Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  What is the woman trying to do?

        (A) Install equipment

        (B) File some documents

        (C) Access a room

        (D) Locate a store

33.  What does the man tell the woman to do?

        (A) Post a notice

        (B) Change a schedule

        (C) Move her workstation

        (D) Request a repair

34.  What does the man say about Marriott Supplies?

        (A) It is having a sale.

        (B) It is located nearby.

        (C) It opens early.

        (D) It sent a shipment.

35.  How did the man hear about Raffles Restaurant?

        (A) From a colleague

        (B) From a newspaper ad

        (C) From a Web site

        (D) From a radio commercial

36.  According to the woman, what makes Raffles Restaurant different from its competitors?

        (A) It has lower prices.

        (B) It has a larger dining area.

        (C) It has longer business hours.

        (D) It has more locations.

37.  What will the man do in October?

        (A) Entertain some clients

        (B) Leave his job

        (C) Celebrate his birthday

        (D) Hire new staff

38.  According to the woman, why is the restaurant moving to a new location?

        (A) The utilities are cheaper.

        (B) The kitchen is larger.

        (C) The rent is lower.

        (D) The area is better.

39.  What addition has the woman requested?

        (A) A walk-in refrigerator

        (B) A mini café

        (C) An outside eating area

        (D) An employee parking lot

40.  According to the woman, why must the work be completed in August?

        (A) A leasing contract will end.

        (B) A competitor will be opening.

        (C) A local event is taking place.

        (D) Employees need to be trained.

41.  What goal does the man have?

        (A) To appear on a TV program

        (B) To invent a device

        (C) To develop software

        (D) To found a business

42.  What does the woman offer to do for the man?

        (A) Lend him some books

        (B) Contact a friend

        (C) Arrange an interview

        (D) Get tickets for an event

43.  What information does the man ask for?

        (A) An event date

        (B) A telephone number

        (C) A business location

        (D) An e-mail address

44.  What are the speakers discussing?

        (A) A training session

        (B) An upcoming up trip

        (C) A site inspection

        (D) A community fair

45.  What would the woman like to do?

        (A) Arrange accommodation

        (B) Lead an activity

        (C) Change a venue

        (D) Give a speech

46.  What does the man say he will do?

        (A) Contact a hotel

        (B) Hold a staff meeting

        (C) Update a schedule

        (D) Post a notice

47.  What type of product are the speakers discussing?

        (A) Computer keyboards

        (B) Office chairs

        (C) Home appliances

        (D) Safety equipment

48.  According to the woman, what information was disappointing?

        (A) Market research feedback

        (B) Monthly sales figures

        (C) Product design costs

        (D) Advertising expenses

49.  What does the woman suggest doing?

        (A) Extending a deadline

        (B) Revising a design

        (C) Placing an advertisement

        (D) Meeting with a supervisor

50.  Why is the woman surprised?

        (A) A client cancelled a meeting.

        (B) A city area has been renovated.

        (C) A shop is well designed.

        (D) A price is lower than expected.

51.  Why does the woman meet with the man?

        (A) She would like to open a store.

        (B) She is conducting an interview.

        (C) She is looking for a distributor.

        (D) She plans to launch a Web site.

52.  What does the man say about his clients?

        (A) Many of them sell their products internationally.

        (B) They produce a low volume of goods.

        (C) They mainly market to young adults.

        (D) Some of them have expanded their businesses.

53. What does the man imply when he says, “It’s already past 5:30”?

        (A) He thinks a deadline is unrealistic.

        (B) He wants to leave the office soon.

        (C) He is running late for a meeting.

        (D) He will check on a late delivery.

54.  What is the woman concerned about?

        (A) The date of a meeting

        (B) The changes to a design

        (C) The effect of a policy

        (D) The cost of a project

55.  Why does the woman apologize?

        (A) She forgot to inform a client.

        (B) She cannot attend an event.

        (C) She did not respond to a message.

        (D) She was absent for a meeting.

56. Where are the speakers?

        (A) At a product launch

        (B) At an annual banquet

        (C) At a training event

        (D) On a staff vacation

57.  What project are the men working on?

        (A) Attracting new suppliers

        (B) Creating an ad campaign

        (C) Opening a retail location

        (D) Redesigning a Web site

58.  What does the woman say she was in charge of?

        (A) Designing a range of cosmetics

        (B) Organizing a company event

        (C) Recruiting sales representatives

        (D) Conducting market research

59.  What did Mr. Molson dislike about a bicycle frame?

        (A) The color

        (B) The shape

        (C) The weight

        (D) The logo

60.  Why does the man say, “The project schedule says we should be completely finished by this Friday”?

        (A) He will be available to assist the woman next week.

        (B) He is relieved that a project is almost done.

        (C) He thinks a schedule is wrong.

        (D) He is concerned about a deadline.

61.  What does the woman say she will do?

        (A) Postpone an event

        (B) Contact the CEO

        (C) Test a product

        (D) Call a staff meeting

Conference Talks

9:00 A.M.

Peter Maynard

9:45 A.M.


10:30 A.M.

Karen Singh

11:15 A.M.


1:30 P.M.


2:15 P.M.

Oliver Kantor

3:00 P.M.


62.  Why is the man waiting to finish a seminar schedule?

        (A) Some speakers have not responded.

        (B) A venue might be changed.

        (C) He is working on another task.

        (D) The event has been postponed.

63.  Look at the graphic. When will Paul Butler give a talk?

        (A) At 9:45 A.M.

        (B) At 11:15 A.M.

        (C) At 1:30 P.M.

        (D) At 3:00 P.M.

64.  Why is the woman going to an event space?

        (A) To meet with speakers

        (B) To put up decorations

        (C) To check equipment

        (D) To distribute flyers

Invoice – Catalog Printing

Up to 5 pages

$5 per catalog

6 to 10 pages

$15 per catalog

11 to 15 pages

$25 per catalog

16 to 20 pages

$30 per catalog

65.  What does the woman say she will do with the printed catalogs?

        (A) Distribute them in a store

        (B) Take them to a convention

        (C) Mail them to customers

        (D) Place them in a store room

66.  Look at the graphic. Which amount will be refunded to the woman?

        (A) $5

        (B) $15

        (C) $25

        (D) $30

67.  What does the man say his colleague will do?

        (A) Provide directions to a business

        (B) Print an additional catalog

        (C) Check credit card information

        (D) Transfer items to a vehicle

68.  What department does the woman work in?

        (A) Sales

        (B) Human Resources

        (C) Administration

        (D) Marketing

69.  What information does the woman ask for?

        (A) An employee ID number

        (B) A license plate number

        (C) A telephone number

        (D) A credit card number

70.  Look at the graphic. Which space has been assigned to the man?

        (A) Space 1

        (B) Space 2

        (C) Space 3

        (D) Space 4

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  Where does the listener work?

        (A) A farm

        (B) A factory

        (C) A government agency

        (D) A transportation company

72.  What is the speaker mainly discussing?

        (A) Singing a contract

        (B) Hiring new staff

        (C) Scheduling deliveries

        (D) Obtaining a certificate

73.  What does the speaker ask the listener to submit?

        (A) A billing address

        (B) An order size

        (C) A payment method

        (D) A store location

74.  Where most likely does the speaker work?

        (A) At a coffee shop

        (B) At a historical landmark

        (C) At a community center

        (D) At a museum

75.  Why does the speaker say, “The weather should be clear all morning”?

        (A) To suggest rescheduling an activity

        (B) To recommend going outside

        (C) To confirm that an event will take place

        (D) To advise the listeners to return tomorrow

76.  What does the speaker say is happening this week?

        (A) A live performance

        (B) A special contest

        (C) A renovation project

        (D) A recruitment fair

77.  What is the advertisement mainly about?

        (A) A job vacancy

        (B) A store sale

        (C) A branch closure

        (D) A business relocation

78.  What type of business is being advertised?

        (A) A furniture store

        (B) An interior design firm

        (C) A hardware shop

        (D) A tool rental agency

79.  According to the speaker, what can the listeners do on a Web site?

        (A) Fill out a form

        (B) Find business locations

        (C) Contact customer services

        (D) View an inventory

80.  What is Alberto Lorentz planning to do?

        (A) Receive a promotion

        (B) Lead a hiring committee

        (C) Launch a company Web site

        (D) Open a new department

81.  What company policy does the speaker mention?

        (A) Sending staff to work abroad

        (B) Conducting frequent media interviews

        (C) Training employees in multiple fields

        (D) Utilizing new technology in the office

82.  According to the speaker, why should the listeners talk to a manager?

        (A) To attend a presentation

        (B) To join an office club

        (C) To volunteer for an assignment

        (D) To conduct a performance review

83.  What is the purpose of the talk?

        (A) To give instructions to workers

        (B) To welcome potential investors

        (C) To describe an upcoming event

        (D) To talk about a company’s success

84.  What does the woman recommend the listeners do?

        (A) Speak with employees

        (B) Attend a seminar

        (C) View a product range

        (D) Ask questions

85.  What will the listeners do next?

        (A) Read promotional materials

        (B) Form into groups

        (C) Meet a business owner

        (D) Take a break for lunch

86.  What department does the speaker work in?

        (A) Information Technology

        (B) Maintenance

        (C) Customer Relations

        (D) Marketing

87.  What is the topic of the workshop?

        (A) Updating computer software

        (B) Improving work efficiency

        (C) Communicating with other offices

        (D) Using a security system

88.  What will the listeners do next?

        (A) Take a tour

        (B) Receive a card

        (C) Review some data

        (D) Create a password

89.  What is the speaker calling about?

        (A) Coffee mugs

        (B) T-shirts

        (C) Baseball caps

        (D) Flyers

90.  What does the speaker offer the listener?

        (A) Complimentary items

        (B) A product discount

        (C) Free shipping

        (D) A membership

91.  What does the speaker imply when he says, “We don’t have many orders to fill this week”?

        (A) He is disappointed about a decline in business.

        (B) He recommends that the listener postpone an order.

        (C) He can get started on the listener’s order right away.

        (D) He will be available to attend a special event.

92.  Why is the speaker qualified to host the show?

        (A) She has an academic qualification.

        (B) She has won several awards.

        (C) She is experienced in her field.

        (D) She has published a book.

93.  Why does the speaker say, “hosting a dinner party can be rather expensive”?

        (A) To recommend eating out

        (B) To acknowledge a common opinion

        (C) To remind listeners to book in advance

        (D) To disagree with a critic’s opinion

94.  What will the speaker most likely do next?

        (A) Provide some advice

        (B) Prepare a meal

        (C) Compare some restaurants

        (D) Review equipment

95.  What does the speaker say that passengers are now permitted to do?

        (A) Exit the vehicle

        (B) Turn on a screen

        (C) Use a bathroom

        (D) Eat snacks

96.  Look at the graphic. Where most likely is the bus now?

        (A) Near Landmark 1

        (B) Near Landmark 2

        (C) Near Landmark 3

        (D) Near Landmark 4

97.  According to the speaker, how can the listeners get more information?

        (A) By listening for updates

        (B) By reading a guidebook

        (C) By visiting a Web site

        (D) By checking a map

98.  Who most likely are the listeners?

        (A) Possible investors

        (B) Movie audience

        (C) Company executives

        (D) Television critics

99.  Look at the graphic. Which show will most likely be acquired?

        (A) Second Chance Hospital

        (B) Ultimate Trivia Challenge

        (C) The Celebrity Game Show

        (D) Night Detectives

100. What will Robert Oras talk about next?

        (A) Some survey results

        (B) A recent promotion

        (C) A business expense

        (D) A project schedule

Answer Key

Answer Key

1 (D)   2 (C)   3 (C)   4 (B)   5 (B)

6 (A)

7 (A)   8 (C)   9 (C)   10 (A)

11 (C)   12 (B)   13 (C)   14 (B)

15 (B)   16 (C)   17 (B)   18 (C)

19 (A)   20 (C)   21 (C)   22 (A)

23 (C)   24 (C)   25 (B)   26 (C)

27 (B)   28 (B)   29 (A)   30 (A)

31 (B)

32 (C)   33 (D)   34 (B)   35 (B)

36 (A)   37 (D)   38 (B)   39 (C)

40 (C)   41 (C)   42 (B)   43 (D)

44 (B)   45 (B)   46 (C)   47 (B)

48 (A)   49 (B)   50 (C)   51 (C)

52 (B)   53 (B)   54 (A)   55 (D)

56 (C)   57 (B)   58 (D)   59 (A)

60 (D)   61 (B)   62 (A)   63 (B)

64 (C)   65 (C)   66 (D)   67 (D)

68 (C)   69 (B)   70 (D)

71 (A)   72 (C)   73 (B)   74 (D)

75 (B)   76 (B)   77 (B)   78 (A)

79 (D)   80 (D)   81 (C)   82 (A)

83 (B)   84 (A)   85 (C)   86 (B)

87 (D)   88 (B)   89 (B)   90 (C)

91 (C)   92 (C)   93 (B)   94 (A)

95 (C)   96 (D)   97 (D)   98 (C)

99 (D)   100 (D)