Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  What are the speakers mainly discussing?

        (A) Correcting a mistake

        (B) Releasing a product

        (C) Attending an event

        (D) Placing an order

33.  According to the woman, how should the man submit information?

        (A) By using a Web site

        (B) By calling a number

        (C) By visiting a store

        (D) by completing a form

34.  What does the man say will happen next month?

        (A) A business will close.

        (B) A competition will be held.

        (C) A membership will start.

        (D) An award will be given.

35.  What product is being discussed?

        (A) A cleaning solution

        (B) An electronic device

        (C) A piece of furniture

        (D) A vehicle

36.  What does the woman like about the product?

        (A) It has a variety of models.

        (B) It is inexpensive.

        (C) It is guaranteed to last for a long time.

        (D) It is made with a special material.

37.  What does Nathan agree to do?

        (A) Lend an item

        (B) Call a store

        (C) Share a coupon

        (D) Place an order

38.  What is the woman calling about?

        (A) A product exchange

        (B) A special offer

        (C) A payment error

        (D) A store location

39.  What does the woman say she is worried about?

        (A) The store hours

        (B) A late delivery

        (C) The additional costs

        (D) A purchase date

40.  What does the man remind the woman to bring?

        (A) An identification card

        (B) A receipt

        (C) A sales catalogue

        (D) A piece of equipment

41.  Why does the man congratulate the woman?

        (A) She completed a training course.

        (B) She published an article.

        (C) She negotiated a deal.

        (D) She won an award.

42.  Where do the speakers most likely work?

        (A) At a news agency

        (B) At a museum

        (C) At an advertising firm

        (D) At a vehicle manufacturer

43.  What will take place on Friday?

        (A) A dinner

        (B) A presentation

        (C) A grand opening

        (D) An interview

44.  What does the woman need help doing?

        (A) Collecting tickets

        (B) Arranging a schedule

        (C) Cleaning an area

        (D) Fixing some equipment

45.  Why does Mitch say, “A film in Theater A just finished”?

        (A) To assign a task

        (B) To recommend a change

        (C) To explain a delay

        (D) To correct an error

46.  What will the woman most likely do next?

        (A) Purchase an item

        (B) Update an itinerary

        (C) Introduce a film

        (D) Speak with a supervisor

47.  Where does the man work?

        (A) A utility company

        (B) A landscaping agency

        (C) A construction firm

        (D) A hardware shop

48.  What does the man want to do?

        (A) Renew a contract

        (B) Rent some equipment

        (C) Hire temporary help

        (D) Request a repair

49.  What does the woman ask the man to do?

        (A) Pay a deposit fee

        (B) Provide some personal information

        (C) Attend a training session

        (D) Arrive early for a service

50.  What problem does the woman mention?

        (A) A TV will not turn on.

        (B) A key does not work.

        (C) A bathroom needs to be restocked.

        (D) A device will not open.

51.  What will the man ask Philip to do?

        (A) Prepare a meal

        (B) Replace some equipment

        (C) Clean a room

        (D) Provide transportation

52.  What does the man suggest the woman do?

        (A) Take some photographs

        (B) Store some items

        (C) Book a tour

        (D) Make a payment

53. What questions does the woman have about a promotional campaign?

        (A) Why it uses different posters

        (B) Why it focuses on women

        (C) Why it is not nationwide

        (D) Why it has a short duration

54.  Which department does the man most likely work in?

        (A) Research and Development

        (B) Accounting

        (C) Graphic Design

        (D) Human Resources

55.  What does the woman ask to see?

        (A) A magazine article

        (B) A product design

        (C) A television interview

        (D) A marketing plan

56. What does the man say is a problem?

        (A) A shipment has not gone out.

        (B) Employees are causing technical issues.

        (C) An employee orientation is insufficient.

        (D) A deadline is too soon.

57.  How does the woman propose solving the problem?

        (A) By hiring a consultant

        (B) By transferring some employees

        (C) By changing a policy

        (D) By giving a presentation

58.  What does the woman ask the man to do?

        (A) Complete some training

        (B) Cancel a meeting

        (C) Install some software

        (D) Compile a list

59.  What are the speakers mainly discussing?

        (A) A software development

        (B) A sales report

        (C) A travel itinerary

        (D) A business opening

60.  What does the woman imply when she says, “Wow! That wasn’t what I was expecting”?

        (A) She isn’t ready for a presentation.

        (B) She disagrees with a plan.

        (C) She wasn’t involved in a project.

        (D) She is happy about some news.

61.  What will the woman receive soon?

        (A) A project timeline

        (B) A return ticket

        (C) An updated device

        (D) A survey result

62.  What project is the man working on?

        (A) Hosting a retirement party

        (B) Planning a wedding

        (C) Catering an event

        (D) Opening a restaurant

63.  Look at the graphic. Which category will the woman most likely search?

        (A) Category 1

        (B) Category 2

        (C) Category 3

        (D) Category 4

64.  Why does the man recommend using recipes from

        (A) The recipes are simple to make.

        (B) The company employs several famous chefs.

        (C) The recipes use diverse ingredients.

        (D) The company updates the site frequently.

Kitchen Safety & Hygiene Rules

  #1. Cover sharp utensils when not in use.

  #2. Hair nets must be worn at all times.

  #3. Wear non-slip shoes.

  #4. Wash hands every hour.

65.  What does the woman thank the man for?

        (A) Delivering some items

        (B) Training a new employee

        (C) Working an extra shift

        (D) Providing a ride to work

66.  What happened to the man this afternoon?

        (A) He slept through an alarm.

        (B) He made a purchase.

        (C) He felt sick.

        (D) He got caught in bad weather.

67.  Look at the graphic. Which safety & hygiene rule are the speakers discussing?

        (A) #1

        (B) #2

        (C) #3

        (D) #4


Rupture Farms


Sal’s Frozen Burrito


Spicy Chicken

Heating instructions:

Microwave – 3 minutes

Serving size:


68.  What does the woman say they will need to do?

        (A) Change an ingredient

        (B) Increase advertising

        (C) Hire more employees

        (D) Visit a location

69.  What does the man suggest?

        (A) Holding a demonstration

        (B) Attending an event

        (C) Launching a Web site

        (D) Changing some deadlines

70.  Look at the graphic. Which section of the label will the man need to revise?

        (A) Item

        (B) Flavor

        (C) Heating instructions

        (D) Serving size

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  What is the speaker calling about?

        (A) A computer repair

        (B) A missing shipment

        (C) A printing order

        (D) A store location

72.  According to the speaker, what will take place on March 3?

        (A) A new store will open.

        (B) A magazine will be released.

        (C) A special offer will end.

        (D) A lease will begin.

73.  What does the speaker say is available on a Web site?

        (A) A product listing

        (B) A price calculator

        (C) A delivery tracker

        (D) An event calendar

74.  What kind of company does the speaker work for?

        (A) Publishing

        (B) Software development

        (C) Online advertising

        (D) Web design

75.  What are the listeners asked to do first?

        (A) Register on a Web site

        (B) Choose a desk

        (C) Make a name tag

        (D) Select a meal

76.  What does the speaker say is available in the back of the room?

        (A) Refreshments

        (B) Maps

        (C) T-shirts

        (D) Office supplies

77.  Who is the speaker most likely talking to?

        (A) New employees

        (B) Potential investors

        (C) Local business owners

        (D) Tour group members

78.  What does the speaker mean when he says, “Ms. Dawson will discuss the town’s history this afternoon”?

        (A) The listeners should try to be on time.

        (B) He apologizes for a change in schedule.

        (C) He advises the listeners to register for an event.

        (D) The listeners’ questions will be answered.

79.  What will the listeners most likely do next?

        (A) Tour a market

        (B) Watch a presentation

        (C) Enjoy a meal

        (D) Read some information

80.  What does the speaker apologize for?

        (A) Missing a social event

        (B) Changing a deadline

        (C) Turning in a late assignment

        (D) Forgetting to send an e-mail

81.  According to the survey, what are customers dissatisfied with?

        (A) The writing quality

        (B) The subscription costs

        (C) The online content

        (D) The delivery schedule

82.  What will happen on Tuesday?

        (A) A job opening will be posted.

        (B) A Web site will be updated.

        (C) A book will be published.

        (D) An investor will visit a department.

83.  What is the news report mainly about?

        (A) A new law

        (B) A community center

        (C) A health program

        (D) A sports league

84.  According to the speaker, what will Heads Up Development do?

        (A) Conduct a survey

        (B) Hire instructors

        (C) Open a local branch

        (D) Organize a conference

85.  What are the listeners invited to do?

        (A) Review a proposal

        (B) Volunteer for a program

        (C) Donate some supplies

        (D) Contact an official

86.  What type of industry does the speaker work in?

        (A) Training

        (B) Manufacturing

        (C) Recruitment

        (D) Sales

87.  Why does the speaker say, “they’re enjoying their highest employee retention rate ever”?

        (A) To explain a process

        (B) To offer a job

        (C) To describe a work environment

        (D) To give an example

88.  What does the speaker say he will do next week?

        (A) Go on a leave

        (B) Place an ad

        (C) Publish some research

        (D) Arrange a meeting

89.  What is the purpose of the talk?

        (A) To announce a store sale

        (B) To promote a new product

        (C) To provide details about an event

        (D) To describe the rules of a contest

90.  What feature of the sneakers does the speaker mention?

        (A) Improved grip

        (B) Automatic lacing

        (C) Additional cushioning

        (D) Color changing

91.  What will the speaker most likely do next?

        (A) Distribute samples

        (B) Introduce a colleague

        (C) Give a demonstration

        (D) Answer questions

92.  Why is the speaker canceling today’s meeting?

        (A) A personal matter came up.

        (B) Some clients have arrived early.

        (C) A meeting room is unavailable.

        (D) There was a scheduling error.

93.  According to the speaker, what was the listener’s proposal about?

        (A) Ways to improve customer service

        (B) Recommendations for a promotion

        (C) Reasons for opening a new office

        (D) Requests for vacation leave

94.  What does the speaker imply when she says, “We’ll discuss it more later”?

        (A) She will call back soon.

        (B) She wants to read other reports.

        (C) She is surprised by a rental fee.

        (D) She thinks a change is not helpful.

   Parking Directory

   Entrances A – C —— Red Lot

   Entrances D – F —— Orange Lot

   Entrances G – I —— Yellow Lot

   Entrances J – L —— Green Lot

95.  What will most likely be discussed at the meeting?

        (A) A business merger

        (B) A leasing agreement

        (C) An event schedule

        (D) An advertising deal

96.  What should the listener do at the ticket booth?

        (A) Contact the speaker

        (B) Check a map

        (C) Join a tour

        (D) Pick up a guest pass

97.  Look at the graphic. Which entrance is the speaker’s office located at?

        (A) Entrance A

        (B) Entrance D

        (C) Entrance G

        (D) Entrance J

98.  Who most likely are the listeners?

        (A) Game developers

        (B) TV producers

        (C) Film directors

        (D) Book publishers

99.  Look at the graphic. Which category is the speaker concerned about?

        (A) Improved visuals

        (B) Better writing

        (C) Earlier release

        (D) Lower price

100. What has the company decided to do?

        (A) Work with another company

        (B) Hire additional employees

        (C) Delay an announcement

        (D) Open a new office

Answer Key

Answer Key

1 (A)   2 (C)   3 (B)   4 (D)   5 (B)

6 (A)

7 (A)   8 (B)   9 (A)   10 (A)

11 (A)   12 (A)   13 (A)   14 (B)

15 (B)   16 (A)   17 (C)   18 (B)

19 (B)   20 (C)   21 (B)   22 (C)

23 (C)   24 (A)   25 (C)   26 (C)

27 (C)   28 (B)   29 (C)   30 (A)

31 (B)

32 (D)   33 (A)   34 (B)   35 (C)

36 (D)   37 (A)   38 (A)   39 (D)

40 (B)   41 (A)   42 (C)   43 (B)

44 (D)   45 (B)   46 (D)   47 (A)

48 (B)   49 (B)   50 (D)   51 (B)

52 (A)   53 (A)   54 (C)   55 (A)

56 (B)   57 (D)   58 (D)   59 (A)

60 (D)   61 (A)   62 (C)   63 (C)

64 (C)   65 (C)   66 (D)   67 (C)

68 (B)   69 (D)   70 (C)

71 (C)   72 (A)   73 (B)   74 (B)

75 (C)   76 (B)   77 (D)   78 (D)

79 (C)   80 (B)   81 (C)   82 (A)

83 (B)   84 (B)   85 (D)   86 (C)

87 (D)   88 (A)   89 (B)   90 (B)

91 (C)   92 (B)   93 (C)   94 (D)

95 (D)   96 (D)   97 (C)   98 (A)

99 (B)   100 (B)