Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.







Part 2

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part 3

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

32.  What does the man say he plans to do today?

        (A) Go sightseeing

        (B) Attend a conference

        (C) Purchase some gifts

        (D) Stop at a bank

33.  What does the man ask about?

        (A) Internet access

        (B) Use of a fitness center

        (C) Transportation options

        (D) Nearby restaurants

34.  What does the woman offer to do?

        (A) Make a reservation

        (B) Print a parking pass

        (C) Provide a password

        (D) Check on some prices

35.  What did the man do before coming in to work?

        (A) He met with a friend.

        (B) He revised a menu.

        (C) He read a newspaper.

        (D) He bought some breakfast.

36.  What does the man think will happen this week?

        (A) There will be more customers.

        (B) There will be a safety inspection.

        (C) A contract will be renewed.

        (D) A new chef will be hired.

37.  What will the woman most likely do next?

        (A) Hire additional staff

        (B) Schedule some repairs

        (C) Place an order

        (D) Print an article

38.  Who most likely is the man?

        (A) A supermarket manager

        (B) An appliance store employee

        (C) An ice-cream shop owner

        (D) A real estate agent

39.  What problem does the woman mention?

        (A) An invoice is incorrect.

        (B) An item is broken.

        (C) A document is missing.

        (D) A product is too expensive.

40.  What does the man suggest the woman do?

        (A) Purchase a warranty

        (B) Return some merchandise

        (C) Call a specialist

        (D) Find an item online

41.  Why is the man calling?

        (A) To make a payment

        (B) To request an extension

        (C) To cancel a registration

        (D) To obtain course information

42.  What does the man say about his friend?

        (A) She works in his office.

        (B) She benefited from a certificate program.

        (C) She runs a successful accounting firm.

        (D) She wrote a positive review.

43.  What does the woman say the man might be eligible for?

        (A) A reduced fee

        (B) A consultation

        (C) A job promotion

        (D) A free upgrade

44.  Where do the speakers work?

        (A) At a clothing store

        (B) At a fitness center

        (C) At a software company

        (D) At a sports arena

45.  According to the speakers, what will happen next month?

        (A) Pricing options will change.

        (B) Renovation work will begin.

        (C) New employees will be hired.

        (D) Business hours will be extended.

46.  What does the man offer to do?

        (A) Make some signs

        (B) Update a schedule

        (C) Estimate some costs

        (D) Send an e-mail

47.  Where most likely are the speakers?

        (A) At a print shop

        (B) At a furniture factory

        (C) At an appliance warehouse

        (D) At a stationery store

48.  What problem do the men describe?

        (A) A door has been left open.

        (B) A delivery truck has been delayed.

        (C) Some employees are out sick.

        (D) Some products are defective.

49.  What is scheduled to happen at one o’clock?

        (A) Some clients will visit.

        (B) Some equipment will be cleaned.

        (C) A training session will be conducted.

        (D) An employee luncheon will be held.

50.  What did the man recently finish?

        (A) A conference proposal

        (B) An agenda for a business trip

        (C) A revision to a client database

        (D) A review of some blueprints

51.  What problem does the man mention?

        (A) Additional permits are needed.

        (B) An expense was not approved.

        (C) A supervisor is unavailable.

        (D) A Web site is not working.

52.  What will the speakers do next?

        (A) Rehearse a presentation

        (B) Print some documents

        (C) Go have lunch

        (D) Call technical support

53. Who most likely is the woman?

        (A) A safety inspector

        (B) An overseas client

        (C) An athlete

        (D) An accountant

54.  What does the woman tell the man about her ID card?

        (A) It is expired.

        (B) It has the wrong photo.

        (C) Her name is misspelled.

        (D) She forgot to bring it.

55.  Why does the man say, “it normally takes a few days”?

        (A) To reject a request

        (B) To address a concern

        (C) To complain about a delay

        (D) To acknowledge an accomplishment

56. What type of event are the speakers attending?

        (A) A trade show

        (B) A new-hire orientation

        (C) A celebrity interview

        (D) A grand opening

57.  Where do the men work?

        (A) At a mobile phone manufacturer

        (B) At a software development company

        (C) At an appliance repair shop

        (D) At an advertising agency

58.  What will the woman most likely do next?

        (A) Exchange contact information

        (B) Consult with a colleague

        (C) Check a schedule

        (D) Look at a brochure

59.  Why is the man excited?

        (A) He has been promoted.

        (B) His vacation request was approved.

        (C) A research article will be published.

        (D) A project will receive extra funding.

60.  What does the woman mean when she says, “our budget’s going to be fairly limited”?

        (A) The company’s decision is not surprising.

        (B) A fund-raiser should be organized.

        (C) Some numbers need to be checked.

        (D) The man’s suggestion may not work.

61.  What does the woman say about local students?

        (A) She has worked with them before.

        (B) She is tutoring them in science.

        (C) They are participating in a conference.

        (D) They have made several donations.

62.  Look at the graphic. Who placed the order the woman is picking up?

        (A) Richard

        (B) Alison

        (C) Tomas

        (D) Janet

63.  What event does the woman mention?

        (A) A client meeting

        (B) A birthday party

        (C) A retirement luncheon

        (D) An anniversary celebration

64.  What does the woman ask the man about?

        (A) A form of payment

        (B) A delivery service

        (C) A greeting card

        (D) An ingredient

65.  Why does the woman ask to reschedule her appointment?

        (A) She has to have her car repaired.

        (B) She is visiting a friend.

        (C) She has a business meeting.

        (D) She needs to go to the bank.

66.  Look at the graphic. Where will the woman most likely go tomorrow?

        (A) To location A

        (B) To location B

        (C) To location C

        (D) To location D

67.  What does the man ask the woman to do?

        (A) Pay a fee in advance

        (B) Register online

        (C) Complete a survey

        (D) Come to an office early

68.  Where do the speakers work?

        (A) At a flower shop

        (B) At a real estate company

        (C) At a paint store

        (D) At a newspaper publisher

69.  What does the woman say about color advertisements?

        (A) They are difficult to design.

        (B) They attract more attention.

        (C) They can be sent electronically.

        (D) They should use specific colors.

70.  Look at the graphic. How much will the speakers pay for their advertisement?

        (A) $300

        (B) $500

        (C) $250

        (D) $400

Part 4

Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.

71.  What type of product is being discussed?

        (A) A coffee maker

        (B) A microwave oven

        (C) A portable heater

        (D) A water filter

72.  What is the purpose of the advertisement?

        (A) To reveal a product release date

        (B) To announce a talent show

        (C) To find volunteers for a focus group

        (D) To explain details of a warranty

73.  What bonus is mentioned?

        (A) A raffle ticket

        (B) A coupon

        (C) Travel reimbursement

        (D) Free shipping

74.  Where is the speaker?

        (A) At a hotel

        (B) At a travel agency

        (C) On a train

        (D) In an airport

75.  What will happen at the company tomorrow?

        (A) New furniture will arrive.

        (B) Some clients will visit.

        (C) A new employee will be introduced.

        (D) Some computer software will be updated.

76.  Why does the speaker say, “Paul lived in Spain for ten years”?

        (A) To recommend a colleague for a task

        (B) To suggest a travel destination

        (C) To express surprise about an anniversary date

        (D) To correct a date-entry error

77.  What is the announcement about?

        (A) A new sales team

        (B) An outdoor work space

        (C) A branch office

        (D) A marketing campaign

78.  What can the listeners find on the company Web site?

        (A) A newspaper article

        (B) A video demonstration

        (C) An architectural plan

        (D) A revised policy

79.  According to the speaker, what have some people expressed concern about?

        (A) A work schedule

        (B) A completion date

        (C) Internet connectivity

        (D) Parking availability

80.  Where are the listeners?

        (A) At a trade show

        (B) At a fund-raising banquet

        (C) On a company retreat

        (D) On a city tour

81.  What does the speaker imply when she says, “tickets are sold out”?

        (A) An event has been rescheduled.

        (B) An activity is popular.

        (C) A ticket office is closed.

        (D) A refund will be issued.

82.  What does the speaker remind the listeners to bring?

        (A) An umbrella

        (B) A pair of comfortable shoes

        (C) An identification card

        (D) A receipt for payment

83.  What kind of service is being advertised?

        (A) Office cleaning

        (B) Tailoring

        (C) Grocery delivery

        (D) Landscaping

84.  How can the listeners start using a service?

        (A) By visiting a local shop

        (B) By scheduling a consultation

        (C) By calling a telephone number

        (D) By creating an account online

85.  What special promotion is available?

        (A) A free gift

        (B) A money-back guarantee

        (C) A membership upgrade

        (D) A personalized price quote

86.  What is the purpose of the talk?

        (A) To thank project volunteers

        (B) To explain an event schedule

        (C) To introduce a new employee

        (D) To welcome a guest speaker

87.  According to the speaker, why might the listeners be familiar with Ms. Wang?

        (A) She starred in a television show.

        (B) She won a journalism award.

        (C) She used to be an intern at the company.

        (D) She has relatives who work for the company.

88.  What event are the listeners encouraged to attend?

        (A) A board meeting

        (B) A theater performance

        (C) A training session

        (D) A staff luncheon

89.  Who will be featured at Saturday’s event?

        (A) Sculptors

        (B) Musicians

        (C) Authors

        (D) Comedians

90.  What is money being raised for?

        (A) An after-school program

        (B) A sports tournament

        (C) A building improvement project

        (D) A health clinic

91.  Why are volunteers needed?

        (A) To set up equipment

        (B) To sell tickets

        (C) To donate food

        (D) To direct traffic

92.  Which field does the speaker most likely work in?

        (A) Film production

        (B) Interior design

        (C) Computer programming

        (D) Broadcast journalism

93.  What improvement did the speaker make?

        (A) She hired more staff.

        (B) She used different software.

        (C) She changed some colors.

        (D) She talked to a specialist.

94.  Why does the speaker say, “I’m having some trouble uploading the file”?

        (A) To request some new equipment

        (B) To complain about a policy

        (C) To ask for help

        (D) To explain a delay

95.  Where does the speaker most likely work?

        (A) At a bookshop

        (B) At an electronics store

        (C) At a home-improvement store

        (D) At a clothing store

96.  What will happen next Tuesday?

        (A) New inventory will arrive.

        (B) The store will close for a holiday.

        (C) New employees will begin working.

        (D) A district manager will visit.

97.  Look at the graphic. What job will the speaker do tomorrow?

        (A) Greeter

        (B) Sales representative

        (C) Cashier

        (D) Stock clerk

98.  Why is the speaker traveling?

        (A) He is taking a vacation.

        (B) He is making a delivery.

        (C) He is inspecting properties.

        (D) He is conducting training.

99.  Look at the graphic. Which item number should the listener order?

        (A) NT-105

        (B) FF-200

        (C) A-888

        (D) C-250

100. What does the speaker say will happen next week?

        (A) Some prices will be discounted.

        (B) Some job applicants will be interviewed.

        (C) A new product will be released.

        (D) An office will move to a new location.

Answer Key

Answer Key

01. (C)   02. (A)   03. (A)   04. (B)   05. (C)

06. (C)   07. (A)   08. (A)   09. (A)   10. (B)

11. (A)   12. (A)   13. (C)   14. (B)   15. (B)

16. (A)   17. (C)   18. (C)   19. (B)   20. (B)

21. (A)   22. (B)   23. (C)   24. (A)   25. (B)

26. (A)   27. (C)   28. (A)   29. (C)   30. (B)

31. (A)   32. (A)   33. (C)   34. (D)   35. (C)

36. (A)   37. (C)   38. (B)   39. (B)   40. (D)

41. (D)   42. (B)   43. (A)   44. (B)   45. (D)

46. (A)   47. (B)   48. (D)   49. (A)   50. (A)

51. (D)   52. (C)   53. (D)   54. (C)   55. (B)

56. (A)   57. (B)   58. (D)   59. (D)   60. (D)

61. (A)   62. (C)   63. (D)   64. (A)   65. (C)

66. (B)   67. (D)   68. (A)   69. (B)   70. (D)

71. (A)   72. (C)   73. (B)   74. (D)   75. (B)

76. (A)   77. (B)   78. (C)   79. (C)   80. (D)

81. (B)   82. (C)   83. (C)   84. (D)   85. (A)

86. (C)   87. (B)   88. (D)   89. (D)   90. (C)

91. (A)   92. (A)   93. (C)   94. (D)   95. (D)

96. (A)   97. (C)   98. (D)   99. (A)   100. (B)