Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  What is the purpose of the man’s visit?

        (A) To give a demonstration

        (B) To pick up some paperwork

        (C) To attend a job interview

        (D) To inspect a facility

33.  What is the man asked to provide?

        (A) A business card

        (B) A license plate number

        (C) A sales receipt

        (D) A security password

34.  What does the woman remind the man to do?

        (A) Wait for an employee

        (B) Return an ID badge

        (C) Take a building tour

        (D) Turn off his phone

35.  Where most likely are the speakers?

        (A) At a dental office

        (B) At a hair salon

        (C) At a car repair shop

        (D) At an eye clinic

36.  What does the woman apologize for?

        (A) Canceling an appointment

        (B) Forgetting a form

        (C) Arriving at the site late

        (D) Losing a receipt

37.  What is the woman asked to do?

        (A) Contact another branch

        (B) Sign a contract

        (C) Provide a mailing address

        (D) Come back later

38.  Where is the conversation most likely taking place?

        (A) At a car rental agency

        (B) At a furniture warehouse

        (C) At a food packaging plant

        (D) At a graphic design studio

39.  According to the women, what is the problem?

        (A) A delivery is late.

        (B) Some employees are absent.

        (C) A client canceled a contract.

        (D) Some containers are not sealed.

40.  What does the man plan to do?

        (A) Waive a fee

        (B) Change the supplier

        (C) Notify a technician

        (D) Hold a training session

41.  Who most likely are the speakers?

        (A) Magazine editors

        (B) Professional athletes

        (C) Advertising executives

        (D) Fitness instructors

42.  What are the speakers discussing?

        (A) Some footwear

        (B) A vitamin supplement

        (C) A stopwatch

        (D) An exercise machine

43.  What benefit of the product does the man mention?

        (A) It is lightweight.

        (B) It is a small size.

        (C) It is available in several colors.

        (D) It has a money-back guarantee.

44.  What is the conversation mainly about?

        (A) Policy changes

        (B) Renovation costs

        (C) Employee evaluations

        (D) Safety regulations

45.  What does the man mean when he says, “I was out of town yesterday”?

        (A) He has an excuse for missing a meeting.

        (B) He wants a task to be reassigned to a colleague.

        (C) He was unable to review some figures.

        (D) He has some urgent business news to share.

46.  What does the woman plan to do in the afternoon?

        (A) Finalize a project’s budget

        (B) Train some staff members

        (C) Visit a contractor’s office

        (D) Go to a medical appointment

47.  What is the conversation mainly about?

        (A) When to conduct some interviews

        (B) Where to purchase office supplies

        (C) How to find qualified applicants

        (D) Whom to consider for a promotion

48.  What does the man suggest doing?

        (A) Performing research with a database

        (B) Contacting a local job center

        (C) Making adjustments to a budget

        (D) Asking employees for recommendations

49.  What does the woman plan to do?

        (A) Change an online post

        (B) Postpone a meeting

        (C) Review a competitor’s products

        (D) Get approval from a supervisor

50.  Where does the woman most likely work?

        (A) At a movie theater

        (B) At a law firm

        (C) At a clothing shop

        (D) At a train station

51.  What does the man most likely mean when he says, “I brought two suitcases”?

        (A) He cannot buy more items.

        (B) He lost one of his bags.

        (C) He is over the recommended limit.

        (D) He needs to borrow a luggage cart.

52.  Why does the man say he is in a hurry?

        (A) He needs to move his car.

        (B) He has to send an e-mail.

        (C) His departure time is soon.

        (D) His friend has already arrived.

53. What is the purpose of the meeting?

        (A) To highlight a successful sale

        (B) To introduce new employees

        (C) To generate solutions to an issue

        (D) To announce a policy update

54.  What will the business most likely change?

        (A) Its merchandise selection

        (B) Its advertising strategy

        (C) Its hours of operation

        (D) Its training procedure

55.  What will the man do next?

        (A) Review a budget

        (B) Contact an investor

        (C) Recruit a team

        (D) E-mail some information

56. Why does the man thank the woman?

        (A) She joined a loyalty program.

        (B) She placed a large order.

        (C) She made a donation.

        (D) She pointed out an error.

57.  What information does the man want to verify?

        (A) The woman’s e-mail address

        (B) The woman’s occupation

        (C) The woman’s mailing address

        (D) The woman’s order number

58.  What does the man say will happen tomorrow?

        (A) The man will call the woman again.

        (B) The woman will be sent a voucher.

        (C) Some new goods will be in stock.

        (D) Merchandise prices will be lowered.

59.  What does the woman say about the microwave?

        (A) It has a low price.

        (B) It received an excellent review.

        (C) It has a lot of features.

        (D) It cooks food quickly.

60.  What is the man worried about?

        (A) Some equipment needs to be replaced.

        (B) The production team is short-staffed.

        (C) His schedule is already full.

        (D) His computer is currently broken.

61.  What is the man asked to do next week?

        (A) Give a presentation

        (B) Prepare a staff list

        (C) Attend a ceremony

        (D) Place an order

62.  What kind of product is being discussed?

        (A) A printer

        (B) A television

        (C) A smartphone

        (D) A laptop

63.  Look at the graphic. Which restriction applies to the woman’s warranty?

        (A) Restriction 1

        (B) Restriction 2

        (C) Restriction 3

        (D) Restriction 4

64.  What does the woman say she will do?

        (A) Order a new product

        (B) Stop by the store

        (C) Go over some prices

        (D) Speak to a manager

65.  What is the purpose of the sale?

        (A) To introduce a new product

        (B) To promote a grand opening

        (C) To recognize a national holiday

        (D) To celebrate an anniversary

66.  Look at the graphic. Which discount amount do the speakers agree to change?

        (A) 10%

        (B) 20%

        (C) 25%

        (D) 30%

67.  What will the man do today?

        (A) Promote a colleague

        (B) Unpack a shipment

        (C) Post a notice

        (D) Set up some shelves

68.  What was recently purchased for the woman’s team?

        (A) Some accounting software

        (B) A safety device

        (C) Tablet computers

        (D) Commercial vehicles

69.  Where do the speakers most likely work?

        (A) At a landscaping company

        (B) At a courier firm

        (C) At a cleaning service

        (D) At an electronics store

70.  Look at the graphic. When are the speakers having the conversation?

        (A) On August 4

        (B) On August 7

        (C) On August 10

        (D) On August 14

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  What is the speaker giving the instructions about?

        (A) Completing a survey

        (B) Logging into a database

        (C) Saving computer files

        (D) Selecting team members

72.  According to the speaker, what might happen if a task is done incorrectly?

        (A) Some managers might issue a warning.

        (B) Some goods might not be delivered.

        (C) A prize drawing might be missed.

        (D) An investment might not be approved.

73.  What does the speaker offer to do?

        (A) Provide writing utensils

        (B) Order some refreshments

        (C) Respond to questions

        (D) Give listeners a break

74.  What is the purpose of the event?

        (A) To present awards

        (B) To welcome new employees

        (C) To demonstrate a product

        (D) To raise money

75.  What industry does Mr. Malloy work in?

        (A) Energy

        (B) Fashion

        (C) Construction

        (D) Banking

76.  How does Mr. Malloy plan to help the community?

        (A) By making a financial donation

        (B) By creating a park

        (C) By opening a school

        (D) By sponsoring a festival

77.  Who most likely is the man calling?

        (A) A building manager

        (B) A car rental service

        (C) A bank employee

        (D) A delivery person

78.  What does the speaker plan to do on Thursday?

        (A) Install some new equipment

        (B) Leave for a vacation

        (C) See a doctor

        (D) Decorate an apartment

79.  What does the speaker ask the listener to change?

        (A) An appliance brand

        (B) A monthly fee

        (C) A contract duration

        (D) An inspection day

80.  What is the speaker talking about?

        (A) A business class

        (B) A sports tournament

        (C) A community parade

        (D) A career fair

81.  Why does the speaker say, “I’ll be taking the bus”?

        (A) To express dissatisfaction

        (B) To make a suggestion

        (C) To explain a possible delay

        (D) To give an excuse

82.  What will the speaker do next?

        (A) Pass out name tags

        (B) Select group leaders

        (C) Present some figures

        (D) Show a video

83.  Who most likely is the speaker addressing?

        (A) Members of the press

        (B) New staff members

        (C) Government inspectors

        (D) Award nominees

84.  According to the speaker, what has the business recently changed?

        (A) A company policy

        (B) A delivery schedule

        (C) A leadership team

        (D) A product supplier

85.  What does the speaker most likely mean when he says, “A lot of them are heavier than they look”?

        (A) Some trucks are being overloaded.

        (B) Workers should move containers carefully.

        (C) Boxes must be labeled clearly.

        (D) Some shelves should be replaced.

86.  What is the topic of the broadcast?

        (A) Negotiation strategies

        (B) Ways to reduce expenses

        (C) Job-hunting methods

        (D) How to improve teamwork

87.  What does the speaker suggest when she says, “he got the lowest prices he’s ever had”?

        (A) Listeners are eligible for a special offer.

        (B) Some advice is worth listening to.

        (C) A market is changing rapidly.

        (D) A company was going out of business.

88.  What will most likely happen next?

        (A) A weather report will be read.

        (B) A contest for listeners will begin.

        (C) An advertisement will be broadcast.

        (D) A guest will respond to questions.

89.  What event are the listeners attending?

        (A) A feedback panel

        (B) An equipment demonstration

        (C) An anniversary celebration

        (D) A training seminar

90.  What problem does the speaker mention?

        (A) Security breaches

        (B) Increased expenses

        (C) Outdated machinery

        (D) Slow response times

91.  What will the speaker do next?

        (A) Assign some tasks

        (B) Review a chart

        (C) Compare some products

        (D) Renew a contract

92.  What is the broadcast mainly about?

        (A) A running competition

        (B) A parking regulation

        (C) A bus route

        (D) A building renovation

93.  What do local residents like about the change?

        (A) It attracts visitors to the area.

        (B) It reduces traffic congestion.

        (C) It helps them save money.

        (D) It increases property values.

94.  According to the speaker, what will happen in April?

        (A) A grand opening event will be held.

        (B) An election will take place.

        (C) An inspection will be conducted.

        (D) A service will be discontinued.

95.  What is the speaker concerned about?

        (A) A shortage of staff

        (B) A tight deadline

        (C) Some worn-out parts

        (D) Some price increases

96.  Look at the graphic. When does the speaker want to meet?

        (A) On February 6

        (B) On February 7

        (C) On February 8

        (D) On February 9

97.  What should the listener do before the meeting?

        (A) Book a business trip

        (B) Consult with a client

        (C) Sign a contract

        (D) Prepare some images

98.  What has the company recently done?

        (A) Approved additional business travel

        (B) Attended an international summit

        (C) Finalized a corporate merger

        (D) Hosted an employee appreciation day

99.  What are the listeners asked to do?

        (A) Write a job description

        (B) Review some designs

        (C) Suggest new clients

        (D) Mentor junior staff members

100. Look at the graphic. To which room has the speaker moved?

        (A) Office 301

        (B) Office 302

        (C) Office 303

        (D) Office 304

Answer Key

Answer Key

01.  (B)   02.  (A)   03.  (D)   04.  (C)   05.  (B)

06.  (A)   07.  (C)   08.  (A)   09.  (C)   10.  (C)

11.  (A)   12.  (B)   13.  (A)   14.  (A)   15.  (A)

16.  (B)   17.  (A)   18.  (A)   19.  (C)   20.  (A)

21.  (C)   22.  (B)   23.  (C)   24.  (A)   25.  (B)

26.  (B)   27.  (C)   28.  (C)   29.  (C)   30.  (A)

31.  (C)   32.  (A)   33.  (B)   34.  (B)   35.  (D)

36.  (B)   37.  (C)   38.  (C)   39.  (D)   40.  (C)

41.  (C)   42.  (D)   43.  (A)   44.  (B)   45.  (C)

46.  (D)   47.  (C)   48.  (D)   49.  (A)   50.  (D)

51.  (C)   52.  (B)   53.  (C)   54.  (D)   55.  (A)

56.  (D)   57.  (A)   58.  (B)   59.  (B)   60.  (A)

61.  (A)   62.  (D)   63.  (B)   64.  (C)   65.  (D)

66.  (A)   67.  (C)   68.  (C)   69.  (A)   70.  (C)

71.  (A)   72.  (C)   73.  (A)   74.  (A)   75.  (B)

76.  (C)   77.  (A)   78.  (C)   79.  (D)   80.  (D)

81.  (B)   82.  (C)   83.  (B)   84.  (A)   85.  (B)

86.  (A)   87.  (B)   88.  (D)   89.  (D)   90.  (D)

91.  (B)   92.  (B)   93.  (C)   94.  (B)   95.  (B)

96.  (B)   97.  (D)   98.  (C)   99.  (A)   100.  (D)