Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  Who is Mr. Benson?

        (A) An assistant

        (B) A client

        (C) A project manager

        (D) A shipping coordinator

33.  Why did Mr. Benson call?

        (A) To request an earlier delivery

        (B) To inquire about a bill

        (C) To report a mistake

        (D) To complain about some noise

34.  What does the woman say she will do?

        (A) Place an order

        (B) Change suppliers

        (C) Collect some tools

        (D) Review some blueprints

35.  What is taking place tomorrow?

        (A) A cooking class

        (B) A grand opening

        (C) A company dinner

        (D) A music festival

36.  What does the woman hope will happen?

        (A) A job will become available.

        (B) An event will begin on time.

        (C) Store sales will increase.

        (D) Tourism to an area will improve.

37.  What does the man say he will do next?

        (A) Print out some coupons

        (B) Design a flyer

        (C) Decorate a room

        (D) Stock some shelves

38.  According to the speakers, what happened last week?

        (A) A new product was launched.

        (B) A software package was purchased.

        (C) A technical issue was resolved.

        (D) A regional office was closed.

39.  What industry do the speakers work in?

        (A) Health care

        (B) Finance

        (C) Technology

        (D) Education

40.  What will the man do next week?

        (A) Attend a training

        (B) Travel for business

        (C) Prepare a slideshow

        (D) Revise a contract

41.  Where do the speakers work?

        (A) At a bank

        (B) At a coffee shop

        (C) At a bookstore

        (D) At a medical clinic

42.  Why is the woman concerned?

        (A) Her inventory is low.

        (B) She lost some contact information.

        (C) A seating area is too cold.

        (D) Road construction is disruptive.

43.  What does the man imply when he says, “I used to work at a hardware store”?

        (A) He can fix a problem.

        (B) He has experience in customer service.

        (C) He is not interested in an offer.

        (D) He is excited about teaching a new course.

44.  What product are the speakers discussing?

        (A) A camera

        (B) A printer

        (C) A television

        (D) A mobile phone

45.  What problem does the woman mention?

        (A) An item is damaged.

        (B) An item is out of stock.

        (C) A display price is incorrect.

        (D) A delivery was not received.

46.  What does the manager offer the woman?

        (A) A refund

        (B) An extended warranty

        (C) Free membership

        (D) Express shipping

47.  Where does the conversation most likely take place?

        (A) At a drug store

        (B) At a fitness center

        (C) At a research laboratory

        (D) At a dentist’s office

48.  What does the man give to the woman?

        (A) A toothbrush

        (B) A pamphlet

        (C) A water bottle

        (D) A receipt

49.  What does the man ask the woman to do?

        (A) Pay a fee

        (B) Sign a form

        (C) Provide an address

        (D) Make an appointment

50.  What type of business does the woman work for?

        (A) A grocery store

        (B) A publishing company

        (C) A marketing firm

        (D) A travel agency

51.  What does the woman mean when she says, “we’d really like to fill the position this week”?

        (A) A candidate should decide quickly.

        (B) An alternative plan needs to be approved.

        (C) Additional funding will be required.

        (D) A manager will change a timeline.

52.  According to the woman, what does the company always pay for?

        (A) Housing

        (B) Equipment

        (C) Clothing

        (D) Transportation

53. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

        (A) A holiday parade

        (B) A charity event

        (C) A health seminar

        (D) A company picnic

54.  What does Amelia offer to do tomorrow?

        (A) Speak with some colleagues

        (B) Pick up some supplies

        (C) Finalize a travel itinerary

        (D) Contact a news reporter

55.  Why will the man be in Washington?

        (A) To inspect a building

        (B) To accept an award

        (C) To attend a conference

        (D) To interview for a job

56. Where do the speakers most likely work?

        (A) At a shoe store

        (B) At a furniture store

        (C) At an auto repair shop

        (D) At a kitchen appliance store

57.  Why does the man decline the woman’s request at first?

        (A) He is on a short break.

        (B) He is preparing a display.

        (C) He is about to leave work.

        (D) He is assisting another client.

58.  What does the man say about an item?

        (A) It is broken.

        (B) It is discounted.

        (C) It is easy to operate.

        (D) It is probably unavailable.

59.  Why is the man calling?

        (A) To conduct a survey

        (B) To inquire about a convention

        (C) To provide some feedback

        (D) To promote a product

60.  What does the woman say she is interested in?

        (A) Making online payments

        (B) Buying a membership

        (C) Reducing energy costs

        (D) Funding a research project

61.  What does the woman request?

        (A) A demonstration

        (B) A site visit

        (C) A registration form

        (D) A financing plan

62.  What event is the man calling about?

        (A) A trade show

        (B) A training workshop

        (C) An awards dinner

        (D) A retirement celebration

63.  Look at the graphic. How much will the man’s reservation cost?

        (A) $200

        (B) $250

        (C) $350

        (D) $150

64.  According to the woman, why is a catering business popular?

        (A) It offers vegetarian dishes.

        (B) It uses local ingredients.

        (C) The prices are reasonable.

        (D) The chef is famous.

65.  What will the speakers do this afternoon?

        (A) Order replacement parts

        (B) Lead a staff meeting

        (C) Host a client lunch

        (D) Conduct a facility tour

66.  Look at the graphic. Which month do the speakers agree to discuss?

        (A) March

        (B) April

        (C) May

        (D) June

67.  What does the woman suggest doing?

        (A) Improving security

        (B) Hiring qualified employees

        (C) Building another warehouse

        (D) Inspecting some machines

68.  According to the woman, what is the benefit of changing a process?

        (A) It will decrease the workload.

        (B) It will make the company more competitive.

        (C) It will help prevent mistakes.

        (D) It will save money.

69.  Look at the graphic. Which step do the speakers agree should be removed?

        (A) Step 1

        (B) Step 2

        (C) Step 3

        (D) Step 4

70.  What will the speakers do next?

        (A) Review a budget

        (B) Prepare a presentation

        (C) Print out some résumés

        (D) Hire a consultant

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  What event is the speaker mainly talking about?

        (A) A sports competition

        (B) A grand opening

        (C) A nutrition workshop

        (D) A community festival

72.  What are the listeners encouraged to do during the event?

        (A) Sample different foods

        (B) Watch a demonstration

        (C) Purchase souvenirs

        (D) Take pictures

73.  What can the listeners find on a Web site?

        (A) A list of sponsors

        (B) Information about parking

        (C) Some contest guidelines

        (D) Some membership options

74.  Where most likely does this announcement take place?

        (A) At a ferry terminal

        (B) At an airport

        (C) At a train station

        (D) At a travel agency

75.  According to the speaker, what can the listeners do for free?

        (A) Check extra luggage

        (B) Change a seat assignment

        (C) Order a meal

        (D) Take a map

76.  What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

        (A) Look at a ticket

        (B) Change a reservation

        (C) Stand in a line

        (D) Provide some identification

77.  Who most likely is the speaker?

        (A) A tour guide

        (B) A chef

        (C) A taxi driver

        (D) A politician

78.  According to the speaker, what is special about Rosedale’s city hall?

        (A) Its age

        (B) Its location

        (C) Its architecture

        (D) Its size

79.  Why does the speaker say, “the bus leaves at 3:00 P.M.”?

        (A) He is unhappy with an itinerary.

        (B) He cannot accept an invitation.

        (C) He wants the listeners to be on time.

        (D) He thinks the listeners should use other transportation.

80.  What is the purpose of the meeting?

        (A) To delegate projects

        (B) To introduce a client

        (C) To organize a seminar

        (D) To present survey results

81.  What is the main complaint about a phone application?

        (A) It is slow.

        (B) It is unattractive.

        (C) It is hard to use.

        (D) It has high fees.

82.  What will happen next?

        (A) Lunch will be delivered.

        (B) A schedule will be finalized.

        (C) A consultant will make a presentation.

        (D) Team members will test a new product.

83.  Where do the listeners work?

        (A) At a bank

        (B) At a restaurant

        (C) At a sports arena

        (D) At a construction company

84.  What does the speaker imply when she says, “our business is increasing”?

        (A) A marketing campaign has been successful.

        (B) The local population has grown.

        (C) An additional branch will be opened.

        (D) More employees will be hired.

85.  What does the speaker offer the listeners?

        (A) A higher salary

        (B) Reserved parking spaces

        (C) Free festival tickets

        (D) Discount meal coupons

86.  What does the speaker’s company mainly sell?

        (A) Gardening equipment

        (B) Computer accessories

        (C) Stationery supplies

        (D) Home furniture

87.  How has the company addressed a problem?

        (A) By opening more stores

        (B) By lowering prices

        (C) By updating a product line

        (D) By merging with another company

88.  What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

        (A) Prepare a press release

        (B) Revise some designs

        (C) Review a financial forecast

        (D) Speak to customers

89.  What is the main purpose of the message?

        (A) To give feedback on some work

        (B) To file a complaint

        (C) To schedule an orientation

        (D) To propose an idea for a new product

90.  What problem does the speaker mention?

        (A) A deadline has passed.

        (B) A road is closed.

        (C) A machine is out of order.

        (D) A report is missing.

91.  What does the speaker say the listener can do during lunch?

        (A) Ask questions

        (B) Make a telephone call

        (C) Sign some paperwork

        (D) Pick up a photo ID

92.  Where do the listeners most likely work?

        (A) At an art gallery

        (B) At a fitness center

        (C) At a department store

        (D) At an advertising agency

93.  What will the company do?

        (A) Require some training

        (B) Invest in a system upgrade

        (C) Pay for some classes

        (D) Add some vacation days

94.  Why does the speaker say, “it has earned many awards”?

        (A) To explain a policy

        (B) To make a recommendation

        (C) To offer congratulations

        (D) To correct a mistake

95.  Why is the speaker calling?

        (A) To ask about a lost item

        (B) To confirm a schedule

        (C) To complain about a service

        (D) To cancel a reservation

96.  Look at the graphic. Which theater was the speaker in yesterday?

        (A) Theater 1

        (B) Theater 2

        (C) Theater 3

        (D) Theater 4

97.  What does the speaker request?

        (A) A phone call

        (B) A seat change

        (C) A printed receipt

        (D) A cash refund

98.  Who most likely are the listeners?

        (A) Gardeners

        (B) Security guards

        (C) Sales clerks

        (D) Postal workers

99.  Look at the graphic. Which building does the speaker talk about?

        (A) Building 1

        (B) Building 2

        (C) Building 3

        (D) Building 4

100. What will the listeners most likely do next?

        (A) Complete some paperwork

        (B) Try on some uniforms

        (C) Visit a work site

        (D) Take a lunch break

Answer Key

Answer Key

01. (D)   02. (A)   03. (C)   04. (A)   05. (B)

06. (C)   07. (C)   08. (C)   09. (A)   10. (B)

11. (C)   12. (C)   13. (B)   14. (A)   15. (A)

16. (C)   17. (A)   18. (B)   19. (C)   20. (B)

21. (B)   22. (A)   23. (A)   24. (C)   25. (C)

26. (A)   27. (C)   28. (C)   29. (A)   30. (B)

31. (A)   32. (B)   33. (C)   34. (A)   35. (A)

36. (C)   37. (D)   38. (A)   39. (C)   40. (B)

41. (B)   42. (C)   43. (A)   44. (A)   45. (C)

46. (B)   47. (D)   48. (B)   49. (C)   50. (C)

51. (A)   52. (D)   53. (B)   54. (A)   55. (C)

56. (A)   57. (C)   58. (D)   59. (D)   60. (C)

61. (A)   62. (C)   63. (B)   64. (A)   65. (B)

66. (C)   67. (D)   68. (A)   69. (C)   70. (B)

71. (B)   72. (D)   73. (C)   74. (B)   75. (A)

76. (A)   77. (A)   78. (D)   79. (C)   80. (D)

81. (C)   82. (C)   83. (B)   84. (D)   85. (C)

86. (D)   87. (C)   88. (A)   89. (C)   90. (B)

91. (A)   92. (D)   93. (C)   94. (B)   95. (A)

96. (B)   97. (A)   98. (A)   99. (D)   100. (C)