Part 1

1. (A) A man is developing a roll of film.
(B) A man is holding a bag in his hand.
(C) A man is adjusting a strap.
(D) A man is taking a photograph.

2. (A) They’re waiting to claim their baggage.
(B) They’re waiting for their bags to be inspected.
(C) They’re loading their luggage in a plane.
(D) They’re waiting in line in front of the check-in counter.

3. (A) She is cleaning the monitor.
(B) She is handy with the computer.
(C) She has her hair tied up.
(D) She is putting on a name tag.

4. (A) Some bicycles are stopped at a traffic light.
(B) Several bicycles are parked next to the building.
(C) The street is blocked by a fallen tree.
(D) There are several lines painted on the street.

5. (A) A player is throwing a straight ball.
(B) A player is ready to hit the ball.
(C) A player is running back to home base.
(D) A player is putting on a hat.

6. (A) Some travelers are walking across the bridge.
(B) Some travelers are above the stream.
(C) Some hikers are walking through the forest.
(D) Some hikers are picking up the big rock.
Part 2
7. Will you be able to finish it on time?
(A) Probably. I’m doing my best.
(B) It’s 2:30.
(C) No, I finished it.
8. Who’s working next week?
(A) I certainly am not.
(B) At the Personnel Department.
(C) Yes, he’s on vacation.
9. What are the advertising costs?
(A) In today’s paper.
(B) About 500 dollars a month.
(C) Yes, I saw the ad.
10. Do you want to sit by the windows or aisle?
(A) I don’t mind either way.
(B) It’s a pleasant view.
(C) That would be great.
11. Will you cover my shift tonight?
(A) Well, if you would take mine next week.
(B) Yes, around Thursday.
(C) The picture was on the cover.
12. Why is it so noisy here?
(A) Turn up the volume, please.
(B) Yes, it’s here in my office.
(C) I think they’re repairing something.
13. Isn’t there a shortcut to the bank?
(A) I’m afraid that’s too short.
(B) Why don’t you take the 5th lane?
(C) To close an account.
14. Why did Ms. Hennington leave the office so early?
(A) Two in the afternoon.
(B) Let’s meet next week.
(C) She was sick.
15. I’m calling to make a reservation.
(A) Next week.
(B) For how many days?
(C) I need some sleep first.
16. What color would you prefer for the doors?
(A) Yes, I like that.
(B) Black or brown.
(C) Let me open the doors for you.
17. Where did you put the accounting reports?
(A) I gave them to Mr. Benjamin.
(B) She’s in her office.
(C) Tuesday morning.
18. She has some really great experiences.
(A) She is having dinner with a client.
(B) No, she doesn’t need it any more.
(C) I know what you mean.
19. When are you planning to go out for lunch?
(A) No, thank you.
(B) I think I’ll skip it.
(C) To buy some groceries.
20. Don’t you hear a phone ringing?
(A) Oh, it must be mine.
(B) Yes, I called you yesterday.
(C) Can I have your number?
21. Can you take notes at the meeting, please?
(A) He probably saw the notice.
(B) What about next Wednesday?
(C) Sure, no problem.
22. When did she say she would call?
(A) Sometime next week.
(B) To the office.
(C) Yes, this morning.
23. Why don’t you join us for dessert?
(A) I subscribed last year.
(B) That’s awful.
(C) Thanks, but I have an appointment.
24. Is rain predicted for tomorrow?
(A) Because of rain.
(B) I don’t think so.
(C) Sure, I’ll see you there.
25. Let’s invite Kendra to the meeting.
(A) That’s probably a good idea.
(B) Would you like to join us?
(C) I’ll mail you an invitation.
26. I’m sorry we couldn’t meet Henry before he left.
(A) He already arrived.
(B) Yes, too bad we were on our business trip.
(C) It’s great to see you here.
27. Isn’t Dr. Mandisa working on the project?
(A) I’ll be coming in late today.
(B) No, your appointment is tomorrow.
(C) Yes, she is. Why?
28. Will my luggage fit in your car?
(A) I prefer leather luggage.
(B) No, thank you.
(C) We can give it a try.
29. How about having dinner with the clients?
(A) That sounds great.
(B) I ate a big dinner last night.
(C) It opens at 2 o’clock.
30. We don’t have enough time before the deadline, do we?
(A) By Friday.
(B) What time does the movie begin?
(C) Let’s request a delay.
31. I haven’t received my payment for last month.
(A) Let me check.
(B) To the Accounting Manager.
(C) That would be nice, thank you.
Part 3
Questions 32-34 refer to the following conversation.
W Hey, John. Do you know where the budget file is? I can’t find it.
M No, Jean, I have no idea. Why don’t you ask Patrick?
W Patrick’s out of town right now, and I am sure he doesn’t have it. Hmm, are you sure it’s not in your office?
M Well, I’ll check once more, but I’ll probably be giving you the same answer.
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation.
W Look at all the robotics we are using on the manufacturing assembly line. They are all automatically operated.
M I can see. It’s really impressive. You know, factories rarely use such high-quality devices these days.
W Yes. So I need to find the right system to handle all the equipment we’ve installed. The system we’re currently using needs to be upgraded. How much would it cost to do business with your company?
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation.
M Mandy, Mr. Ransh just called me. He sounded pretty upset about not receiving any design blueprints yet. You’d better send him something soon.
W Really? That’s weird. I sent him a blueprint by e-mail last week!
M Hmm. Are you sure? Maybe you sent it to the wrong e-mail address.
W No. I have his correct address saved in my computer directory. Well, I should send him a blueprint again right away anyway.
Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation.
M Long time no see, Janice. Did you like Greece?
W Yeah, it was just great. My friends and I stayed at a cozy hotel in Athens for three weeks.
M Oh, I remember last year when I visited Athens for business. I had a lot of free time so I enjoyed sightseeing. What about you?
W Just for the first week. We mostly spent our time walking, lying, and resting on the beach near the hotel. We sometimes tried out new restaurants, too.
Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation.
W Everyone’s here now. Is dinner ready to be served?
M I’m afraid there has been some miscommunications in the schedule. I just spoke with the caterer on the phone, and he thought the food was to be ready by 8 o’clock.
W Eight? But we told them dinner would be at 6:30. They must have mistaken it for the presentation time. Oh well, I guess we’ll have to change our plans and watch the presentation first.
Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
W The documents that I was planning to use at the presentation are missing. I’m sure I brought them with me this morning.
M Look in your bag again. They are probably somewhere among your other papers.
W No, they’re not. I’ve already looked three times. Will you go first and get the conference room ready for the meeting? Let me just go back to my office and make some copies.
Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
M I had a good look at your resume and cover letter, Ms. Landers. And I am willing to offer you a position as a sales representative at lndie Industries.
W Oh, thank you Mr. Carper. I am grateful to accept your offer. I really wanted this opportunity to use my background in sales. I applied right away after seeing the newspaper advertisement for the job.
M Well, you sure made a great choice there. Now I’ll introduce you to Ms. Clarkson in the Personnel Department for some papers you need to fill out. When do you think you can start working?
W I’ll be ready in about two weeks.
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation with three speakers.
M1 Lauri, what a surprise! I didn’t know you were coming.
W Oh, Hi! Long time no see!
M2 I was told that you moved from New York to London.
W Right! I have lived in London for 10 years, so, I wasn’t going to, but I changed my mind. I just couldn’t get our 15th reunion out of my mind.
M1 Isn’t it so great to be back here after all these years?
M2 Yeah, it’s a beautiful campus. I can’t believe it’s already been 15 years since we graduated.
M1 Do you remember when we won the first prize at the student chess tournament?
W How can I forget that? It was one of the best moments in my college life.
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation.
M Hi, Kimmy. Do you have a minute to talk about the Technology Workshop?
W I have a weekly meeting soon, but go ahead.
M Actually, I need to discuss the refreshments for the workshop you’re holding next Friday. You asked me to call you back before I confirm the order.
W Right. I want to make sure everything is perfect. As I told you, we expect 20 participants and will need some coffee, juice, and bagels for breakfast. As for lunch, we will need sandwiches and diet Coke. Everything’s clear, right?
M Yes, perfect. I’ll place the order right away. The cost will be approximately 100 dollars.
W Okay. Oh, I want one more thing. Let’s add some fruit to the lunch menu.
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation.
W Mr. Heath, I want to talk about scheduling interviews for the web-design position.
M Oh, yes. I’ll be at work only on Wednesday and Thursday next week, because I will be on a business trip.
W Hmm, I have a conference to attend on Wednesday, so I don’t think I’ll be at the office that day.
M Well, what about doing the interviews on Thursday before I leave?
W Okay. I guess only Thursday works for both of us. We really need to hire someone as quickly as possible.
M Right, it’s urgent. The clients are starting to complain about the old designs of our website.
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following conversation and map.
M Michiko, the monthly sales meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, right? What time is it scheduled for?
W It’s at the usual time, 1 o’clock, but remember we’re at a different location this month. The Royal Hotel didn’t have any private rooms available, so we reserved a space at the Chinese restaurant near the city hall.
M Great, I love Chinese food and I hope they’ll give us a big room. Actually, I like the service and food at the Italian restaurant next to the cafe, but I was disappointed with the tiny room they gave us last month.
W That’s right. I guess they didn’t know how much our sales department’s grown. See you tomorrow.
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following conversation and form.
W Frank, did you order some clothes? I just received this box from Macy’s but I haven’t placed any orders.
M Yes, thanks. I ordered a few things the day before yesterday. I needed some suits and neckties to wear for my presentations and banquet next week.
W Oh, okay. I guess the delivery person was confused since you put the department in the order instead of your own name.
M Oh, did I? I was in a real hurry. I won’t forget to put my name next time.
Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following conversation and label.
M I’m looking for healthy foods. Last week, I went to hospital and my doctor advised me to lose weight. At least, I should lose 20 pounds.
W If you want to lose weight, you’ll need to eat less and exercise more. When you burn 500 more calories than you eat everyday for a week, you can lose about 1-2 pounds.
M I know. Limiting salt and sugar may also help lose more weight. I’m trying to change my diet. Look at this. How about this canned chicken soup?
W Oh, no! That’s almost 2 grams. Why don’t you buy some fresh fruits and vegetables?
Part 4
Questions 71-73 refer to the following the following announcement.
The first thing I’d like to discuss in today’s meeting is a new company policy regarding record keeping. In an effort to improve our record keeping, as of the 1st of January, you must submit your monthly sales presentation logs to the archives department. The archives department will store these records permanently. It is located on the 4th floor, but there is no need to hand in the reports in person. We have set up drop boxes on each floor next to the printers. Just put the documents in any of these drop boxes and the archive staff will periodically take them up to the 4th floor. Thanks for your cooperation with this.
Questions 74-76 refer to the following notice.
Hello, we welcome you here to the national park. I am Thomas and I will be guiding you today on our walk to the top of the mountain. There will be various flowers and other plants along our walk, and I will give you some information about them, including their history. And please don’t hesitate to ask questions. The walk is going to take approximately three hours, including a few short trails and a thirty-minute break near the waterfall. We will probably arrive at the top around noon where we will have lunch. I ask earnestly that you respect the environment and do not toss any garbage along the trail. To protect the beauty of the trail, we haven’t installed many garbage cans along the course. So please carry your trash and throw it away when we return to the parking area. I hope it will be convenient for you to use temporary paper bags for your garbage. Now, let’s start the hiking!
Questions 77-79 refer to the following business report.
This morning, Kansas Furniture announced plans to build an additional building next to its current head office on Leeves Boulevard. Randy Kansas, owner of the company, states that this expansion reflects their customers’ increased use of the Internet and the company’s need to respond with more Internet marketing. The city’s largest furniture company will be using its new offices to manage online sales. Experts in Internet marketing have recently been added to the Kansas Furniture staff. Mr. Kansas predicts that this expansion will significantly increase the company’s total income.
Questions 80-82 refer to the following report.
Today, I want to give you some details of our annual sales report. I’m sure you all want to know the results of the hard work you’ve been doing. During the last two years, our profit has increased 35%, resulting in our company’s growth in the current market share. This profit gain can be attributed to our corporate commitment to meeting the needs of customers. It’s my conviction that we surpass the competition in this commitment. While other companies typically put limits on the size of shipments, we ship a broad range of products from small containers to bulkier items, such as industrial machinery and vehicles. Our customer survey confirms that clients are happy with our service. They trust us to be exceptionally cautious with their cargo. In my ten-year experience as the Marketing Manager, I’ve never been so pleased with our efforts. I am proud of you all, and let’s keep up this good work.
Questions 83-85 refer to the following radio advertisement.
If you like learning about unique tourist destinations, be sure to listen to Radio Travel hosted by Kenny Millards. Once in a week, Kenny Millards offers in-depth information about exotic vacation possibilities. He interviews people who have vacationed at these unusual destinations. He also offers special travel tips. Radio Travel is broadcast every Thursday at 4 P.M., with the repeats on Saturdays at 11 A.M. To preview the destinations featured each week, visit our website at
Questions 86-88 refer to the following introduction.
Welcome everyone. Thanks for attending today’s meeting. I am happy to introduce Mina Aioki, our radio station’s new Executive Director. As you all are aware, we held interviews last week and among the five candidates, Ms. Aioki was the most qualified for this position. She has recently worked as General Manager of a large broadcasting studio in Japan. Before that, she had served as a Chief Editor of a radio studio in California. Now, let’s give Ms. Aioki a chance to introduce herself to us. Welcome to our company, Mina Aioki!
Questions 89-91 refer to the following report.
In today’s business news; Edward Stanley, CEO of Stanley Foods, has announced that his company has acquired Woodford Packaging Inc. The acquisition will be finalized by the end of the month. In a recent press release, Mr. Stanley stated that he fully expects that the acquisition will allow his company to run operations more efficiently by having his food production and packaging facilities under one roof. Mr. Stanley also announced that the company would be renamed Stanford Foods and will become the largest packaged food company on the west coast.
Questions 92-94 refer to the following introduction.
It gives me great pleasure to announce tonight’s recipient of the award for excellence in education to Dr. Martha Stevens. When Dr. Stevens first joined the business faculty here at Morristown University, the program was struggling to attract new students. In a few short years, she completely resurrected the program. She got more fund so the department could renovate the business library and offer more scholarships. She has also been an inspiration to her students who are amazed by how much of her own time she spends with them after class. I admire her dedication to her profession as well as her students. Please come forward to receive your award.
Questions 95-97 refer to the following advertisement and list.
This week only, Hapner’s Clothing is offering big discounts on some of our most popular items for the entire family including sportswear. For the past 5 years, we have developed a large clientele of loyal customers. Hapner’s is famous, not only for its high-quality clothing, but also its tradition as a family business. Especially, make sure you stop by our shoe department, where you can find our featured items-sports shoes. Also, to express our thanks, we are offering a big discount event. Tomorrow evening, which is the first day of our one-week sale, we invite customers to a special opening-day party. We will offer a wide variety of refreshments to everyone visiting our store. So please stop by and enjoy the special community of your favorite clothing store. We will also be presenting our latest line of dresses, so do not miss this great opportunity for fun and savings!
Questions 98-100 refer to the following announcement and agenda.
The Human Resources Department is pleased to announce a one-day training seminar. All interested parties are welcome to attend. The seminar will be held in Dublin in the William Bligh Hotel at Simmons Court Road on Saturday, June 14 from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. This is the first of four seminars that will be offered to team managers this year. Managers must attend at least one of these seminars. To register for the event, please send an e-mail to There is no charge for registration or accommodation. In addition, travel expenses to the seminars will be reimbursed. All expense claims must be submitted by June 21. Oh, I almost forgot, the conference room numbers for the last two sessions will be switched. Thank you for your cooperation.
Answer Key
Answer Key
01. (D) 02. (A) 03. (C) 04. (B) 05. (B)
06. (A) 07. (A) 08. (A) 09. (B) 10. (A)
11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (B) 14. (C) 15. (B)
16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (B) 20. (A)
21. (C) 22. (A) 23. (C) 24. (B) 25. (A)
26. (B) 27. (C) 28. (C) 29. (A) 30. (C)
31. (A) 32. (B) 33. (D) 34. (A) 35. (D)
36. (A) 37. (A) 38. (A) 39. (C) 40. (B)
41. (A) 42. (C) 43. (B) 44. (B) 45. (C)
46. (A) 47. (B) 48. (C) 49. (C) 50. (B)
51. (D) 52. (D) 53. (A) 54. (C) 55. (C)
56. (C) 57. (A) 58. (B) 59. (B) 60. (A)
61. (A) 62. (D) 63. (C) 64. (B) 65. (D)
66. (D) 67. (A) 68. (C) 69. (C) 70. (D)
71. (C) 72. (D) 73. (B) 74. (C) 75. (A)
76. (B) 77. (C) 78. (A) 79. (C) 80. (B)
81. (A) 82. (A) 83. (C) 84. (A) 85. (B)
86. (D) 87. (C) 88. (A) 89. (B) 90. (C)
91. (D) 92. (D) 93. (A) 94. (C) 95. (C)
96. (D) 97. (A) 98. (C) 99. (C) 100. (C)