B) Popular mountain resorts

        (C) The most beautiful landscapes

        (D) Good spots for skiing

42.  When will the magazine article appear?

        (A) In November

        (B) In December

        (C) In January

        (D) In February

43.  What does the man ask the woman to do?

        (A) Provide a list of sources

        (B) Send some photographs

        (C) Make the article longer

        (D) Approve a magazine layout.

44.  Where most likely does the woman work?

        (A) At a tennis club

        (B) At a clothing store

        (C) At a sporting goods store

        (D) At a retail call center

45.  What problem does the man have?

        (A) His coupon is expired.

        (B) His tennis racket is broken.

        (C) His soccer jersey is the wrong size.

        (D) He forgot his wallet in the hotel.

46.  What does the woman advise the man to do?

        (A) Return on another day

        (B) Leave a message for a supervisor

        (C) Look through a recent catalog

        (D) Talk to a customer representative

47.  What project will the speakers participate in?

        (A) Cleaning up a parking lot

        (B) Organizing a company event

        (C) Raising money for charity

        (D) Planting trees in a park

48.  What will the man do on Sunday evening?

        (A) Attend a picnic

        (B) Go shopping

        (C) Spend time with family

        (D) See a movie

49.  According to the man, what should people bring to the event?

        (A) Some money

        (B) Planting equipment

        (C) Some food

        (D) A picnic blanket

50.  Who most likely are the speakers?

        (A) Publishing executives

        (B) Construction workers

        (C) Weather forecasters

        (D) Marketing analysts

51.  What are the speakers worried about?

        (A) They might fall behind schedule.

        (B) The materials will arrive late.

        (C) A contract may not be renewed.

        (D) There is too much competition.

52.  What does the man say he will do?

        (A) Contact the head office

        (B) Begin work immediately

        (C) Hire more crew members

        (D) Gather people to work overtime

53. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

        (A) A supervisor’s overseas transfer

        (B) A company expansion

        (C) An upcoming board meeting

        (D) A coworker’s promotion

54.  What does the man suggest doing?

        (A) Purchasing a gift

        (B) Making an announcement

        (C) Having a celebration

        (D) Changing a meeting time

55.  What does the woman say she will do?

        (A) Send out a memo

        (B) Reserve a meeting room

        (C) Place a food order

        (D) Collect some money

56. Why will Hassan arrive late for the workshop?

        (A) He is stuck in traffic.

        (B) His flight was delayed.

        (C) He can’t find the building.

        (D) His meeting ran late.

57.  What did Hassan ask the woman to do?

        (A) Review the introduction notes

        (B) Hold the clients for thirty minutes

        (C) Change the meeting time

        (D) Make some copies of a file

58.  What does the woman plan to do next?

        (A) Decorate a meeting space

        (B) Give Hassan a return call

        (C) Pick up some equipment

        (D) Contact some clients

59.  What are the speakers doing?

        (A) Reading through a document

        (B) Setting up a meeting room

        (C) Preparing to leave an office

        (D) Driving to a building

60.  What does the man imply when he says, “Then we definitely need to take care of that”?

        (A) A printer should be fixed.

        (B) He agrees to write a new proposal.

        (C) Some errors should be corrected.

        (D) Some meetings will be postponed.

61.  What is suggested about Ms. Caldwell?

        (A) She is often late for meetings.

        (B) She has a busy schedule.

        (C) She is a new client.

        (D) She often takes the bus to work.

62.  Where is the conversation taking place?

        (A) At a clothing store

        (B) At an electronics store

        (C) At a hardware store

        (D) At a furniture store

63.  Why does one of the men say, “We were way off”?

        (A) He misunderstood a process.

        (B) He measured a unit incorrectly.

        (C) He parked too far away.

        (D) He thought the item was discounted.

64.  What does the woman imply about the products?

        (A) They should be carried to her truck.

        (B) They can be picked up at the warehouse.

        (C) They will arrive unassembled.

        (D) They are no longer available.

65.  What has the woman done recently?

        (A) Founded her own company

        (B) Transferred between cities

        (C) Bought some appliances

        (D) Registered with a database

66.  Look at the graphic. Which location will the woman choose?

        (A) Harvest Dr.

        (B) Cooper St.

        (C) Ellis Rd.

        (D) Hampton Ave.

67.  What will the man do next?

        (A) Negotiate a better price

        (B) Print a copy of a rental agreement

        (C) Return keys to a landlord

        (D) Search for some information

68.  What is the purpose of the call?

        (A) To show appreciation

        (B) To assign a task

        (C) To share a trial result

        (D) To report a problem

69.  What is indicated about the equipment?

        (A) It was recently repaired.

        (B) It malfunctions from time to time.

        (C) It uses a lot of energy.

        (D) It had never been used before.

70.  Look at the graphic. Which brand had a 10-hour battery life in Trial 1?

        (A) Infinity

        (B) Marcos

        (C) Nashua

        (D) Pyramid

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  Where does the speaker most likely work?

        (A) At a research laboratory

        (B) At a government office

        (C) At a television studio

        (D) At an advertising agency

72.  What is impressive about Mr. Jackson?

        (A) His writing skills

        (B) His educational background

        (C) His contribution to his company

        (D) His extensive experience

73.  What does the speaker offer to do?

        (A) Extend a submission deadline

        (B) Provide a reference letter

        (C) Review Mr. Jackson’s résumé

        (D) Give information to a coworker

74.  What is the broadcast mainly about?

        (A) A sports match

        (B) A theater production

        (C) A movie premiere

        (D) A rock concert

75.  What is indicated about the event?

        (A) It has been postponed.

        (B) It happens once a year.

        (C) There was a change in the venue.

        (D) There are no tickets left.

76.  When is the event scheduled to take place?

        (A) After the news

        (B) This evening

        (C) Tomorrow night

        (D) In two days

77.  Who most likely is the audience?

        (A) Apartment residents

        (B) Management staff

        (C) Fitness instructors

        (D) Construction workers

78.  What are listeners confused about?

        (A) When a service is available

        (B) How long a renovation will take

        (C) Whom to contact for repairs

        (D) Whether guests can access an area

79.  What are listeners informed about?

        (A) A tenant survey will be conducted.

        (B) Various payment options are available.

        (C) A new billing schedule was introduced.

        (D) Equipment repairs have begun.

80.  What is the talk mainly about?

        (A) A design competition

        (B) A research award

        (C) A networking solution

        (D) A management issue

81.  What occurred last year?

        (A) The Web site’s design was changed.

        (B) The company received a nomination.

        (C) The speaker accepted a prize.

        (D) The ceremony was postponed.

82.  What are listeners encouraged to do?

        (A) Apply for a new team

        (B) Cast a vote

        (C) Make suggestions

        (D) Work overtime

83.  Who is Solomon Rivera?

        (A) A scientist

        (B) A filmmaker

        (C) A painter

        (D) An author

84.  According to the speaker, how is Mr. Rivera’s work unique?

        (A) It includes powerful scenes.

        (B) It shows what life is like in a new country.

        (C) It has won many important awards.

        (D) It attracts an international audience.

85.  What will happen after the talk?

        (A) The speaker will interview a special guest.

        (B) Mr. Rivera will give out his books.

        (C) Mr. Rivera will offer autographs to visitors.

        (D) The listeners will watch a film.

86.  What is the main topic of the announcement?

        (A) Installation of a new software program

        (B) Extended hours for a dental clinic

        (C) A new method of dental treatment

        (D) A change in healthcare regulations

87.  What benefit of the change is mentioned?

        (A) It will allow easier access to information.

        (B) It will reduce complaints from patients.

        (C) It will free up useful storage space.

        (D) It will significantly increase patient health.

88.  What has Ms. Tidwell volunteered to do?

        (A) Contact a database company

        (B) Back up some information

        (C) Notify patients of a change

        (D) Answer questions about a system

89.  What new service is mentioned?

        (A) Banquet catering

        (B) Online ordering

        (C) A low-budget option

        (D) Out-of-town delivery

90.  What is available on the Web site?

        (A) A list of catering suppliers

        (B) Feedback from satisfied clients

        (C) Designs for invitation cards

        (D) Photographs of an event hall

91.  What does the speaker mean when she says, “So don’t delay”?

        (A) An application deadline is approaching.

        (B) A store is open for a limited time.

        (C) A coupon will expire soon.

        (D) A sale will be held for one day only.

92.  What most likely is the speaker’s occupation?

        (A) A travel agent

        (B) An airline employee

        (C) An airplane pilot

        (D) A security guard

93.  What is Ms. Swift asked to do?

        (A) Show a boarding pass

        (B) Go to the specified gate

        (C) Return to a security area

        (D) Line up at an entrance

94.  What does the woman mean when she says, “Otherwise, it will be lost”?

        (A) She will give away a seat.

        (B) She cannot find a departure gate.

        (C) She cannot provide a ticket refund.

        (D) She will discard personal belongings.

95.  What is the workshop mainly about?

        (A) Mail catalog designs

        (B) Financial investments

        (C) Computer security

        (D) Internet-based businesses

96.  Look at the graphic. Which company does Jason Tennyson work for?

        (A) Hangout RX

        (B) Tech Volt

        (C) Savvy Co.

        (D) Azure World

97.  How can listeners find out more about the workshop?

        (A) By talking to the speaker

        (B) By listening to an announcement

        (C) By checking a Web site

        (D) By reading a handout

98.  Why is the speaker calling?

        (A) To arrange a delivery

        (B) To provide an order update

        (C) To explain shipping charges

        (D) To give a coupon code

99.  What will the speaker most likely do next?

        (A) Cancel the listener’s order

        (B) Refund a shipping charge

        (C) Send the listener a code

        (D) Update the listener’s address

100. Look at the graphic. What most likely is the origin of the ordered goods?

        (A) Mexico

        (B) Peru

        (C) India

        (D) Philippines

Answer Key

Answer Key

01.  (D)   02.  (C)   03.  (A)   04.  (D)   05.  (C)

06.  (B)   07.  (A)   08.  (C)   09.  (B)   10.  (C)

11.  (C)   12.  (A)   13.  (A)   14.  (B)   15.  (C)

16.  (B)   17.  (B)   18.  (C)   19.  (C)   20.  (B)

21.  (A)   22.  (B)   23.  (C)   24.  (A)   25.  (A)

26.  (C)   27.  (A)   28.  (A)   29.  (C)   30.  (C)

31.  (B)   32.  (C)   33.  (D)   34.  (A)   35.  (C)

36.  (A)   37.  (B)   38.  (D)   39.  (A)   40.  (C)

41.  (D)   42.  (C)   43.  (C)   44.  (C)   45.  (A)

46.  (D)   47.  (D)   48.  (A)   49.  (C)   50.  (B)

51.  (A)   52.  (D)   53.  (D)   54.  (C)   55.  (C)

56.  (A)   57.  (D)   58.  (C)   59.  (C)   60.  (C)

61.  (B)   62.  (D)   63.  (A)   64.  (C)   65.  (B)

66.  (A)   67.  (D)   68.  (D)   69.  (D)   70.  (B)

71.  (C)   72.  (A)   73.  (D)   74.  (A)   75.  (D)

76.  (C)   77.  (A)   78.  (D)   79.  (B)   80.  (A)

81.  (B)   82.  (C)   83.  (D)   84.  (B)   85.  (C)

86.  (A)   87.  (A)   88.  (B)   89.  (B)   90.  (D)

91.  (C)   92.  (B)   93.  (B)   94.  (A)   95.  (B)

96.  (C)   97.  (D)   98.  (B)   99.  (A)   100.  (D)