Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  Why is the woman calling?

        (A) To inquire about a procedure

        (B) To pay a late fee

        (C) To book some plane tickets

        (D) To report a lost passport

33.  Why will the woman travel to Singapore?

        (A) To inspect a facility

        (B) To receive an award

        (C) To sign a contract

        (D) To take a vacation

34.  What does the woman plan to do?

        (A) Call back later

        (B) Use an express service

        (C) Postpone her trip

        (D) Search for information online

35.  Who most likely is the man?

        (A) A technician

        (B) A security guard

        (C) A salesperson

        (D) A new client

36.  What problem does the woman mention?

        (A) A door is locked shut.

        (B) A  business has closed.

        (C) An area is off limits.

        (D) An employee is absent.

37.  What does the man ask about?

        (A) Where to submit an invoice

        (B) When some equipment will arrive

        (C) Where to park his truck

        (D) When the work will be completed

38.  What is the conversation mainly about?

        (A) A real estate contract

        (B) An apartment renovation

        (C) A government regulation

        (D) A moving service

39.  What does the woman suggest doing?

        (A) Taking a citywide tour

        (B) Booking a weekday appointment

        (C) Reading a company brochure

        (D) Making a payment in advance

40.  What will the man most likely do next?

        (A) Confirm a deposit

        (B) Make another phone call

        (C) Give the woman his address

        (D) E-mail his landlord

41.  What happened this morning?

        (A) A new branch was opened.

        (B) A report was released.

        (C) A delivery was made.

        (D) A meeting was held.

42.  What is the man concerned about?

        (A) Losing a document

        (B) Damaging some equipment

        (C) Upsetting senior employees

        (D) Exceeding a budget

43.  What will the man receive from one of the women?

        (A) Some discount coupons

        (B) An updated contract

        (C) Some contact details

        (D) An overtime payment

44.  What does the man ask the woman to do?

        (A) Pick up an important client

        (B) Reserve a meeting space

        (C) Give him driving directions

        (D) Book some train tickets

45.  What does the woman recommend doing?

        (A) Postponing an activity

        (B) Borrowing a company car

        (C) Checking a report online

        (D) Using public transportation

46.  What does the woman offer to do?

        (A) Answer the man’s phone

        (B) Send a reminder

        (C) Copy some documents

        (D) Accompany the man

47.  What most likely is the man’s occupation?

        (A) Real estate agent

        (B) Construction worker

        (C) Bank teller

        (D) Interior designer

48.  What does the woman mean when she says, “that point is nonnegotiable”?

        (A) She refuses to delete some contract terms.

        (B) She will not agree to pay a higher price.

        (C) She wants a certain number of rooms.

        (D) She needs to live close to her office.

49.  What does the man say he will do?

        (A) Perform some research

        (B) Refund a payment

        (C) E-mail some information

        (D) Visit the woman in person

50.  What task have the speakers been assigned?

        (A) Collecting some purchase orders

        (B) Stocking the checkout aisle shelves

        (C) Organizing a storage area

        (D) Finding a new supplier

51.  What does the man ask the woman to do?

        (A) Get detailed instructions

        (B) Print a contract

        (C) Change the opening hours

        (D) Prepare some labels

52.  Where will the man go next?

        (A) To the front entrance

        (B) To the maintenance department

        (C) To the break room

        (D) To the IT department

53. What are the speakers planning?

        (A) A musical performance

        (B) A park tour

        (C) A sports competition

        (D) A volunteer recruitment drive

54.  What problem does the woman mention?

        (A) Prices have gone up sharply.

        (B) Ticket sales have been slow.

        (C) Bad weather is expected.

        (D) A site has been double-booked.

55.  What do the speakers decide to do?

        (A) Schedule a newspaper interview

        (B) Change an advertising method

        (C) Ask for additional funding

        (D) Postpone the event

56. What is the conversation mainly about?

        (A) A company restructuring

        (B) A neighborhood festival

        (C) A new restaurant

        (D) A cooking class

57.  Where did the man get some information?

        (A) From a magazine advertisement

        (B) From an online view

        (C) From a friend’s recommendation

        (D) From a promotional poster

58.  Why is the woman unavailable tomorrow?

        (A) She is attending an industry trade show.

        (B) She needs to prepare for a presentation.

        (C) She is holding a meeting with a client.

        (D) She has plans to go out of town.

59.  What is the purpose of the man’s call?

        (A) To set up an interview

        (B) To make a medical appointment

        (C) To promote a newspaper

        (D) To respond to a request

60.  According to the woman, what will happen next month?

        (A) Workers will start a building expansion.

        (B) The ownership of a hospital will change.

        (C) An advertising campaign will begin.

        (D) The hospital will raise money for a project.

61.  Why does the woman say, “How about you”?

        (A) To get the man’s opinion about a change

        (B) To suggest completing a task by phone

        (C) To find out if an improvement was made

        (D) To check that the phone volume is loud enough

62.  What does the man mention about the Callaghan brand of curtains?

        (A) They are good at blocking light.

        (B) They are available in a variety of fabrics.

        (C) They come with a money-back guarantee.

        (D) They have been manufactured domestically.

63.  Look at the graphic. How much will the woman pay for her purchase?

        (A) $79.99

        (B) $84.99

        (C) $109.99

        (D) $129.99

64.  What does the man encourage the woman to do?

        (A) Take a survey

        (B) Use a gift-wrap service

        (C) Copy the receipt

        (D) Pick up a catalog

65.  What is the conversation mainly about?

        (A) An art exhibition

        (B) An academic lecture

        (C) A rock concert

        (D) A comedy show

66.  Look at the graphic. When does the man plan to arrive at the venue?

        (A) At 5:00 P.M.

        (B) At 6:00 P.M.

        (C) At 7:00 P.M.

        (D) At 7:30 P.M.

67.  What does the man offer to do for the woman?

        (A) Save her a seat

        (B) Purchase a ticket

        (C) Bring her a document

        (D) Record an event

68.  Look at the graphic. Which show is affected by the cancellation?

        (A) Belgium Dance Troupe

        (B) Comedy Showcase

        (C) The McKenzie Brothers

        (D) Jazz Extravaganza

69.  Why will a show be canceled?

        (A) A performer had a medical emergency.

        (B) Not enough tickets have been sold.

        (C) The venue was double-booked for that date.

        (D) Some essential equipment is malfunctioning.

70.  What does the woman ask for?

        (A) Some entertainers’ names

        (B) A Web site address

        (C) Some login information

        (D) An area code

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  According to the speaker, what will happen at the business next month?

        (A) The hours of operation will change.

        (B) A customer survey will be conducted.

        (C) The employees will start wearing uniforms.

        (D) A new manager will be hired for the store.

72.  Why should the listeners talk to Mr. Burke?

        (A) To express a preference

        (B) To request a work shift

        (C) To volunteer for a task

        (D) To get their questions answered

73.  What does the speaker invite the listeners to do?

        (A) Take a group photo

        (B) Stop by her office

        (C) Make some suggestions

        (D) Look at some pictures

74.  What is scheduled to happen on Saturday?

        (A) A music contest

        (B) A community parade

        (C) A food festival

        (D) A fireworks show

75.  According to the speaker, how is this year’s event different from last year’s?

        (A) It will last for a longer period of time.

        (B) It will take place earlier in the day.

        (C) It will be held at a different location.

        (D) It will charge a higher admission fee.

76.  What does the speaker recommend doing?

        (A) Using a public parking lot

        (B) Arriving at a site early

        (C) Consulting a map online

        (D) Purchasing group tickets

77.  What is the speaker calling about?

        (A) An address change

        (B) A promotional offer

        (C) A loss of service

        (D) A billing error

78.  What is the listener asked to do?

        (A) Return a software package

        (B) Send a new document

        (C) Contact the listener’s manager

        (D) E-mail an updated contract

79.  Why is the speaker unavailable this afternoon?

        (A) He will attend a training session.

        (B) He will take a trip out of town.

        (C) He will visit an important client.

        (D) He will shop for some merchandise.

80.  What is the speaker mainly discussing?

        (A) A business relocation

        (B) Some property damage

        (C) A legal fee

        (D) Some regulation changes

81.  What problem is mentioned?

        (A) A new employee is not qualified.

        (B) A computer system is now working.

        (C) A service is no longer available.

        (D) A contract’s terms were rejected.

82.  What does the speaker suggest doing?

        (A) Holding another meeting

        (B) Voting on an issue

        (C) Hiring a professional consultant

        (D) Announcing a decision

83.  Who most likely are the listeners?

        (A) Restaurant workers

        (B) Delivery personnel

        (C) Construction workers

        (D) Appliance salespeople

84.  What does the speaker suggest when he says, “it only happened once”?

        (A) A class will take one day.

        (B) A course will not be repeated.

        (C) A problem has been resolved.

        (D) A test will be easy to pass.

85.  What will the speaker do in fifteen minutes?

        (A) Check attendance

        (B) Show a video

        (C) Answer some questions

        (D) Distribute a handout

86.  What topic will Dr. Clark discuss with the speaker?

        (A) Technological advancements

        (B) Sleeping habits

        (C) New medicines

        (D) Learning languages

87.  What has Dr. Clark recently done?

        (A) Opened an institute

        (B) Published his first book

        (C) Received an award

        (D) Returned from a trip abroad

88.  According to the speaker, what can listeners do on the Web site?

        (A) Sign up for an upcoming research study

        (B) Submit questions for the guest

        (C) Browse the findings of a study

        (D) Download an interview schedule

89.  What is the purpose of the event?

        (A) To observe a national holiday

        (B) To celebrate an anniversary

        (C) To welcome some visitors

        (D) To present some awards

90.  What does the speaker suggest when she says, “It’s not the first time you’ve heard it”?

        (A) Some well-known songs will be played for the listeners.

        (B) The listeners are familiar with the company’s history.

        (C) Some items were accidentally repeated in the program.

        (D) The speaker thinks a discussion topic should not be covered again.

91.  What does the speaker say she appreciates about the listeners?

        (A) Their prompt response

        (B) Their creative ideas

        (C) Their hard work

        (D) Their teamwork skills

92.  What kind of event is the listener planning?

        (A) A career fair

        (B) A training session

        (C) A product launch

        (D) A retirement party

93.  What does the speaker suggest when he says, “we’ll have at least eight people”?

        (A) He is not accepting more volunteers.

        (B) More food will be needed.

        (C) He is pleased with the turnout.

        (D) A larger room should be reserved.

94.  What problem does the speaker mention?

        (A) A deadline has already passed.

        (B) An unexpected charge was imposed.

        (C) A business is closing soon.

        (D) A guest is missing an invitation.

95.  What is the purpose of the talk?

        (A) To show how to operate a device

        (B) To demonstrate a sales technique

        (C) To explain a store’s discount prices

        (D) To gather feedback about a product

96.  Look at the graphic. Which model is the speaker talking about?

        (A) B-300

        (B) B-450

        (C) L-600

        (D) L-780

97.  What will some of the listeners most likely do next?

        (A) Watch a video

        (B) Sit down

        (C) Read a handout

        (D) Ask questions

98.  What is the purpose of the meeting?

        (A) To introduce a new employee

        (B) To assign some projects

        (C) To explain a company policy

        (D) To adjust a product line

99.  Look at the graphic. Which item will be available in two sizes?

        (A) All-Day Glow

        (B) Express Cleanser

        (C) Moisture Bomb

        (D) Night Repair

100. What most likely is Ms. Fitzgerald’s occupation?

        (A) Researcher

        (B) Market analyst

        (C) Actress

        (D) Photographer

Answer Key

Answer Key

01.  (A)   02.  (C)   03.  (A)   04.  (B)   05.  (D)

06.  (A)   07.  (A)   08.  (B)   09.  (A)   10.  (C)

11.  (C)   12.  (B)   13.  (A)   14.  (B)   15.  (C)

16.  (B)   17.  (C)   18.  (C)   19.  (B)   20.  (C)

21.  (C)   22.  (B)   23.  (A)   24.  (A)   25.  (B)

26.  (A)   27.  (B)   28.  (A)   29.  (C)   30.  (A)

31.  (A)   32.  (A)   33.  (A)   34.  (B)   35.  (A)

36.  (C)   37.  (A)   38.  (D)   39.  (B)   40.  (B)

41.  (B)   42.  (D)   43.  (C)   44.  (C)   45.  (C)

46.  (A)   47.  (A)   48.  (C)   49.  (A)   50.  (C)

51.  (D)   52.  (B)   53.  (A)   54.  (B)   55.  (B)

56.  (C)   57.  (B)   58.  (B)   59.  (A)   60.  (D)

61.  (B)   62.  (A)   63.  (C)   64.  (A)   65.  (B)

66.  (A)   67.  (C)   68.  (B)   69.  (A)   70.  (C)

71.  (C)   72.  (A)   73.  (D)   74.  (B)   75.  (A)

76.  (C)   77.  (D)   78.  (B)   79.  (A)   80.  (A)

81.  (C)   82.  (A)   83.  (A)   84.  (D)   85.  (B)

86.  (D)   87.  (D)   88.  (B)   89.  (C)   90.  (B)

91.  (C)   92.  (D)   93.  (B)   94.  (C)   95.  (A)

96.  (D)   97.  (B)   98.  (D)   99.  (C)   100.  (C)