Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  Who most likely is the man?

        (A) A receptionist

        (B) A health trainer

        (C) A doctor

        (D) An instructor

33.  What is the purpose of the woman’s phone call?

        (A) To make an appointment

        (B) To reschedule a meeting

        (C) To ask for directions

        (D) To confirm a reservation

34.  What will the woman do this afternoon?

        (A) Take a fitness class

        (B) Attend a health and safety workshop

        (C) Get a medical examination

        (D) Cancel her appointment

35.  What will the listeners learn how to do?

        (A) Post an announcement online

        (B) Request vacation time

        (C) Record work time

        (D) Fill out reimbursement requests

36.  What does the woman offer to do?

        (A) Share her notes

        (B) Pick up materials from the meeting

        (C) Attend the meeting instead

        (D) Pay for lunch

37.  What are the listeners asked to do next?

        (A) Review what was covered

        (B) Take a lunch break

        (C) Access a Web site

        (D) Sign an attendance sheet

38.  What is the topic of the conversation?

        (A) Moving to a larger building

        (B) Drawing more customers

        (C) Expanding a business

        (D) Hiring more employees

39.  What does the man suggest doing?

        (A) Inspecting a property

        (B) Attending a training course

        (C) Lowering their rates

        (D) Running ads on Web sites

40.  What is the man asked to do?

        (A) Work on a proposal

        (B) Research prices

        (C) Post a job notice

        (D) E-mail cost estimates

41.  What item did the woman order online?

        (A) A blouse

        (B) A dress

        (C) A pair of pants

        (D) A pair of shoes

42.  What mistake did the woman make?

        (A) She got a size that is too large.

        (B) She chose the wrong color.

        (C) She forgot to enter a promotional code.

        (D) She entered the incorrect address.

43.  What does the man remind the woman about?

        (A) A package needs a signature.

        (B) Exchanges take a week to process.

        (C) A discount does not apply.

        (D) A form can be found on a Web site.

44.  Why is the man meeting with the woman?

        (A) To go over employment policies

        (B) To interview for a job

        (C) To conduct an inspection

        (D) To negotiate a contract

45.  Why does the man mention his friend?

        (A) To ask about the service his friend recommended

        (B) To request a job interview

        (C) To mention they worked together before

        (D) To explain how he knows about the company

46.  What does the man say he would like to focus on?

        (A) Improving research and development

        (B) Drawing corporate investors

        (C) Corporate tax accounting duties

        (D) Employee productivity

47.  What are the speakers doing next weekend?

        (A) Completing an assignment

        (B) Taking a vacation

        (C) Attending a trade fair

        (D) Going away on business

48.  Why has Xavier not booked a hotel yet?

        (A) More rooms may be needed.

        (B) He has not gotten approval yet.

        (C) There are no rooms available.

        (D) He is looking for a good price.

49.  What does the woman say she will do?

        (A) Reserve train tickets

        (B) Use her credit card

        (C) Rent a vehicle

        (D) Pick up her colleague

50.  What type of business does the man work for?

        (A) Event planning

        (B) Social media advertising

        (C) Financial consulting

        (D) Banking

51.  Why does the woman say, “Well, our company outing is today”?

        (A) To ask for financial assistance

        (B) To tell the man not to be late

        (C) To invite the man to an event

        (D) To turn down an offer

52.  What does the man offer to do?

        (A) Lower a price for services

        (B) Provide some materials

        (C) Negotiate a contract

        (D) Reschedule an event

53. Where does the conversation take place?

        (A) At a hardware store

        (B) At a gardening center

        (C) At a clothing store

        (D) At a sporting goods store

54.  Why does the man say, “It’s almost summer”?

        (A) To show excitement about vacation plans

        (B) To emphasize how busy he is

        (C) To mention that a deadline is approaching

        (D) To express his interest in an offer

55.  What does the woman give to the man?

        (A) A discount coupon

        (B) A business card

        (C) A guidebook on gardening

        (D) A list of summer flowers

56. What are the speakers talking about?

        (A) A lost piece of equipment

        (B) Discontinued merchandise

        (C) A damaged product

        (D) Release of a new computer

57.  What does the woman imply when she says, “I did that”?

        (A) A warranty is extended.

        (B) She already returned a wrong product.

        (C) She contacted the manufacturer.

        (D) A suggestion was not effective.

58.  What does the woman decide to do?

        (A) Upgrade to a newer item

        (B) Visit the man’s workplace

        (C) Postpone her travel plans

        (D) Speak with a manager

59.  Where is the conversation taking place?

        (A) At a bookstore

        (B) At a library

        (C) At a supermarket

        (D) At a shipping service

60.  What does the man mean when he says, “Then it’s a good thing I came’?

        (A) He is ready to start his shift.

        (B) He is excited about the new books.

        (C) He is enjoying himself at the library.

        (D) He is happy to assist the woman.

61.  What does the woman say she is excited about?

        (A) An expansion of a book collection

        (B) An extended hours of operation

        (C) A book signing at the library

        (D) An increase in prices

62.  What type of event are the speakers preparing for?

        (A) An awards ceremony

        (B) A focus group discussion

        (C) An orientation session

        (D) A board meeting

63.  Look at the graphic. Which table will the snacks be placed on?

        (A) Table 1

        (B) Table 2

        (C) Table 3

        (D) Table 4

64.  According to the woman, what is she going to do?

        (A) Sign a document

        (B) Bring some refreshments

        (C) Get some equipment

        (D) Order some office supplies

65.  Why is the woman calling?

        (A) To get help with a software program

        (B) To report that equipment is broken

        (C) To find out how much a software cost

        (D) To ask for a discount coupon

66.  Look at the graphic. Which amount will be offered at a reduced price?

        (A) $20

        (B) $25

        (C) $200

        (D) $350

67.  What does the man suggest the woman do in the future?

        (A) Upgrade a program

        (B) Visit in person

        (C) Communicate online

        (D) Read some online reviews

68.  What is happening at the store?

        (A) A sales event is taking place.

        (B) The furniture store is closing down.

        (C) Tables are being unloaded.

        (D) More salespersons are working overtime.

69.  Look at the graphic. Which table does the woman select?

        (A) Grand

        (B) Orchard

        (C) Redoubt

        (D) Supreme

70.  What does the man offer to do?

        (A) Give an extra discount

        (B) Provide free delivery

        (C) Give driving directions

        (D) Provide assembly service

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  Where is the tour taking place?

        (A) At an arts and crafts center

        (B) At a museum

        (C) At a farmers’ market

        (D) At a historical site

72.  What are the listeners asked to avoid doing?

        (A) Speaking too loudly

        (B) Touching displayed crafts

        (C) Using flash photography

        (D) Interacting with the artisans

73.  What does the speaker suggest doing?

        (A) Purchase tickets

        (B) Watch a demonstration

        (C) Go to a gift shop

        (D) Make a donation

74.  What is the main purpose of the talk?

        (A) To explain an application process

        (B) To provide an orientation overview

        (C) To introduce a new policy

        (D) To promote a corporate event

75.  What will the listeners do after watching a video?

        (A) Take a tour of the facility

        (B) Interview for a position

        (C) Meet their supervisors

        (D) Have their pictures taken

76.  What will be given to the listeners in the afternoon?

        (A) A user’s manual

        (B) A computer

        (C) An ID badge

        (D) A parking pass

77.  What does the speaker thank the listeners for?

        (A) Providing comments

        (B) Working overtime

        (C) Finding new clients

        (D) Finishing a project on time

78.  According to the speaker, what will happen at the company?

        (A) Individual offices will be created.

        (B) Some renovations will take place.

        (C) Some equipment will be upgraded.

        (D) Company policies will be changed.

79.  What are the listeners supposed to do next month?

        (A) Attend a seminar out of state

        (B) Relocate to a new building

        (C) Work from a different location

        (D) Visit a new facility

80.  Who is the speaker calling?

        (A) A professional gamer

        (B) A caterer

        (C) A hotel employee

        (D) A computer programmer

81.  What does the speaker say will take place on Saturday?

        (A) A product release

        (B) A fundraiser

        (C) An awards ceremony

        (D) A professional conference

82.  What does the speaker inquire about?

        (A) Altering the seating arrangements

        (B) Changing the lunch menu

        (C) Moving to a bigger banquet room

        (D) Reserving another room

83.  What is the topic of the broadcast?

        (A) A cause of heavy traffic

        (B) Upcoming road repairs

        (C) A city government proposal

        (D) A public transportation system

84.  What does the speaker imply when she says, “Something like this usually takes a long time”?

        (A) The timeline for a project should be revised.

        (B) The results of a project are surprising.

        (C) A project will finish sometime next year.

        (D) More workers are needed at once.

85.  According to the speaker, what will David Schultz do?

        (A) Deliver a speech

        (B) Explain a process of a system

        (C) Introduce a city official

        (D) Show the city around

86.  Where is the announcement most likely being made?

        (A) At a department store

        (B) At a supermarket

        (C) At an electronics store

        (D) At a manufacturing plant

87.  According to the speaker, what is special about the bags?

        (A) They are good for the environment.

        (B) They are made with durable material.

        (C) They feature the company’s logo.

        (D) They were designed by a local artist.

88.  What can listeners receive if they sign up today?

        (A) A free mug

        (B) A discount

        (C) Free delivery

        (D) A guidebook

89.  What is the talk mainly about?

        (A) A lunch reservation

        (B) A restaurant menu

        (C) An order in bulk

        (D) A dessert selection

90.  According to the speaker, what special event is taking place?

        (A) An awards ceremony

        (B) An anniversary celebration

        (C) A company outing

        (D) A staff retirement party

91.  What does the speaker say she has to check?

        (A) The availability of an item

        (B) The price of a dish

        (C) The number of tables available

        (D) The ingredients of a dish

92.  What is the speaker calling about?

        (A) A job fair

        (B) A fundraiser

        (C) An anniversary celebration

        (D) A performance ticket

93.  What does the speaker imply when she says, “There’s a lot of interest in it”?

        (A) More employees must be hired.

        (B) Tickets have sold out.

        (C) A deadline will be extended.

        (D) A larger place is needed.

94.  Why does the speaker want to meet with the man?

        (A) To set a date for the event

        (B) To select a caterer

        (C) To go over a budget

        (D) To sign a contract

95.  What does the speaker say has caused a delay?

        (A) An electrical outage

        (B) Inclement weather

        (C) A mechanical problem

        (D) A train derailment

96.  Look at the graphic. What is the updated departure time for the delayed train?

        (A) 1:45 P.M.

        (B) 2:05 P.M.

        (C) 2:20 P.M.

        (D) 2:30 P.M.

97.  According to the speaker, what is available to passengers?

        (A) A waiting area

        (B) Free refreshments

        (C) Alternative transportation

        (D) Free wireless Internet service

98.  Where did the speaker get the listener’s phone number?

        (A) From an ad in the newspaper

        (B) From a colleague

        (C) From a neighbor

        (D) From an internet search

99.  Look at the graphic. How much will the inspection on the house cost?

        (A) $250

        (B) $300

        (C) $350

        (D) $400

100. Why is the speaker unavailable today?

        (A) He is supposed to conduct interviews.

        (B) He is participating in a conference call.

        (C) He has to lead a safety workshop.

        (D) He will be presenting at a conference.

Answer Key

Answer Key

01.  (D)   02.  (C)   03.  (A)   04.  (B)   05.  (B)

06.  (A)   07.  (B)   08.  (B)   09.  (C)   10.  (C)

11.  (A)   12.  (B)   13.  (C)   14.  (B)   15.  (A)

16.  (A)   17.  (B)   18.  (A)   19.  (B)   20.  (B)

21.  (C)   22.  (B)   23.  (A)   24.  (B)   25.  (C)

26.  (B)   27.  (A)   28.  (A)   29.  (B)   30.  (C)

31.  (B)   32.  (A)   33.  (A)   34.  (C)   35.  (C)

36.  (A)   37.  (C)   38.  (B)   39.  (D)   40.  (B)

41.  (A)   42.  (B)   43.  (A)   44.  (B)   45.  (D)

46.  (C)   47.  (B)   48.  (D)   49.  (A)   50.  (C)

51.  (D)   52.  (B)   53.  (B)   54.  (D)   55.  (B)

56.  (C)   57.  (D)   58.  (B)   59.  (B)   60.  (D)

61.  (A)   62.  (C)   63.  (D)   64.  (C)   65.  (A)

66.  (D)   67.  (C)   68.  (A)   69.  (D)   70.  (D)

71.  (A)   72.  (D)   73.  (C)   74.  (B)   75.  (D)

76.  (B)   77.  (A)   78.  (B)   79.  (C)   80.  (C)

81.  (A)   82.  (D)   83.  (D)   84.  (B)   85.  (B)

86.  (B)   87.  (A)   88.  (B)   89.  (B)   90.  (B)

91.  (A)   92.  (B)   93.  (D)   94.  (C)   95.  (A)

96.  (C)   97.  (A)   98.  (B)   99.  (C)   100.  (B)