Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  Why are the speakers going to Lyon?

        (A) To get a connecting train

        (B) To take a vacation

        (C) To attend the conference

        (D) To visit family

33.  When is Sunny’s train leaving?

        (A) On Tuesday morning

        (B) On Tuesday evening

        (C) On Wednesday morning

        (D) On Wednesday evening

34.  What does Sunny suggest?

        (A) Make a booking soon

        (B) Rest before the train leaves

        (C) Leave early for the station

        (D) Buy a discounted ticket

35.  What is the problem?

        (A) The food is served late.

        (B) The restaurant is full of people.

        (C) The man forgot to call the restaurant.

        (D) The man’s reservation is not on the list.

36.  What did the man probably do yesterday?

        (A) Ate lunch at the restaurant

        (B) Held a meeting

        (C) Met some clients

        (D) Made a reservation

37.  What will the woman most likely do next?

        (A) Bring another waiter

        (B) Lead the man to a table

        (C) Recommend a new menu

        (D) Call the man back

38.  What were the woman and Mr. Robin planning to do?

        (A) Select a location for a conference

        (B) Talk about procedures for hiring new staff

        (C) Plan the company budget for next year

        (D) Meet some clients

39.  How did the woman try to contact Mr. Robin?

        (A) She called his cell phone.

        (B) She sent him an e-mail.

        (C) She stopped by his office.

        (D) She went to the budget meeting.

40.  What is the woman’s schedule?

        (A) She is free all day.

        (B) She is eating lunch with a client.

        (C) She has an appointment after 3:30 P.M.

        (D) She has a meeting at 11 A.M.

41.  What day is the meeting scheduled for?

        (A) Monday

        (B) Tuesday

        (C) Wednesday

        (D) Thursday

42.  Who will most likely be introduced in the meeting?

        (A) A client

        (B) A manager

        (C) A secretary

        (D) A salesman

43.  What is the woman worried about?

        (A) Her meeting is canceled.

        (B) She made a mistake on the sales plan.

        (C) She forgot to call her client.

        (D) She has a conflict in her schedules.

44.  Where most likely are the speakers?

        (A) At a friend’s house

        (B) At a restaurant

        (C) At a cooking class

        (D) At a grocery store

45.  What does the woman ask the man to do?

        (A) Bring her the menu

        (B) Invite some customers

        (C) Sell some vegetables

        (D) Recommend some food

46.  What will the woman probably do next?

        (A) Eat some soup

        (B) Think about the order

        (C) Bring some water

        (D) Cook for a friend

47.  Who most likely is the man?

        (A) A delivery truck driver

        (B) A lawyer

        (C) A repairman

        (D) A security guard

48.  When will the man probably visit the shop?

        (A) This morning

        (B) This afternoon

        (C) Tomorrow morning

        (D) Tomorrow afternoon

49.  What is the woman’s problem?

        (A) She can’t copy some documents.

        (B) She can’t find a manual.

        (C) She is late for a meeting.

        (D) She has lost a telephone number.

50.  What are the speakers discussing?

        (A) Designing a website

        (B) Finding a house

        (C) Choosing a newspaper

        (D) Getting a job

51.  What problem does the woman mention?

        (A) A missing address

        (B) High rent prices

        (C) Short working hours

        (D) A broken mobile phone

52.  What does the man suggest?

        (A) Redesigning a website

        (B) Writing a contract

        (C) Moving to another city

        (D) Using a newspaper

53.  What are the speakers talking about?

        (A) The company’s financial slump

        (B) The participants of a meeting

        (C) A health problem

        (D) The company’s financial records

54.  Why does the man say, “I’m afraid I can’t right now”?

        (A) He has a medical appointment.

        (B) He has to attend a meeting.

        (C) He has some important work to finish.

        (D) He has to go out of town.

55.  What will the man probably do tomorrow?

        (A) Have a talk with the woman

        (B) Look through a document

        (C) Go on a business trip

        (D) Postpone a check-up

56.  What does the man mean when he says, “Excuse me, do you work here”?

        (A) He is asking her permission to enter the building.

        (B) He would like to check the woman’s identification.

        (C) He has to know her personal information.

        (D) He wants to get the woman’s assistance.

57. Who is Jenny Kim?

        (A) A lawyer

        (B) An assistant

        (C) A security guard

        (D) An accountant

58.  Why has the man probably come to see Ms. Kim?

        (A) To make an appointment for publication

        (B) To consult about a business contract

        (C) To install a new security system

        (D) To interview for an academic position

59.  When will the invitations be mailed?

        (A) Wednesday

        (B) Monday

        (C) Next month

        (D) In two weeks

60.  What do the people say about the preparation time?

        (A) They are short on time.

        (B) They have enough time.

        (C) They will be done right on time.

        (D) They only have two weeks.

61. What are the invitations being made for?

        (A) For a conference

        (B) For an advertisement

        (C) For a new product

        (D) For client’s requests

62.  What kind of company does the woman work for?

        (A) An electronics shop

        (B) A household supply shop

        (C) A national park

        (D) A financial institute

63.  Why is the man calling?

        (A) To transfer money between accounts

        (B) To close a bank account

        (C) To establish an account

        (D) To make an appointment for a business meeting

64.  What does the woman require?

        (A) A signed contract

        (B) A transaction date

        (C) A copy of an account

        (D) An account number

65.  What is the conversation about?

        (A) A trip to Madrid

        (B) Train food

        (C) Hotels in France

        (D) A popular film

66.  When will the speakers travel together?

        (A) On Tuesday

        (B) On Wednesday

        (C) On Thursday

        (D) On Friday

67.  Look at the graphic. Where will the woman deliver a speech?

        (A) Madrid

        (B) Barcelona

        (C) Paris

        (D) Reims

68.  Who most likely is the woman?

        (A) A doctor

        (B) An Editor

        (C) A writer

        (D) A nurse

69.  What does the man ask the woman to do?

        (A) Schedule an interview

        (B) Correct an error in a magazine

        (C) Increase the length of an article

        (D) Treat childhood eating disorder

70.  Look at the graphic. Which article’s deadline will be changed?

        (A) Childhood Eating Disorder Treatment

        (B) Childhood Obesity

        (C) Children’s Diabetes Treatment

        (D) The Cause of Mad Cow Disease

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  What is the purpose of the talk?

        (A) To teach how to make a web page

        (B) To show how to invest in the bank

        (C) To introduce customer service

        (D) To introduce a training class

72.  Who is Steve Harris?

        (A) A web designer

        (B) A graphic artist

        (C) A bank employee

        (D) A computer expert

73.  What will the audience do?

        (A) Learn how to invest money

        (B) Learn how to have personal conversations

        (C) Learn how to make money

        (D) Learn how to create a secure website

74.  Who is leaving the message?

        (A) A doctor

        (B) A professor

        (C) A client

        (D) A receptionist

75.  When is the scheduled appointment?

        (A) Monday


        (C) Wednesday

        (D) Thursday

76.  Why should Kansas Hennington arrive early?

        (A) To fill out forms

        (B) To meet the doctor

        (C) To buy medicine

        (D) To enroll an insurance card

77.  Why is the woman leaving the message?

        (A) To check in at a hotel

        (B) To apply for a job

        (C) To order some food

        (D) To attend a cooking school

78.  Where does Mr. Franco most likely work?

        (A) At a cooking school

        (B) At a community center

        (C) At a hotel

        (D) At a job agency

79.  Why is Kelly O’Conner asking Mr. Franco to call her back?

        (A) To change a reservation

        (B) To get an address

        (C) To get directions to a hotel

        (D) To inquire about a cooking program

80.  What is mentioned about Featherlight’s suitcases?

        (A) They are only available offline.

        (B) They are made of special plastics.

        (C) They are high in price.

        (D) They are strong and heavy.

81. What gift is being offered?

        (A) A briefcase

        (B) A free suitcase

        (C) A laptop computer

        (D) A leather jacket

82.  How can people receive a gift?

        (A) Buy more than one suitcase

        (B) Purchase through the Internet

        (C) Visit the main store

        (D) Participate in an event

83.  What is true about the apartment?

        (A) The rent has increased.

        (B) The heating system is broken.

        (C) It is available for rent.

        (D) It is for sale.

84.  What is mentioned as being located inside the building?

        (A) A shopping mall

        (B) A restaurant

        (C) An exercise room

        (D) A parking lot

85.  Why does the speaker say, “Please call me right away if this meets your needs”?

        (A) To schedule a security checkup

        (B) To get directions to downtown

        (C) To order some groceries

        (D) To confirm renting an apartment

86. What will most likely happen in the next few days?

        (A) New electric facilities will be opened.

        (B) The temperature will decrease.

        (C) Electric companies will be shut down.

        (D) It will be hot.

87.  What does the man mean when he says, “Yes, I know that’s not enough”?

        (A) He is worried about power outages.

        (B) He acknowledges his own mistakes.

        (C) He wants the listeners to participate.

        (D) He recognizes the listener’s concerns.

88.  What can be found at the mentioned website?

        (A) A list of methods for conserving energy

        (B) A list of weather forecasts

        (C) A list of famous electric companies

        (D) A list of summer resorts

89.  Why are many employees refusing the courses?

        (A) They think it’s too expensive.

        (B) They think the university is too far.

        (C) They don’t understand the benefits.

        (D) They find them too difficult.

90.  What does the speaker suggest?

        (A) Arrange classes at the office

        (B) Force the employees to take courses

        (C) Promote the employees

        (D) Repair the computers

91.  Why does the speaker say, “How could you miss this?

        (A) To encourage participation

        (B) To clarify a procedure

        (C) To make an agreement

        (D) To emphasize a deadline

92.  Why most likely does Mr. Newman visit Italy?

        (A) Honeymoon

        (B) Family vacation

        (C) Business trip

        (D) Studying abroad

93.  Look at the graphic. Where will Mr. Newman and his family stay on the day they take a special tour of an authentic Italian restaurant?

        (A) Grand Hotel

        (B) Sheraton Hotel

        (C) Best Western Hotel

        (D) Armani Hotel

94.  What is mentioned about Happy Travel?

        (A) It doesn’t allow Ms. Newman to change an itinerary.

        (B) It arranges special language courses.

        (C) It offers a complimentary activity in Italy.

        (D) It includes a guided tour every day.

95.  What industry does the speaker work in?

        (A) Automobile

        (B) Video game

        (C) Bank

        (D) Interior design

96.  Look at the graphic. What company does the speaker work for?

        (A) Mercury

        (B) RUF

        (C) Dodge

        (D) GMC

97.  According to the speaker, what will the company do next month?

        (A) Restructure a division

        (B) Give vouchers to patrons

        (C) Negotiate a contract

        (D) Try a different business model

98.  Which item from the options is most likely NOT sold by Denim Apparel?

        (A) Jeans

        (B) Shoes

        (C) Jewelry

        (D) Hats

99.  Look at the graphic. Which item was NOT ordered by Ms. Davis originally?

        (A) Evolution jacket

        (B) Cardigan

        (C) T-shirts

        (D) Tony’s Handbag

100.  How was the order placed?

        (A) Phone

        (B) Catalogue

        (C) Online

        (D) In person

Answer Key

Answer Key

01. (A)   02. (A)   03. (C)   04. (A)   05. (D)

06. (A)   07. (A)   08. (A)   09. (C)   10. (B)

11. (A)   12. (A)   13. (B)   14. (A)   15. (A)

16. (B)   17. (A)   18. (A)   19. (B)   20. (B)

21. (A)   22. (B)   23. (C)   24. (A)   25. (C)

26. (C)   27. (C)   28. (A)   29. (C)   30. (A)

31. (C)   32. (C)   33. (B)   34. (A)   35. (D)

36. (D)   37. (B)   38. (B)   39. (A)   40. (C)

41. (B)   42. (B)   43. (D)   44. (B)   45. (D)

46. (B)   47. (C)   48. (B)   49. (A)   50. (B)

51. (B)   52. (D)   53. (D)   54. (A)   55. (B)

56. (D)   57. (A)   58. (B)   59. (B)   60. (B)

61. (A)   62. (D)   63. (A)   64. (D)   65. (A)

66. (A)   67. (B)   68. (C)   69. (C)   70. (B)

71. (D)   72. (D)   73. (D)   74. (D)   75. (A)

76. (A)   77. (B)   78. (C)   79. (B)   80. (C)

81. (A)   82. (B)   83. (C)   84. (C)   85. (D)

86. (D)   87. (D)   88. (A)   89. (C)   90. (A)

91. (A)   92. (B)   93. (D)   94. (C)   95. (A)

96. (C)   97. (D)   98. (D)   99. (D)   100. (C)