Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  Where do the speakers work?

        (A) At a hotel

        (B) At an art gallery

        (C) At a hardware store

        (D) At a travel agency

33.  Why was a building temporarily closed?

        (A) To take inventory

        (B) To host an event

        (C) To complete a renovation

        (D) To celebrate a holiday

34.  What is the man going to do next?

        (A) Post some flyers

        (B) Send customers an e-mail

        (C) Place a food order

        (D) Contact the maintenance department

35.  What are the speakers planning?

        (A) A company dinner

        (B) A conference schedule

        (C) An upcoming trip

        (D) A factory inspection

36.  What does the woman suggest?

        (A) Inviting a guest speaker

        (B) Reserving a different venue

        (C) Checking a budget

        (D) Postponing a party

37.  What does the woman say will be provided?

        (A) Name tags

        (B) A city tour

        (C) Transportation

        (D) Entertainment

38.  What are the speakers mainly discussing?

        (A) A store sign

        (B) A Web site

        (C) Some uniforms

        (D) Some business cards

39.  What suggestion does the man make?

        (A) Adding display racks

        (B) Giving a demonstration

        (C) Researching some suppliers

        (D) Advertising a business’ hours

40.  What does Ana offer to do?

        (A) Lead a training session

        (B) Greet a client

        (C) Update a list

        (D) Revise an announcement

41.  What type of business is the man calling?

        (A) A bookstore

        (B) A restaurant

        (C) A clothing shop

        (D) A printing shop

42.  What will happen next week?

        (A) A class will begin.

        (B) A shipment will arrive.

        (C) A location will change.

        (D) A sale will end.

43.  What information does the woman ask for?

        (A) A bank account number

        (B) A mailing address

        (C) A discount code

        (D) A telephone number

44.  What is the woman concerned about?

        (A) The quality of some fabric

        (B) The price of a shipment

        (C) The size of some furniture

        (D) The noise from some construction

45.  What does the man say his team will do at the woman’s house?

        (A) Paint a living room

        (B) Assemble a product

        (C) Take some measurements

        (D) Remove some machinery

46.  What does the woman ask the man to do?

        (A) Resubmit an order form

        (B) Send some samples

        (C) Go to a different address

        (D) Change a delivery date

47.  Why does the man want to hire a temporary employee?

        (A) To hand out brochures

        (B) To design a Web site

        (C) To sort through some documents

        (D) To pick up some office equipment

48.  According to the man, what does the job require?

        (A) Sales experience

        (B) Public speaking skills

        (C) Interior decorating experience

        (D) Computer skills

49.  What does the man ask the woman to do?

        (A) Check a budget

        (B) Sign a contract

        (C) Brainstorm marketing ideas

        (D) Prepare some invoices

50.  Where do the speakers most likely work?

        (A) At a hotel

        (B) At a restaurant

        (C) At a convention hall

        (D) At an auto repair shop

51.  What does the woman say about her car?

        (A) She will loan it to a friend.

        (B) She does not use it often.

        (C) It was recently purchased.

        (D) It needs to be fixed.

52.  What does the woman mean when she says, “Thursday is my mother’s birthday”?

        (A) She is inviting the man to a party.

        (B) She cannot work on Thursday night.

        (C) She has to buy a gift before Thursday.

        (D) She forgot to update a calendar.

53. What most likely is the man’s position?

        (A) A maintenance worker

        (B) A government official

        (C) An editor

        (D) An accountant

54.  What do the women do at their company?

        (A) They arrange travel.

        (B) They provide legal assistance.

        (C) They organize training sessions.

        (D) They manage company inventory.

55.  What does the man ask about?

        (A) Free parking

        (B) Technical support

        (C) Payment options

        (D) Printing supplies

56. Which industry do the speakers most likely work in?

        (A) Health care

        (B) Architecture

        (C) Tourism

        (D) Fashion

57.  What does the woman mean when she says, “My meeting was canceled”?

        (A) She cannot answer a question.

        (B) She is available to discuss an issue.

        (C) She is confused by a schedule change.

        (D) She is worried a project will be delayed.

58.  What will the woman most likely do next?

        (A) Call a vendor

        (B) Distribute a questionnaire

        (C) Review some designs

        (D) Contact some colleagues

59.  What is the topic of an upcoming seminar?

        (A) Payroll procedures

        (B) Videoconferencing tools

        (C) Computer upgrades

        (D) Password security

60.  What aspect of the seminar do the speakers disagree about?

        (A) How long it should last

        (B) How it should be announced

        (C) Whether attendance should be required

        (D) Whether refreshments should be served

61.  What does the woman want to distribute after the seminar?

        (A) A survey

        (B) A manual

        (C) Some paychecks

        (D) Some hardware

62.  Who most likely is the man?

        (A) A fitness coach

        (B) A teacher

        (C) A medical doctor

        (D) A receptionist

63.  What does the woman ask the man about?

        (A) Requirements for a job

        (B) Alternative types of exercise

        (C) Available appointment times

        (D) Operating hours of a business

64.  Look at the graphic. When will the woman probably go to the community center in the spring?

        (A) On Tuesdays

        (B) On Wednesdays

        (C) On Thursdays

        (D) On Fridays

65.  What does the man say he is doing tonight?

        (A) Taking a flight

        (B) Eating in a restaurant

        (C) Seeing a performance

        (D) Visiting a friend

66.  Look at the graphic. Which train line will the man most likely take?

        (A) The North Line

        (B) The East Line

        (C) The South Line

        (D) The West Line

67.  What does the man ask about a bus?

        (A) Whether he needs a different ticket

        (B) Whether there are reserved seats

        (C) How long the ride will take

        (D) How often the bus runs

68.  Why is the woman at the store?

        (A) To arrange a delivery

        (B) To exchange a purchase

        (C) To request an instruction manual

        (D) To complain about an incorrect charge

69.  What is the woman’s job?

        (A) Jazz musician

        (B) Studio photographer

        (C) Carpenter

        (D) Electrical engineer

70.  Look at the graphic. What model does the man recommend?

        (A) F-12

        (B) A-66

        (C) N-48

        (D) C-94

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  What field does the listener most likely work in?

        (A) Health care

        (B) Education

        (C) Marketing

        (D) Technology

72.  What job requirement does the speaker mention?

        (A) Frequent travel

        (B) Public speaking

        (C) Employee supervision

        (D) Bilingual skills

73.  What does the speaker ask the listener to do?

        (A) Attend a trade show

        (B) Contact a new client

        (C) Complete some paperwork

        (D) Suggest a meeting time

74.  What event is the speaker discussing?

        (A) A wellness fair

        (B) A luncheon

        (C) A race

        (D) A training session

75.  What does the company most likely sell?

        (A) Food

        (B) Footwear

        (C) Clothing

        (D) Electronics

76.  What does the speaker ask Leanna to do?

        (A) Conduct a survey

        (B) Select some items

        (C) Visit a location

        (D) Pass out identification badges

77.  Who is Anne Pochon?

        (A) A museum director

        (B) A photographer

        (C) A film producer

        (D) A sculptor

78.  What does the speaker say will happen in June?

        (A) An art exhibit will be held.

        (B) A company merger will take place.

        (C) A documentary will be released.

        (D) A shop will be renovated.

79.  What will the speaker most likely do next?

        (A) Provide directions

        (B) Take some pictures

        (C) Autograph some books

        (D) Interview a guest

80.  What does the company sell?

        (A) Chemical products

        (B) Machine parts

        (C) Laboratory equipment

        (D) Home appliances

81.  What does the speaker mean when he says, “I went to the convention last year”?

        (A) He does not want to go to an event.

        (B) He is able to help the listeners.

        (C) He is explaining an expense report.

        (D) He disagrees with the listeners’ opinions.

82.  What does the speaker want the listeners to do when they return?

        (A) Submit some receipts

        (B) Develop an advertising plan

        (C) Give a presentation

        (D) Speak with a supervisor

83.  Why are the listeners at Rockstone Bank?

        (A) To attend a board meeting

        (B) To organize a charity event

        (C) To open an account

        (D) To take part in an internship program

84.  What is Ms. Enfield’s position?

        (A) Customer service representative

        (B) Chief executive officer

        (C) Branch manager

        (D) Loan officer

85.  What will Ms. Enfield speak about?

        (A) Corporate culture

        (B) A company policy

        (C) An application process

        (D) Career development

86.  Where is the talk most likely taking place?

        (A) At a supermarket

        (B) At a community park

        (C) At an art supply store

        (D) At a farm

87.  What does the speaker remind the listeners to do?

        (A) Put belongings in a locker

        (B) Fill out a survey

        (C) Use run protection

        (D) Read some instructions

88.  What does the speaker mean when she says, “all of our flowerpots are twenty percent off”?

        (A) She needs the listeners to change some price tags.

        (B) She wants the listeners to purchase some merchandise.

        (C) She is disappointed that a product did not sell well.

        (D) She is surprised by a decision.

89.  What is the purpose of the talk?

        (A) To offer some training

        (B) To revise a handbook

        (C) To recommend a hotel

        (D) To introduce new staff

90.  According to the speaker, what should the listeners remember to do?

        (A) Reinstall some software

        (B) Complete daily reports

        (C) Submit travel vouchers

        (D) Save some date

91.  Why does the speaker apologize?

        (A) His colleague is unavailable.

        (B) His computer is malfunctioning.

        (C) Some assignments are delayed.

        (D) Some requests have been denied.

92.  What is the topic of this week’s podcast?

        (A) The history of eating utensils

        (B) The latest cooking trends

        (C) Local restaurant reviews

        (D) Healthy eating on a budget

93.  What does the speaker say will take place next month?

        (A) A debut of a new host

        (B) A fund-raising event

        (C) A live studio broadcast

        (D) A trivia contest

94.  Why does the speaker say, “That’ll only take a minute”?

        (A) To correct a misunderstanding

        (B) To encourage participation

        (C) To ask for permission

        (D) To reconsider a suggestion

95.  Which department does the speaker work in?

        (A) Human Resources

        (B) Sales

        (C) IT

        (D) Finance

96.  Look at the graphic. Which quantity needs to be changed?

        (A) 500

        (B) 1,000

        (C) 1,500

        (D) 2,000

97.  What does the speaker say he will do tomorrow?

        (A) Provide a logo

        (B) Pick up an order

        (C) Pay an invoice

        (D) Meet with a client

98.  What type of business is being launched?

        (A) A financial consulting firm

        (B) A real estate agency

        (C) A restaurant

        (D) An electronics store

99.  What does the speaker say she is pleased about?

        (A) The location of public transportation

        (B) The price of some equipment

        (C) Some job applications

        (D) Some building renovations

100. Look at the graphic. Which company does the speaker want to use?

        (A) Lowz

        (B) Gatepath

        (C) E-buzz

        (D) MRC

Answer Key

Answer Key

01. (A)   02. (D)   03. (C)   04. (D)   05. (C)

06. (B)   07. (A)   08. (A)   09. (B)   10. (B)

11. (A)   12. (B)   13. (A)   14. (C)   15. (C)

16. (C)   17. (B)   18. (C)   19. (A)   20. (C)

21. (C)   22. (A)   23. (C)   24. (C)   25. (B)

26. (B)   27. (C)   28. (A)   29. (A)   30. (A)

31. (C)   32. (A)   33. (C)   34. (D)   35. (A)

36. (B)   37. (C)   38. (A)   39. (D)   40. (C)

41. (A)   42. (B)   43. (D)   44. (C)   45. (B)

46. (D)   47. (C)   48. (D)   49. (A)   50. (B)

51. (D)   52. (B)   53. (D)   54. (C)   55. (A)

56. (D)   57. (B)   58. (C)   59. (D)   60. (C)

61. (A)   62. (C)   63. (B)   64. (A)   65. (C)

66. (D)   67. (A)   68. (B)   69. (D)   70. (D)

71. (C)   72. (B)   73. (D)   74. (C)   75. (A)

76. (B)   77. (B)   78. (A)   79. (D)   80. (A)

81. (B)   82. (C)   83. (D)   84. (C)   85. (A)

86. (D)   87. (C)   88. (B)   89. (A)   90. (D)

91. (B)   92. (A)   93. (C)   94. (B)   95. (B)

96. (C)   97. (B)   98. (C)   99. (D)   100. (B)