Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  Who most likely is the woman?

        (A) A critic

        (B) A librarian

        (C) A receptionist

        (D) A professional dancer

33.  What is scheduled for October 5?

        (A) A dance performance

        (B) A political debate

        (C) An art contest

        (D) A community parade

34.  What project will the event raise money for?

        (A) Purchasing computer equipment

        (B) Launching an arts program

        (C) Hosting a career fair

        (D) Building a new library

35.  Where is the conversation taking place?

        (A) At a stationery store

        (B) At a computer repair store

        (C) At a hardware store

        (D) At a bookstore

36.  What problem does Charlotte mention?

        (A) A sale period has ended.

        (B) A receipt is not valid.

        (C) Some goods are sold out.

        (D) Some packaging is damaged.

37.  What does the man say he can do for the customer?

        (A) Place a rush order

        (B) Provide a partial refund

        (C) Demonstrate a device

        (D) Gift-wrap an item

38.  What is the purpose of the woman’s call?

        (A) To get driving directions

        (B) To make an appointment

        (C) To pay for a service

        (D) To request vacation time

39.  What is mentioned about Eva?

        (A) She has recently reduced her working hours.

        (B) She plans to increase her rates.

        (C) She teaches a university class.

        (D) She has transferred to another branch.

40.  What does the woman request?

        (A) A street address

        (B) A telephone number

        (C) An e-mail address

        (D) A confirmation code

41.  In which department does the man work?

        (A) Human resources

        (B) Building maintenance

        (C) Public relations

        (D) Finance

42.  What does the man suggest when he says, “My morning meeting for tomorrow was canceled”?

        (A) He may need a deadline extension.

        (B) He is able to give a tour.

        (C) He plans to call some interns.

        (D) He thinks a client is upset.

43.  What will the woman work on this afternoon?

        (A) A seating chart

        (B) A video presentation

        (C) An employee handbook

        (D) An event invitation

44.  Where is the man calling from?

        (A) An airport

        (B) A hotel

        (C) A shopping center

        (D) A train station

45.  What is the reason for the delay?

        (A) Severe weather

        (B) Ticketing errors

        (C) An absent employee

        (D) A mechanical problem

46.  What does the woman offer to do for the man?

        (A) Take a different route

        (B) Send a download link

        (C) Explain a policy

        (D) Issue a coupon

47.  What kind of business did the man most likely apply to?

        (A) A fashion studio

        (B) A manufacturing facility

        (C) A graphic design firm

        (D) An auto repair shop

48.  Why does the man want to change jobs?

        (A) He wants to have a flexible schedule.

        (B) He is interested in managing others.

        (C) He prefers to work closer to home.

        (D) He thinks he deserves a higher salary.

49.  What does the woman tell the man?

        (A) A decision will be made soon.

        (B) Samples of work are needed.

        (C) There are several open positions.

        (D) The payment depends on experience.

50.  What are the speakers mainly discussing?

        (A) Web traffic

        (B) Educational software

        (C) A digital projector

        (D) A security system

51.  What will the woman’s firm do in June?

        (A) It will hire some seasonal employees.

        (B) It will move to a new location.

        (C) It will launch a new product.

        (D) It will start construction on a building.

52.  According to the man, what is available on the company’s Web site?

        (A) Customer opinions

        (B) Job descriptions

        (C) Pricing estimates

        (D) A consultation schedule

53. Where does the man most likely work?

        (A) At a bank

        (B) At a restaurant

        (C) At an interior company

        (D) At a legal agency

54.  What did Ms. Lambert do in the morning?

        (A) She collected a payment.

        (B) She attended an event.

        (C) She reviewed a policy.

        (D) She placed an order.

55.  What does the man want to present at a meeting?

        (A) Some drawings

        (B) Some charges

        (C) Some contract terms

        (D) Some packaging

56. What is the main topic of the conversation?

        (A) Vacation policies

        (B) A customer complaint

        (C) Staff awards

        (D) A company retreat

57.  What does the woman most likely mean when she says, “Mr. Alvarez works with team members directly”?

        (A) Mr. Alvarez will make the best decision.

        (B) Mr. Alvarez could use an assistant.

        (C) Mr. Alvarez does not have time to meet.

        (D) Mr. Alvarez should lead a training session.

58.  What does the woman suggest doing?

        (A) Reviewing a report

        (B) Working additional hours

        (C) Preparing a description

        (D) Purchasing a new device

59.  What is the woman asked to do?

        (A) Contact some investors

        (B) Upgrade some software

        (C) Print some documents

        (D) Update some figures

60.  What does the man ask for?

        (A) A meeting agenda

        (B) A credit card

        (C) A flight schedule

        (D) A set of keys

61.  What does the man plan to do this afternoon?

        (A) Submit a proposal

        (B) Visit the doctor

        (C) Rent a vehicle

        (D) Reserve a room

62.  Who most likely is the man?

        (A) A painter

        (B) A gardener

        (C) A delivery driver

        (D) A realtor

63.  Look at the graphic. Which entrance is being discussed?

        (A) Chan Street Entrance

        (B) Main Entrance

        (C) Demelo Street Entrance

        (D) Rear Entrance

64.  What does the woman tell the man to do?

        (A) Present a photo ID

        (B) Show some color samples

        (C) Display a parking pass

        (D) Send an updated invoice

65.  Who most likely are the speakers?

        (A) Musicians

        (B) City officials

        (C) Reporters

        (D) Sculptors

66.  What kind of event will the speakers attend?

        (A) A music festival

        (B) A restaurant opening

        (C) An art exhibition

        (D) A sports tournament

67.  Look at the graphic. Which exit will the speakers take?

        (A) Exit 12

        (B) Exit 13

        (C) Exit 14

        (D) Exit 15

68.  What is the purpose of the man’s visit?

        (A) To give a demonstration

        (B) To apply for a job

        (C) To conduct an inspection

        (D) To set up some equipment

69.  What does the woman say she has been working on?

        (A) Providing ongoing training

        (B) Comparing some price quotes

        (C) Visiting other branches

        (D) Hiring more workers

70.  Look at the graphic. What kind of safety gear will the speakers put on next?

        (A) Earplugs

        (B) A safety harness

        (C) Protective gloves

        (D) A high-visibility vest

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  What kind of product is being introduced?

        (A) Some cooking equipment

        (B) A recording device

        (C) A cordless drill

        (D) A phone accessory

72.  What does the speaker mention about the product?

        (A) It has a lightweight design.

        (B) It is available in several colors.

        (C) It is offered at an affordable price.

        (D) It does not use much energy.

73.  What are the listeners able to do today?

        (A) Enter a prize drawing

        (B) Provide feedback about a product

        (C) Open an online account

        (D) Sign up for a workshop

74.  What is the main topic of the news report?

        (A) A national holiday

        (B) A grand opening

        (C) A local election

        (D) A music contest

75.  Who most likely is Camille Rivera?

        (A) Choir director

        (B) Theater owner

        (C) Construction worker

        (D) Public official

76.  According to the speaker, what will be available in March?

        (A) An online video

        (B) Art workshops

        (C) A lecture series

        (D) Free tours

77.  What kind of business does the speaker most likely work at?

        (A) A clothing company

        (B) An appliance manufacturer

        (C) An office furniture store

        (D) A water bottle factory

78.  According to the speaker, what should be included in the box?

        (A) The original packaging

        (B) The sales receipt

        (C) A return form

        (D) A user manual

79.  What will be given to customers?

        (A) A discount coupon

        (B) A membership card

        (C) A cash refund

        (D) A replacement item

80.  In which department does the speaker work?

        (A) Public relations

        (B) Research and development

        (C) Purchasing

        (D) Human resources

81.  What can the listeners do with the six-digit code?

        (A) Log onto a database

        (B) Enter a restricted room

        (C) Get a discount on purchases

        (D) Make a vacation request

82.  What does the speaker remind the listeners to do?

        (A) Change their passwords every three months

        (B) Install virus protection software

        (C) Use their own storage devices

        (D) Follow new regulations

83.  What is scheduled to take place next week?

        (A) A science lecture

        (B) A language class

        (C) A pottery exhibition

        (D) A writing competition

84.  What can the listener receive at the media center?

        (A) A welcome kit

        (B) An entrance pass

        (C) A registration form

        (D) A uniform

85.  Why does the speaker say, “I’ll have a lot of other things going on that day”?

        (A) To request some additional help

        (B) To make an excuse for being unavailable

        (C) To explain an absence from a conference

        (D) To confirm that a deadline will be met

86.  What field does the speaker most likely specialize in?

        (A) Law

        (B) Health

        (C) Entertainment

        (D) Banking

87.  How does the speaker say he gets reliable information?

        (A) He attends lectures regularly.

        (B) He conducts customer surveys.

        (C) He hires experienced consultants.

        (D) He subscribes to industry journals.

88.  What will the speaker talk about next?

        (A) How to reduce expenses

        (B) Where to check some data

        (C) When to start a program

        (D) What food options to change

89.  What product does Lexington, Inc. produce?

        (A) Cleaners

        (B) Vehicle

        (C) Computers

        (D) Shoes

90.  What did a reviewer like about the product of Lexington, Inc.?

        (A) Its appearance

        (B) Its environmental policy

        (C) Its range of options

        (D) Its customer service

91.  What does the speaker imply when she says, “I’m sure you’ve heard of Saldana Co.”?

        (A) She wants to copy a competitor’s business plan.

        (B) She has a job opening for the listener.

        (C) She thinks an ad campaign was successful.

        (D) She tries to address a complaint.

92.  What has been newly added to the package?

        (A) A transportation service

        (B) A tour souvenir

        (C) Group photos

        (D) Refreshments

93.  What does the speaker suggest when she says, “They’re less than an hour from start to finish”?

        (A) The listeners can get to the business quickly.

        (B) The listeners should not use a competitor’s service.

        (C) The listeners do not have to plan far in advance.

        (D) The listeners can learn a new skill easily.

94.  What can listeners do on the company’s Web site?

        (A) Complete a survey

        (B) View some images

        (C) Download a coupon

        (D) Review a schedule

95.  Who most likely is making the announcement?

        (A) A tour guide

        (B) A garden owner

        (C) A city inspector

        (D) A financial consultant

96.  Look at the graphic. Which event will not be available in April?

        (A) Flower Identification Workshop

        (B) Gardening Tips

        (C) Wildlife Lecture

        (D) Environmental Video

97.  What does the speaker plan to do?

        (A) Change an advertisement

        (B) Recruit more volunteers

        (C) Provide some free tickets

        (D) Attend a newspaper interview

98.  What kind of event is the speaker preparing for?

        (A) A retirement party

        (B) An anniversary party

        (C) A training session

        (D) A business trip

99.  Look at the graphic. How much will the speaker be charged?

        (A) $125

        (B) $150

        (C) $275

        (D) $325

100. What does the speaker want some information about?

        (A) When a delivery will be made

        (B) Whether some ingredients can be changed

        (C) How to pay for the food

        (D) What to do with a dish

Answer Key

Answer Key

01.  (B)   02.  (A)   03.  (C)   04.  (A)   05.  (C)

06.  (B)   07.  (A)   08.  (B)   09.  (C)   10.  (C)

11.  (A)   12.  (B)   13.  (C)   14.  (C)   15.  (B)

16.  (A)   17.  (C)   18.  (B)   19.  (B)   20.  (A)

21.  (A)   22.  (C)   23.  (C)   24.  (A)   25.  (B)

26.  (A)   27.  (B)   28.  (B)   29.  (C)   30.  (A)

31.  (C)   32.  (C)   33.  (A)   34.  (A)   35.  (C)

36.  (D)   37.  (B)   38.  (B)   39.  (A)   40.  (C)

41.  (A)   42.  (B)   43.  (C)   44.  (C)   45.  (D)

46.  (D)   47.  (C)   48.  (A)   49.  (B)   50.  (D)

51.  (B)   52.  (A)   53.  (D)   54.  (D)   55.  (A)

56.  (C)   57.  (A)   58.  (C)   59.  (D)   60.  (B)

61.  (B)   62.  (A)   63.  (A)   64.  (C)   65.  (D)

66.  (C)   67.  (B)   68.  (C)   69.  (A)   70.  (C)

71.  (C)   72.  (A)   73.  (D)   74.  (B)   75.  (A)

76.  (D)   77.  (B)   78.  (C)   79.  (D)   80.  (B)

81.  (A)   82.  (C)   83.  (C)   84.  (B)   85.  (B)

86.  (B)   87.  (D)   88.  (D)   89.  (B)   90.  (B)

91.  (D)   92.  (A)   93.  (B)   94.  (B)   95.  (B)

96.  (A)   97.  (A)   98.  (A)   99.  (C)   100.  (D)