Part 1

1. (A) The women are choosing some merchandise.
(B) The women are putting on scarves.
(C) One woman is reaching for some hardware.
(D) One woman is adjusting some display shelves.

2. (A) Two women are leaning against a window.
(B) One woman is stirring something.
(C) One woman is folding some napkins.
(D) The women are sitting across from each other.

3. (A) She’s drinking from a mug.
(B) The presenter is writing something down.
(C) Documents have been scattered on the table.
(D) One of them has raised her hand.

4. (A) Some pillows have been put on the floor.
(B) Sofas are facing each other.
(C) Potted trees are lining the corridor.
(D) The shades covering the windows have been pulled up.

5. (A) All of the people are wheeling their suitcases.
(B) Some people are standing against a wall.
(C) There are a few bags on the carousel.
(D) A man is trying on a straw hat.

6. (A) Trees of different heights are growing on an island.
(B) They’re paddling a rowboat on the shoreline.
(C) A footbridge extends across the water.
(D) A row of buildings stretches along the shore.
Part 2
7. When did you last go to yoga class?
(A) The other gym.
(B) Earlier this month.
(C) No, she was first.
8. Where will your soccer team be playing?
(A) At the sports field on Miller Road.
(B) A new player from London.
(C) Every Saturday afternoon.
9. How long will the meeting be?
(A) To discuss the budget.
(B) Tuesday, at 9.
(C) Just half an hour.
10. Would you like to go to the coffee shop with me?
(A) Yes, I could do with a break.
(B) Coffee with sugar, please.
(C) They have the biggest menu.
11. Why did you order the desks from another store?
(A) On Friday morning.
(B) Off of their Web site.
(C) The selection was better.
12. Who’s the workshop instructor for the morning session?
(A) In the conference room on the third floor.
(B) It’s mandatory for all staff.
(C) It’s Mr. Horton from Marketing.
13. How do I get to the nearest post office?
(A) There are branch listings online.
(B) Just to buy some stamps.
(C) No, it didn’t take long.
14. The light in the store room isn’t very bright.
(A) It’s a nice day to walk outside.
(B) No, they’re stored in a different room.
(C) Yes, it’s hard to see.
15. Do you want to travel together to the convention?
(A) I’m not sure I’m able to attend.
(B) It was a good decision to take a train.
(C) I’d be happy to lend a hand.
16. Isn’t it supposed to snow tomorrow?
(A) Yes, I believe so.
(B) We’ll know by next week.
(C) In the weather forecast.
17. Why was I charged an additional fee for the laptop repair?
(A) I’m planning to get it fixed tomorrow
(B) Let me check with the technician.
(C) Thanks, I appreciate it.
18. Didn’t Rebecca attend night classes at Trent University?
(A) Yes, I think she did.
(B) A degree in graphic design.
(C) I prefer to work in the evenings.
19. Where will the tennis open be held next year?
(A) It’s in Boston again.
(B) She won last time.
(C) Toward the end of spring.
20. Could you give me some advice on my speech?
(A) His talk was very well received.
(B) I’m afraid we’ve already run out.
(C) Sure, but can you wait until 4?
21. Your food order will be ready for pickup at 7 P.M.
(A) Just pick anything for me.
(B) There aren’t any tables available.
(C) Thanks, I’ll return then.
22. Do we have any more brown envelopes?
(A) They’re usually at the reception desk.
(B) You can leave them in my office.
(C) Just some promotional leaflets.
23. Did you check the presentation slides?
(A) It’ll be presented after the meeting.
(B) They don’t accept checks
(C) Yes, they’re all ready.
24. Wasn’t it Barry’s turn to clean the staff break room?
(A) That’s a great idea.
(B) He swapped with Peter.
(C) I’ll turn it off for you.
25. Where’s the best place to get Chinese food?
(A) Mr. Lee just went out for some last night.
(B) You should book a table in advance.
(C) I wasn’t impressed with their menu.
26. Would you prefer a seat near the screen or one further back?
(A) I’d rather not be too close.
(B) Sure, I’m looking forward to the movie.
(C) The films are screened twice a day.
27. Our car rental period can be extended, right?
(A) There are several near the airport.
(B) These vehicles are second-hand.
(C) Did you check the agreement?
28. What did you think of the celebration on Saturday?
(A) The fireworks were spectacular.
(B) Yes, but I’ll arrive a little late.
(C) For the town’s 250th birthday.
29. When will the software be installed?
(A) No, I haven’t used it yet.
(B) The IT technician just arrived.
(C) It deletes all harmful files.
30. Could you look at this complaint from one of our customers?
(A) Oh, I’ve had a few similar ones.
(B) It’s been a highly positive response.
(C) Usually about our delivery times.
31. The delivery’s scheduled for Monday, right?
(A) I have some free time today.
(B) You’d better check with Jim.
(C) At the warehouse entrance.
Part 3
Questions 32 through 34
M: Hi, this is Peter Evans. This morning, (32) I used your Web site to book tickets for a show at your concert hall in October.
W: Just a moment… Yes, I have your reservation. Is there anything else you need?
M: Well, (33) I just read the confirmation that came in my e-mail, and the number of tickets was incorrect. I purchased three tickets, but the confirmation is only for two.
W: Oh, that’s odd. Well, I can fix that for you right away. And (34) since it must have been a problem with our site, I’ll give you a 10% discount on your third ticket.
Questions 35 through 37
M: Hi, Bella. I heard that (35) you and your work crew have been busy cleaning all the empty offices on the fifth floor. Is it going well?
W: Definitely. In fact, I’d say we’re ahead of schedule.
M: That’s great! The reason I asked is that our CEO just told me that (36) the air conditioning units and telephones are going to be installed tomorrow. Is there any chance you’ll be done before then?
W: Oh, then that just gives us one day to finish. (37) I guess I can ask my work crew to stay late this evening to wrap everything up. Then the offices will be ready for the technicians arriving tomorrow.
M: I’d really appreciate that. Thanks.
Questions 38 through 40
W: Excuse me. (38) I think my company parking permit must have fallen out of my handbag at some point. (39) Did anyone hand one in here at the security desk?
M: Oh… I just got here five minutes ago. Where do you think it might’ve fallen out of your bag?
W: Well, I used it when I arrived for work at 8:30 this morning, and then I thought I put it in my bag. It could be anywhere really.
M: (40) I think the best thing to do is to give me your name and number. Then I can give you a call if it turns up anywhere.
Questions 41 through 43
M1: Hi, Arnold. (41) Here is the list of job candidates coming in for interviews this afternoon. Is the conference room ready for us to use?
M2: Yes, I just need to get hold of all the candidates’ resumes and application forms. (42) I think the human resources manager still has them.
M1: (42) Right. I’m calling her now. Elizabeth, I’m in the conference room with Arnold. We still need to get the forms for the candidates before they arrive.
W: Oh, of course! But, I was just about to take a break for lunch.
M1: We’d be happy to join you for lunch somewhere, and then we can get the documents from you.
W: Great. (43) I was just planning to head to the cafeteria. Can you meet me there? I’ll make sure I bring everything you need.
Questions 44 through 46
M: Good morning. (44) I’d like to make an appointment to have some viruses removed from my laptop. Can I bring it in sometime today?
W: I’m afraid our technicians have no time available today, and we’re closed on Sundays. We could fit you in on Monday at around noon.
M: Hmm… That’s during my lunch break, but (45) I need to be back at my office by 1 P.M. at the latest.
W: It won’t take more than thirty minutes.
M: Well, I don’t want to risk being late, as I have an important meeting that day. (46) I’d better just wait until next weekend.
W: That will work, too. How about 10 A.M. on Saturday?
M: That will be perfect, thanks. See you then.
Questions 47 through 49
W: It’s great that you finally have the chance to see the apartment for yourself. The pictures online don’t really do it justice.
M: I think I’ll love it. (47) I’m especially excited about the open space on the rooftop. I’ve always wanted to keep a garden, and it should be a good spot for one.
W: I think that’s a wonderful idea. Now, I know this residential area is a bit far from downtown, but that means it’s quieter, too.
M: Oh, I don’t mind. (48) My brother actually lives around here, so I can see him more often.
W: Fantastic! And one last thing: (49) these leases are actually for 24-months, which is longer than a typical agreement.
Questions 50 through 52
M: Hello, KyungMi. Today will be your first day on your own (50) in FleetFox Couriers Eastern Distribution Center. Do you have any questions before you start?
W: The past week of training covered a lot, but (50) (51) I’m still unsure of how to sort international deliveries. How do I do it again?
M: Oh, it really isn’t any different from domestic deliveries. Scan them as you normally would, but just be sure to place them on Conveyor Belt C.
W: That’s easy enough. I’m all set, then.
M: You’ll do fine. And (52) if you need to know anything else, just ask Daniel in the next station. He’s worked here for a while.
Questions 53 through 55
W: Good morning. Thanks for calling Sirius Digital Solutions. How can I help?
M: Hi, my name is Benjamin Stark. (53) I need someone to create a new Web site for my business and I heard your firm can produce great results.
W: I certainly aim to please my clients. What type of site are you hoping for?
M: Well, (54) I’m hiring several new salespeople to draw more customers to my business. But in order to meet the increased demand, I’ll need to create a fully functional online store, instead of just distributing traditional catalogs. Do you think you could handle that?
W: No problem. But, (55) online stores can be fairly complicated projects. Let’s meet at my office so that we can talk about all the details in person. Would 4 P.M. this Thursday suit you?
Questions 56 through 58
W: Jeremy, what’s going on with the payroll system at your branch? I heard that the monthly pay slips for around 50 of your employees were handed out two days late.
M: The problem is with our staff database. (56) The current system uses outdated computers, so there are often errors when calculating employee work hours. I had to manually calculate work hours for those employees because the system crashed again.
W: Oh… Well, has anything been done to avoid a similar situation in the future?
M: Yes, (57) we’re finally getting new computers installed this week. I just purchased them this morning.
W: I’m glad to hear that. And (58) I’d appreciate it if you could e-mail the receipts for those to head office this afternoon.
M: (58) No problem. I’ll get them to you by 4 P.M.
Questions 59 through 61
M1: Welcome to this tour of Everglade Fruit Orchard. (59) I’ll be showing you how we choose the very best fruits and discard those that aren’t quite good enough. Now, before we begin, does anyone have any questions?
W: Yes, I was wondering if we can purchase some fruit at the end of the tour.
M1: Some of our fruits are only for distribution to retailers, but (60) we will allow you to buy some of our apples.
W: Apples? That’s what I was hoping to hear. Thanks!
M1: Are there any more questions before we set off?
M2: I heard this orchard employs over one hundred people. What do they all do here?
M1: Actually, (61) we have more employees than any other orchard in the country. Most of them are involved with picking and packaging our fruit.
Questions 62 through 64
W: I think we should move a little faster with our planning of the company’s year-end banquet, Miguel. (62) I received the full list of attendees from the head of personnel last evening, so we can go ahead and make a reservation somewhere.
M: Sounds great. So, obviously we need to find a nice place that has a private dining room we can use for our event. I’ve narrowed it down to this list of four options.
W: Well, I’ve eaten at Willow before, and the food was excellent. But (63) there will be more than 40 employees attending the banquet. We’ll need a private dining room that can accommodate everyone, so let’s reserve the biggest one.
M: You’re right. I’ll let you figure out the best date for the meal. Then (64) I’ll send a memo to our staff and let them know the plan.
Questions 65 through 67
W: Hi, James. I think you and I and the other committee members at (65) our tennis club need to have a meeting. (66) We need to discuss potential replacements for Matthew Anderson, since he’s moving overseas next month.
M: Good idea, but it’s going to be hard to replace him. Matthew’s been with us for a long time. We’ll need someone who really understands all the finances involved with running our tennis club.
W: Yes, but I think we have some suitable individuals among our current members. Can you advertise the position to everyone?
M: Sure. (67) I’ll start by designing a poster that we can put up in club headquarters.
Questions 68 through 70
M: Welcome back to the TriCore Fitness Center.
W: Thanks. Here’s my membership ID.
M: I noticed you haven’t signed up for any of our additional services yet. Our new meal planning program has become very popular.
W: Actually, (68) I want to join the yoga class.
M: Oh, fantastic. It starts at 6 o’clock and ends at 7. (69) The instructor always makes healthy juice for everyone in the evening after class, so plan to stick around a bit longer. Maybe until around 7:15.
W: That sounds fine. Will my name be on a list or something?
M: That’s right. (70) Just show the instructor any piece of ID with your name on it.
Part 4
Questions 71 through 73
Thanks for visiting our exhibit here at the technology convention. We’re here to show you an effective way to allow your customers to scan their own products and pay for their purchases. (71) Please take a look at our new line of barcode scanners. I bet you’ve experienced (72) long lines of customers and slow service on busy days in your store. Well, our new devices can solve that! Customers can scan and pay for goods themselves, more quickly and easily. Now, (73) I’d like to give each of you a pamphlet that describes our new products in more detail.
Questions 74 through 76
This is Alexander Knight on WPRK Talk Radio, and you’re listening to ‘What’s On the Menu?’, the bi-weekly program about local food and eating out. Our special guest tonight is (74) Pricilla Nichols, the owner of the popular Italian restaurant on Twelfth Avenue, Primo Pasta. Pricilla is here to explain more about a special project she’s involved in. (75) She’s one of several local entrepreneurs funding a new culinary school that is scheduled to open in Los Angeles later this year. And (76) she’ll be offering scholarships to several promising young chefs in our area. It’s a pleasure to have you on the show, Pricilla.
Questions 77 through 79
Attention, all passengers waiting to board Flight 035 to Toronto. (77) Due to strong winds and heavy snow, your flight will be delayed for a minimum of one hour. Your luggage has already been loaded onto the plane, and (78) we will be ready to go as soon as the snowstorm stops. Don’t go too far. Gate 12 has several amenities. If we’re lucky, you may be able to board the plane sooner than expected. (79) I’ll keep you informed about any changes to the situation, so keep listening. We appreciate your understanding.
Questions 80 through 82
You’re listening to Radio Rochdale, and now it’s time for your local news. (80) Yesterday, a project to clean up Thorpe River started. The river has grown polluted over the past few years, and the city council has finally decided to address the problem. The waste management firm, Assange Corporation, was selected to lead the clean-up efforts. Several firms bid to do the work, but (81) the contract was offered to Assange Corporation after it promised to complete the task without taking any payment for the work. (82) The city council is hoping to build new homes on the banks of the river once the clean-up is complete.
Questions 83 through 85
Good morning, everyone. It looks like we’ll have beautiful weather for today’s hike through Thurston Forest. (83) My name is Sonya, and I’ve been studying the plants and wildlife in the area for 15 years, so if you have any questions, just ask! We’ll start off at a fairly quick pace, but once we get further into the forest, (84) we’ll stop frequently to admire several gorgeous waterfalls and some truly stunning views. The trail ends near the small town of Beverly, so we’ll have lunch there. And if you enjoy today’s hike, (85) please leave a comment for us on our Web site!
Questions 86 through 88
Hello, Mr. Killian. This is Jessica Lowe. (86) (88) We met last week about the apartment on Market Street. I’m calling because I haven’t heard back from you about receiving my deposit for the lease. (87) I recently started using a new bank account, so I’m wondering if that might have caused a problem with my transfer. Anyway, (88) I would really appreciate an update. I’m living back at home right now, and umm.. my parents are moving next week. Just call me back at 555-3210. Thanks.
Questions 89 through 91
(89) The final thing to discuss at this staff meeting is our team bonding policy. The concept behind this new program is to encourage all of you, our employees, to build better relationships and improve communication with one another. (90) We feel that the best way to do that is for staff to join company-led clubs. Therefore, we have organized clubs for bowling, badminton, and hiking. If you sign up to join any of these, you’ll receive a gift certificate for Darcy’s Department Store. (91) To sign up for a club, you’ll need to add your name to the sign-up sheet. I’ll post that on the notice board right after this meeting.
Questions 92 through 94
Hey Mustafa, it’s Donald. (92) I’m calling you to discuss the event to celebrate the launch of our new range of washing machines. We need to make sure that everything is organized so that it’s a success. For example, the product displays, the live music, and (93) most importantly – thinking back to the disappointing launch earlier this year for our new microwave line – how we’re going to attract enough consumers to our store for the event. Don’t forget what happened in March. Anyway, (94) I’m planning to visit our headquarters this afternoon to speak with you and the other marketing managers in person. Let me know what time you’ll be free for a chat.
Questions 95 through 97
(95) Locals are excited for the upcoming Pottsville Community Yard Sale, which is returning for its third year. Held outside at Lakeview Park, the event gives everyone the chance to sell secondhand clothes, old tools and equipment, or even handmade crafts. And for shoppers, it’s a great way to meet others and buy some truly unique items. If you’re interested in attending, (96) you can visit the city Web site to see a map of the vendor layout, which is updated daily as new participants join. As for the weather, (97) our streak of rainy days will be over by then, but there still won’t be any sun all day, so be sure to dress warmly.
Questions 98 through 100
Hello, and thanks for coming to this meeting. (98) As you read in this morning’s newsletter, preparations for our new West Coast office have progressed faster than we anticipated. We’ll actually be able to open it soon; however, (99) we still need to hire a lot of staff to fill all the positions. To solve this problem, the board of directors has decided to buy out an independent Web publisher in the area to absorb its work force. (100) The small Web site we’ve chosen currently holds 15% of the Western region’s market share. This is the perfect size for our goals.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 (A) 2 (D) 3 (D) 4 (D) 5 (C)
6 (C)
7 (B) 8 (A) 9 (C) 10 (A)
11 (C) 12 (C) 13 (A) 14 (C)
15 (A) 16 (A) 17 (B) 18 (A)
19 (A) 20 (C) 21 (C) 22 (A)
23 (C) 24 (B) 25 (A) 26 (A)
27 (C) 28 (A) 29 (B) 30 (A)
31 (B)
32 (B) 33 (D) 34 (C) 35 (D)
36 (B) 37 (C) 38 (A) 39 (B)
40 (B) 41 (C) 42 (B) 43 (A)
44 (D) 45 (B) 46 (C) 47 (A)
48 (A) 49 (D) 50 (B) 51 (B)
52 (D) 53 (D) 54 (C) 55 (B)
56 (B) 57 (B) 58 (D) 59 (B)
60 (B) 61 (B) 62 (B) 63 (D)
64 (D) 65 (A) 66 (C) 67 (D)
68 (B) 69 (D) 70 (B)
71 (B) 72 (B) 73 (D) 74 (C)
75 (B) 76 (C) 77 (D) 78 (B)
79 (C) 80 (D) 81 (B) 82 (C)
83 (D) 84 (C) 85 (B) 86 (D)
87 (B) 88 (B) 89 (B) 90 (B)
91 (D) 92 (B) 93 (C) 94 (D)
95 (C) 96 (A) 97 (C) 98 (A)
99 (B) 100 (C)