Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  What are the speakers mainly discussing?

        (A) The changing of a menu

        (B) The hiring of restaurant workers

        (C) The serving of some food

        (D) The opening of a new business

33.  According to the man, what is the reason for the delay?

        (A) A kitchen appliance has malfunctioned.

        (B) Some ingredients are not available.

        (C) A delivery was sent to the wrong location.

        (D) The restaurant is currently understaffed.

34.  What will the woman probably do next?

        (A) Close the restaurant early

        (B) Provide complimentary snacks

        (C) Contact a repair company

        (D) Make an announcement to diners

35.  What is the woman still waiting to receive?

        (A) A project schedule

        (B) A work uniform

        (C) A door access card

        (D) A meeting agenda

36.  What does the man recommend the woman do?

        (A) Cancel an appointment

        (B) Contact a supervisor

        (C) Use a different entrance

        (D) Work late on Monday

37.  What does the woman say will happen this afternoon?

        (A) A facility will undergo an inspection.

        (B) A new manager will be appointed.

        (C) A security system will be upgraded.

        (D) A training session will take place.

38.  What is the woman planning to do next week?

        (A) Go to the beach

        (B) Visit a historical building

        (C) Go on a hiking trip

        (D) Join a city tour

39.  When will the woman return to work?

        (A) On Tuesday

        (B) On Wednesday

        (C) On Thursday

        (D) On Friday

40.  What does the man offer to do for the woman?

        (A) Help her to give a presentation

        (B) Reschedule a department meeting

        (C) Recommend some attractions

        (D) Obtain some extra handouts

41.  What does the man want to know?

        (A) A client’s business location

        (B) A client’s contact information

        (C) The woman’s flight number

        (D) The woman’s leaving date

42.  What will take place on the 27th?

        (A) A client presentation

        (B) A welcome meal

        (C) A staff training session

        (D) A press conference

43.  What does the woman mean when she says, “I don’t think I’ll be able to make it”?

        (A) She has no time to create a work schedule.

        (B) She doubts she will manage to attend an event.

        (C) She is unsure about the accuracy of some sales figures.

        (D) She thinks she should choose a later flight.

44.  Where does the conversation most likely take place?

        (A) In a library

        (B) In a sporting goods store

        (C) In a fitness center

        (D) In a clothing store

45.  What problem does the woman mention?

        (A) She has needs a new a set of keys.

        (B) She cannot gain entry to a building.

        (C) She forgot to bring her bag.

        (D) She has lost her cell phone.

46.  What does the man remind the woman about?

        (A) A safety procedure

        (B) A business policy

        (C) A membership fee

        (D) A closing time

47.  What is the man’s problem?

        (A) He is late for a meeting.

        (B) He has not received a delivery.

        (C) He cannot print some documents.

        (D) He has misplaced a contract.

48.  What does the man imply when he says “Let’s see”?

        (A) He will amend an order form.

        (B) He will check some equipment.

        (C) He will read a manual.

        (D) He will deal with a problem later.

49.  What will the man most likely do next?

        (A) Review a business contract

        (B) Make a phone call

        (C) Speak to his supervisor

        (D) Visit an office supply store

50.  What are the speakers mainly discussing?

        (A) The renovation of an art gallery

        (B) The relocation of a store

        (C) The opening night of an exhibition

        (D) The schedule for a performance

51.  What did the woman do this morning?

        (A) She met with some artists.

        (B) She displayed some paintings.

        (C) She arranged a catering service.

        (D) She distributed invitations.

52.  When will the event begin?

        (A) This afternoon.

        (B) Tomorrow morning

        (C) Tomorrow afternoon

        (D) In two days

53. Where is the conversation most likely taking place?

        (A) At a training workshop

        (B) At a grand opening

        (C) At a convention

        (D) At a company banquet

54.  How do the speakers know each other?

        (A) They attended the same college.

        (B) They are former coworkers.

        (C) They are related to one another.

        (D) They work in the same office.

55.  What does the woman say she will do?

        (A) Visit the man’s workplace

        (B) Send the man an event invitation

        (C) Extend her business trip

        (D) Collaborate with the man on a project

56. Where is the conversation most likely taking place?

        (A) In a supermarket

        (B) In a cooking school

        (C) In a food factory

        (D) In a restaurant

57.  What does the man imply about the steaks?

        (A) They are produced domestically.

        (B) They are currently unavailable.

        (C) They are very popular.

        (D) They are reasonably priced.

58.  What do the women want to do?

        (A) Sample some food

        (B) Speak with a chef

        (C) Order beverages

        (D) Check a list of ingredients

59.  What type of business is the man calling?

        (A) An art gallery

        (B) A newspaper company

        (C) A television network

        (D) A movie theater

60.  What information does the woman ask for?

        (A) The man’s ticket number

        (B) The man’s time preference

        (C) The man’s credit card details

        (D) The man’s preferred location

61.  What will the man most likely do next?

        (A) Go to a box office

        (B) Call another number

        (C) Visit a Web site

        (D) Check a newspaper listing

62.  Where most likely do the speakers work?

        (A) At a department store

        (B) At a moving company

        (C) At an architectural firm

        (D) At a Web design company

63.  What problem does the woman mention?

        (A) A cost is too high.

        (B) A client is not satisfied.

        (C) Some materials are unavailable.

        (D) Some documents were not printed.

64.  Look at the graphic. When will the speakers most likely meet?

        (A) At 2:00 P.M.

        (B) At 3:00 P.M.

        (C) At 5:00 P.M.

        (D) At 7:00 P.M.

65.  Who most likely is the woman?

        (A) A train driver

        (B) A ticket agent

        (C) A maintenance worker

        (D) A passenger

66.  What problem does the man mention?

        (A) He has lost his ticket.

        (B) He is late for an appointment.

        (C) He cannot locate a bank.

        (D) He got off at the wrong stop.

67.  Look at the graphic. Which rail like does the woman recommend?

        (A) Line 1

        (B) Line 2

        (C) Line 3

        (D) Line 4

Vegetarian Restaurants in Birmingham

Green Garden

80 Tenth Avenue

Dandelion Diner

254 Bishop Road

Wendy’s Kitchen

174 Fifth Avenue

The River Roast

287 River Street

68.  What are the speakers planning to celebrate?

        (A) The founding of a company

        (B) The approval of a business proposal

        (C) The appointment of a board member

        (D) The retirement of a colleague

69.  What did the man do this morning?

        (A) Checked some menus

        (B) Updated a Web site

        (C) Send out some invitations

        (D) Had a meal with the CEO

70.  Look at the graphic. Which restaurant does the woman recommend?

        (A) Green Garden

        (B) Dandelion Diner

        (C) Wendy’s Kitchen

        (D) The River Roast

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  Where is the talk taking place?

        (A) At a product launch event

        (B) At an electronics convention

        (C) At a shareholders meeting

        (D) At a staff training session

72.  What is the topic of Mr. Gibson’s presentation?

        (A) Merging with another company

        (B) Expanding into foreign markets

        (C) Recruiting new sales representatives

        (D) Altering the design of a product

73.  What do some people think about Mr. Gibson’s proposal?

        (A) It will cost too much money.

        (B) It will result in lower sales.

        (C) It will be too time-consuming.

        (D) It will harm the company’s reputation.

74.  What is being repaired?

        (A) A heating system

        (B) A computer network

        (C) An elevator

        (D) A photocopier

75.  By what time are the repairs likely to be finished?

        (A) 10 a.m.

        (B) 11 a.m.

        (C) 3 p.m.

        (D) 4 p.m.

76.  What does the speaker offer to do?

        (A) Move staff to another floor

        (B) Allow employees to leave early

        (C) Distribute warm clothing

        (D) Cover the cost of a repair service

77.  What kind of event are the listeners most likely attending?

        (A) A safety workshop

        (B) A product launch

        (C) A customer service seminar

        (D) A recruitment fair

78.  Why does the speaker say, “Don’t lose track of time”?

        (A) She is reminding the listeners to be punctual.

        (B) She wants the listeners to review a schedule.

        (C) She is telling the listeners to enjoy their lunch.

        (D) She is encouraging the listeners to take notes.

79.  What will the listeners do after lunch?

        (A) Learn how to perform first aid

        (B) Take a written test

        (C) Participate in a survey

        (D) Watch a short film

80.  Who most likely is the speaker?

        (A) A regional sales manager

        (B) The founder of a company

        (C) A product designer

        (D) A Web site developer

81.  According to the speaker, what has the company managed to achieve?

        (A) It has successfully lowered its expenses.

        (B) It has designed a new product range.

        (C) It has opened new factories in Asia.

        (D) It has increased its sales in Europe.

82.  What does the speaker say benefited the company?

        (A) A new retail location

        (B) A television advertisement

        (C) A redesigned Web site

        (D) A staff training program

83.  Why is the announcement being made?

        (A) To describe the layout of a supermarket

        (B) To inform customers that a store is closing

        (C) To advertise a new business location

        (D) To explain why a product is unavailable

84.  Why does the speaker say, “Make sure you check them cut”?

        (A) She is advising the listeners to use store coupons.

        (B) She is encouraging the listeners to take a pamphlet.

        (C) She is promoting some products to the listeners.

        (D) She wants the listeners to check some prices.

85.  According to the speaker, what will happen at the business next week?

        (A) Business hours will be extended.

        (B) Additional workers will be hired.

        (C) A new product range will be sold.

        (D) A special offer on chocolate will begin.

86.  What is the speaker calling about?

        (A) A room reservation

        (B) A hotel discount

        (C) A misplaced item

        (D) An unpaid bill

87.  When will the listener most likely receive a package?

        (A) Today

        (B) Tomorrow

        (C) In three days

        (D) In one week

88.  What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

        (A) Make a payment

        (B) Contact a shipping firm

        (C) Submit a document

        (D) Return his call

89.  Who is the report about?

        (A) A film director

        (B) A theater owner

        (C) A musician

        (D) A famous actor

90.  How old is Ms. Paulsen?

        (A) 17

        (B) 18

        (C) 19

        (D) 20

91.  What are listeners encouraged to do?

        (A) Visit Ms. Paulsen’s Web site

        (B) Enter a competition

        (C) Call the radio station

        (D) Ask Ms. Paulsen questions

92.  Who is the intended audience for this announcement?

        (A) Airline employees

        (B) Flight attendants

        (C) Airplane passengers

        (D) Maintenance workers

93.  What is being announced?

        (A) A flight cancelation

        (B) A special offer

        (C) An airport policy

        (D) A travel delay

94.  When will Flight 321 most likely take off?

        (A) At 7:15 p.m.

        (B) At 7:30 p.m.

        (C) At 7:45 p.m.

        (D) At 8:15 p.m.

95.  What is the report mainly about?

        (A) An upcoming football game

        (B) A stadium renovation

        (C) A training session

        (D) A local celebration

96.  Look at the graphic. Which road will be closed to vehicles today?

        (A) Appleton Street

        (B) Harper Road

        (C) Wilshire Boulevard

        (D) Arlington Avenue

97.  What does the speaker mention about the Lowell Lions football team?

        (A) It is currently seeking new players.

        (B) It recently changed its coaching staff.

        (C) It used to be based in a different city.

        (D) Its players will give autographs to fans.

98.  Why is the speaker calling?

        (A) To promote a new airline

        (B) To offer an upgrade

        (C) To explain a travel delay

        (D) To confirm an itinerary

99.  Look at the graphic. Which Zeus Airlines flight will the listener take?

        (A) Flight 021

        (B) Flight 024

        (C) Flight 032

        (D) Flight 035

100. What is the listener advised to do?

        (A) Arrive at the airport early

        (B) Book accommodations

        (C) Sign up for a package tour

        (D) Use an online check-in service

Answer Key

Answer Key

01.  (A)   02.  (A)   03.  (B)   04.  (A)   05.  (A)

06.  (B)   07.  (C)   08.  (C)   09.  (B)   10.  (C)

11.  (A)   12.  (B)   13.  (C)   14.  (A)   15.  (A)

16.  (A)   17.  (A)   18.  (C)   19.  (B)   20.  (C)

21.  (B)   22.  (A)   23.  (B)   24.  (A)   25.  (A)

26.  (C)   27.  (B)   28.  (B)   29.  (A)   30.  (B)

31.  (B)   32.  (C)   33.  (A)   34.  (D)   35.  (C)

36.  (B)   37.  (D)   38.  (C)   39.  (D)   40.  (D)

41.  (D)   42.  (B)   43.  (B)   44.  (C)   45.  (D)

46.  (B)   47.  (C)   48.  (B)   49.  (D)   50.  (C)

51.  (C)   52.  (C)   53.  (C)   54.  (B)   55.  (A)

56.  (D)   57.  (C)   58.  (C)   59.  (D)   60.  (B)

61.  (C)   62.  (C)   63.  (B)   64.  (C)   65.  (B)

66.  (B)   67.  (C)   68.  (D)   69.  (A)   70.  (C)

71.  (C)   72.  (D)   73.  (A)   74.  (A)   75.  (C)

76.  (C)   77.  (A)   78.  (A)   79.  (B)   80.  (B)

81.  (D)   82.  (C)   83.  (B)   84.  (C)   85.  (C)

86.  (C)   87.  (B)   88.  (D)   89.  (A)   90.  (C)

91.  (D)   92.  (C)   93.  (D)   94.  (D)   95.  (D)

96.  (A)   97.  (C)   98.  (D)   99.  (B)   100.  (D)