Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  Where do the speakers most likely work?

        (A) At a medical clinic

        (B) At a restaurant

        (C) At a school

        (D) At a movie theater

33.  Why does the woman reject the man’s invitation?

        (A) Her boss asked her to attend a meeting.

        (B) She is not particularly hungry.

        (C) She has to complete some work.

        (D) There is a meeting she must attend.

34.  What does the woman suggest about Mr. Nelson?

        (A) He is one of her co-workers.

        (B) He is on vacation.

        (C) He will be at lunch.

        (D) He is not busy now.

35.  What is the woman concerned about?

        (A) The price of some furniture

        (B) The size of an item

        (C) The time of a delivery

        (D) The color of an object

36.  What does the man say the delivery team will do?

        (A) Arrive in the afternoon

        (B) Bring their own tools

        (C) Move any obstructions

        (D) Assemble a product

37.  What does the woman request?

        (A) An invoice

        (B) A telephone call

        (C) A text message

        (D) A refund

38.  Why was the man’s flight canceled?

        (A) The plane arrived late from another airport.

        (B) The weather is too bad.

        (C) The plane has a mechanical problem.

        (D) No enough passengers booked tickets.

39.  What does the woman say about Flight 84?

        (A) It is departing from Madrid.

        (B) It still has seats available.

        (C) It will take off in forty minutes.

        (D) It is a nonstop flight.

40.  What is the man scheduled to do tonight?

        (A) Have a business meeting

        (B) Check in to his hotel

        (C) Contact his supervisor

        (D) Sign a contract

41.  Where do the speakers most likely work?

        (A) At a café

        (B) At a grocery store

        (C) At a bakery

        (D) At a restaurant

42.  What does the woman say about Elmer’s?

        (A) It recently opened.

        (B) It offers free delivery.

        (C) It is a foreign company.

        (D) It is trying to expand.

43.  What does the man tell the woman to do?

        (A) Get in touch with a company

        (B) Talk to customers about a product

        (C) Coordinate a survey

        (D) Make a large order of items

44.  What are the speakers mainly discussing?

        (A) The need to improve profits

        (B) A professional event

        (C) The lack of customers

        (D) A commercial advertisement

45.  What does the woman say about the speakers’ business?

        (A) It gets customers when others refer them.

        (B) It has been open for several years.

        (C) It recently opened a new branch in the city.

        (D) It has been losing money lately.

46.  What does the woman most likely mean when she says, “I’ll convince him”?

        (A) She believes that a product should be ordered.

        (B) She has a good relationship with a customer.

        (C) She thinks paying $1,000 is worth the money.

        (D) She knows the importance of purchasing ads.

47.  Who is the woman?

        (A) A real estate agent

        (B) A teacher

        (C) A city employee

        (D) A university student

48.  What does the man say about the rent?

        (A) It includes a parking pass.

        (B) He only accepts cash.

        (C) Utility fees are included in it.

        (D) It must be paid once a month.

49.  What type of transportation does the woman most likely use?

        (A) Subway

        (B) Car

        (C) Bus

        (D) Bicycle

50.  Who most likely is the woman?

        (A) A fan

        (B) A radio host

        (C) A writer

        (D) A book promoter

51.  Why is the man excited?

        (A) A new release is selling well.

        (B) He just signed with a new publisher.

        (C) He completed a novel last week.

        (D) A movie will be made of his book.

52.  What will the listeners most likely hear next?

        (A) A question from a caller

        (B) A local news update

        (C) A weather report

        (D) Some commercials

53. Who most likely is the man?

        (A) An attorney

        (B) A real estate agent

        (C) An interior decorator

        (D) A painter

54.  What do both women agree about?

        (A) They do not have enough time.

        (B) A job was not done well.

        (C) They need to talk to their boss.

        (D) An estimate is too high.

55.  What does the man promise to send by the end of the day?

        (A) A receipt

        (B) A list of necessary equipment

        (C) An itemized list

        (D) A revised report

56. What does the man imply when he says, “I already took care of that”?

        (A) He just signed up for a membership.

        (B) He does not need to meet the woman.

        (C) He applied for a transfer to a new branch.

        (D) He believes that he will be successful.

57.  What does the woman suggest doing?

        (A) Giving a speech at an event

        (B) Leading a group discussion

        (C) Driving to Chicago together

        (D) Updating the man’s personnel file

58.  What does the man suggest about the seminar?

        (A) It is located far from his present location.

        (B) It is scheduled to last for the entire weekend.

        (C) It is not worth paying a registration fee to attend.

        (D) It has several famous people attending.

59.  What are the speakers mainly talking about?

        (A) Schools in their neighborhood

        (B) An upcoming work project

        (C) A meeting they will attend soon

        (D) A carpooling opportunity

60.  What can be inferred about the man?

        (A) He is a new employee.

        (B) He lives in Triple Oaks.

        (C) He takes many business trips.

        (D) He is the women’s supervisor.

61.  What will the speakers most likely do in the future?

        (A) Drive to work together

        (B) Have their families meet

        (C) Move to a new location

        (D) Change their jobs

62.  Why does the man thank the woman?

        (A) She made some cookies for him.

        (B) She helped him with his preparations.

        (C) She organized a work party.

        (D) She gave him a recipe.

63.  Look at the graphic. Which amount does the woman suggest reducing?

        (A) 2 1/2 cups

        (B) 1 cup

        (C) 1 1/2 cups

        (D) 1 teaspoon

64.  What does the man say about the training session?

        (A) It has been postponed until later.

        (B) He managed to reserve a room for it.

        (C) The woman needs to lead a class.

        (D) There is a chance no one will attend it.

65.  Look at the graphic. Which book is overdue?

        (A) Taylor’s Run

        (B) The Art of Drawing

        (C) Musings from beside a Lake

        (D) The Amazon Rainforest

66.  What does the man say he will do?

        (A) Visit the library today

        (B) Renew his library card

        (C) Return a book tomorrow

        (D) Pay a fine with a check

67.  What does the woman tell the man?

        (A) His borrowing privileges have been suspended.

        (B) She can help him search for the books he needs.

        (C) He must return all of his books at once.

        (D) The library will be closed for the weekend.

68.  Look at the graphic. Who just finished speaking?

        (A) Brian Caldwell

        (B) Ted Colby

        (C) David Propst

        (D) Stephen Brooks

69.  What does the woman suggest?

        (A) The meeting has lasted for a long time.

        (B) She has to attend a luncheon soon.

        (C) There is no time to complete the meeting.

        (D) She wants to hear more about the previous topic.

70.  What will the speakers most likely do next?

        (A) Fill out some forms

        (B) Answer questions

        (C) Take a break

        (D) Conduct a vote

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  Who most likely is the speaker?

        (A) An instructor

        (B) A customer

        (C) An inventor

        (D) A director

72.  What is on the slides the speaker has?

        (A) Instructions

        (B) Pictures

        (C) Maps

        (D) Safety tips

73.  What will the listeners do after looking at the slides?

        (A) Tour a facility

        (B) Use a new product

        (C) Take a short quiz

        (D) Listen to a talk on safety

74.  What does the speaker say about the lecture series?

        (A) Only university students may attend it.

        (B) It is the first lecture of the year.

        (C) A small fee is required to attend.

        (D) Attendance is normally low.

75.  What will Dr. Addison Monroe speak about?

        (A) His recent book

        (B) A discovery that he made

        (C) A paper that he wrote

        (D) Some medical research

76.  What will happen at the end of Dr. Addison Monroe’s speech?

        (A) He will answer questions.

        (B) He will sign copies of his book.

        (C) He will show a short film.

        (D) He will have dinner with some people.

77.  What does the speaker suggest about the weather?

        (A) The cool weather is unusual for the season.

        (B) It has been raining constantly.

        (C) There will be rain the following day.

        (D) There is a possibility of snow in the forecast.

78.  Why does the speaker mention Coldwater Creek?

        (A) To say it flooded in one place

        (B) To warn listeners to stay away from it

        (C) To state its normal water level

        (D) To encourage listeners to swim in it

79.  What does the speaker say will happen soon?

        (A) Emergency aid will arrive.

        (B) More flooding of rivers will occur.

        (C) Road repair work will begin.

        (D) Local water levels will decline.

80.  What is the announcement mainly about?

        (A) Building renovations

        (B) An upcoming inspection

        (C) The closure of some offices

        (D) New tenants who are moving in

81.  What does the speaker encourage listeners to do?

        (A) Avoid a building on the weekend

        (B) Pay their rent on time

        (C) Use the stairs

        (D) Remove obstructions in the halls

82.  What does the speaker most likely mean when he says, “Please be sure not to miss it”?

        (A) Listeners should read a notice.

        (B) Listeners should visit a Web site.

        (C) Listeners should watch a program.

        (D) Listeners should obtain a survey form.

83.  What caused the workers to get hurt?

        (A) A worker’s error

        (B) A fire in a facility

        (C) A driving accident

        (D) Faulty equipment

84.  Why does the speaker say, “Cost is nothing to worry about”?

        (A) To point out that spending is very high

        (B) To emphasize the importance of safety

        (C) To encourage the listeners to buy more equipment

        (D) To approve a request for additional funds

85.  What will happen next week?

        (A) The CEO will give a speech.

        (B) A budget will be introduced.

        (C) A special course will be held.

        (D) A factory will be inspected.

86.  What does the speaker mention about Drive Away Rentals?

        (A) It opened last week.

        (B) It has a single location.

        (C) It charges the city’s cheapest rates.

        (D) It only has large vehicles.

87.  How can a customer get a discount?

        (A) By making an online reservation

        (B) By booking a vehicle in person

        (C) By renting a vehicle for three days

        (D) By choosing to book a sports car.

88.  Why does the speaker recommend visiting a Web site?

        (A) To learn about various opportunities

        (B) To inquire about vehicle rates

        (C) To read comments about the company

        (D) To learn about some vehicles’ safety features

89.  Where most likely do the listeners work?

        (A) At a construction firm

        (B) At a national park

        (C) At a government office

        (D) At a landscaping company

90.  What does the speaker say about some clients?

        (A) They have complained about the service they received.

        (B) They have signed new contracts with the company.

        (C) They have taken their business to other companies.

        (D) They have asked to speak to the workers personally.

91.  What does the speaker tell Terry to do?

        (A) Assist one of his colleagues

        (B) Trade work assignments with Marvin

        (C) Finish his job by the end of the day

        (D) Come to work on the weekend

92.  What is the problem?

        (A) An item cannot be delivered.

        (B) A person will not accept a delivery.

        (C) An address is incorrect.

        (D) A customer has not paid for an order.

93.  Look at the graphic. Whose home is the speaker at how?

        (A) Albert Watson’s

        (B) David Arthurs’s

        (C) Matthew Roth’s

        (D) Percy Chapman’s

94.  What does the speaker request Mr. Pierce to do?

        (A) Deliver an item for him

        (B) Make a telephone call

        (C) Provide someone with information

        (D) Speak with a supervisor

95.  What does the speaker suggest about the conference?

        (A) It offers group discounts.

        (B) It does not permit repeat customers.

        (C) It is held on a regular basis.

        (D) It is the second in a series of events.

96.  Look at the graphic. What is the title of Linda Peterson’s talk?

        (A) Social Media and You

        (B) Using Newspapers for Marketing

        (C) Making the Most of Your Budget

        (D) Creating Viral Ads

97.  What does the speaker say about Linda Peterson?

        (A) She is a local businesswoman.

        (B) She is making her speaking debut.

        (C) She has years of experience in marketing.

        (D) She has worked with his firm before.

98.  Why will the speaker have a meeting later today?

        (A) To discuss a budget report

        (B) To see a product demonstration

        (C) To reach an agreement on a deal

        (D) To discuss compensation for an error

99.  Why did the speaker change offices?

        (A) Her old one suffered some damage.

        (B) She received a promotion recently.

        (C) Her manager requested that she move.

        (D) She transferred to a different office.

100. Look at the graphic. Where is the speaker’s office?

        (A) Room 1

        (B) Room 2

        (C) Room 3

        (D) Room 4

Answer Key

Answer Key

01.  (C)   02.  (B)   03.  (B)   04.  (B)   05.  (B)

06.  (D)   07.  (B)   08.  (C)   09.  (A)   10.  (B)

11.  (C)   12.  (A)   13.  (A)   14.  (B)   15.  (C)

16.  (B)   17.  (A)   18.  (C)   19.  (A)   20.  (C)

21.  (A)   22.  (B)   23.  (C)   24.  (B)   25.  (A)

26.  (C)   27.  (C)   28.  (C)   29.  (A)   30.  (B)

31.  (A)   32.  (A)   33.  (C)   34.  (A)   35.  (B)

36.  (D)   37.  (B)   38.  (C)   39.  (B)   40.  (A)

41.  (B)   42.  (D)   43.  (A)   44.  (B)   45.  (A)

46.  (C)   47.  (D)   48.  (C)   49.  (D)   50.  (B)

51.  (A)   52.  (D)   53.  (C)   54.  (D)   55.  (C)

56.  (B)   57.  (C)   58.  (A)   59.  (D)   60.  (B)

61.  (A)   62.  (D)   63.  (B)   64.  (B)   65.  (C)

66.  (C)   67.  (A)   68.  (B)   69.  (A)   70.  (C)

71.  (A)   72.  (B)   73.  (D)   74.  (B)   75.  (D)

76.  (A)   77.  (B)   78.  (A)   79.  (D)   80.  (B)

81.  (C)   82.  (A)   83.  (D)   84.  (B)   85.  (C)

86.  (B)   87.  (C)   88.  (A)   89.  (D)   90.  (A)

91.  (A)   92.  (A)   93.  (B)   94.  (C)   95.  (C)

96.  (B)   97.  (D)   98.  (C)   99.  (A)   100.  (A)